On the only important issue, Democrats and Republicans are no different.
That issue is: a continuation of the current economic paradigm which is rigged in favor of privilege.
The main purpose of the ostensible split between what is essentially one corporatist Party is to distract the public with the illusion of choice all the while the only significant issue remains unchanged.
In practice, this illusion of difference has come to be understood in terms of a sort of mythology of character differences.
Democrats want to be seen as universal, honest, fiscally responsible, socially conscious, moral and ethical. Democrats are portrayed by the other side as equivocators, weak, profligates, baby-killers, elitists.
Republicans want to be seen as strong, traditional, Christian, pragmatic, informed. Republicans are protrayed by the other side as violent, narrow-minded, bigoted, wealth-centric, etc.
In practice, both behave essentially the same way, and the character differences are spurious at best. Democrats bomb and kill foreigners with the same terrible vigor as Republicans. Republicans vacillate on issues as the polls shift just as Democrats do. Both support policies of death -- one of the unborn and the foreign-born, one of the foreign-born and wearing down the other side.
But, when you get down to it, there is one essential character of American that both Parties are beholden to perpetuate: that is the radical concentration of wealth in a very few hands, and continuation down same path.
Hope this helps. I know it's cynical, but that's where we are right now. We have two corrupt parties. An uninformed or underinformed public due to consolidated corporate media, etc.
We have strayed far from the intent of the Founding Fathers in some ways. However, in that essential question above, we are in line exactly with the Founding Fathers, who set up the Constitution with the rule that only Aristocrats that owned vast property could participate in the government, from voting on up into office.
So, we have a lot of work to do. We probably need a legitimate political party that has not sold out.
2006-12-30 11:09:28
answer #1
answered by Murphy 3
the basic differences between republican and democrat is: republicans are ruled by law and democrates are ruled by majority. for example, 2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner, thats a democracy. truth be told, the very concept of republican and democrat is just a front for the powers that be. making us feel like we have a say in the leadership of our country. our leaders are picked and are only pawns in the game. its all so the complacent american public has a good sleep and gets up to go to work in the morning til the time comes for "end game". this is a term they actualy use. read more, open your eyes. infowars.com
2006-12-30 19:18:40
answer #2
answered by xxNBTROUBLExx 1
What is a republican government?
The government of Rome was called a republican government. The Founders read that republican government was one in which:
The power of government is held by the people.
The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve their interests.
The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people.
If anyone should doubt that the Republican Party is accepting of the very elements they denounce in the Democratic Party, they need look no farther than the current Bush administration. Among the appointments made by President George Bush are two men who were heavily involved in Iran/Contra. John M. Poindexter, Bush's head of the Information Awareness Office, was convicted of conspiracy, false statements, destruction and removal of records, and obstruction of Congress. The convictions were overturned by an appellate court on the grounds Poindexter had been granted immunity in his testimony on the matter before Congress. Elliot Abrams, Bush's director of the National Security Council's office for democracy, human rights and international operations, pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress. President George H. W. Bush pardoned him. This is irrefutable evidence of the double standard that exists within the Republican Party. It does not take much imagination to understand what the Republican Party stance toward President Clinton would have been had he appointed two men with such backgrounds.
“What is a Democrat?” Well, here is why I am a Democrat.
1) I don’t ever want to force a twelve-year old rape victim to carry the child of her attacker.
2) I firmly believe in the separation of church and state because to do otherwise would be to snub our heritage and destroy one of the strongest stones in our countries foundation.
3) I am not so arrogant as to believe that I know best how individuals and families should deal with their own personal privacy issues.
4) I believe that tolerance is a founding principle that goes well beyond religion and embodies the spirit of equal rights and justice for all.
5) I believe there are more religions in heaven and on earth than Christianity.
6) I am more afraid of what we can do to ourselves than what can be done onto us.
7) I believe in our freedom and the accompanying costs and responsibilities that it demands on each and every one of us.
8) I believe family values cannot be defined by an intolerant minority and have no right being placed into legislation.
9) I cannot in good conscience support the death penalty when the basis of our justice system says that it is better to let ten guilty men go free than to put one innocent man behind bars.
10) I believe that Social Security is a national security issue and must be protected.
11) I believe that quality affordable healthcare and excellence in education are essential to building a strong America.
12) I believe in the right to keep and arm bears, but that the bears must be trained and licensed responsibly and act accordingly.
13) I believe that merely treating the symptoms of anything bad will never cure the cause and not all ills will simply cure themselves over time regardless of the size of the band aid or the pill prescribed.
14) I believe in free and fair trade with the emphasis on fair and I define fair as adhering to a high environmental and labor practices standard.
15) I believe that the world we live in is my home and I do not want my home raped and pillaged.
16) I believe that the past deserves our honor, but the future deserves our respect and due diligence.
2006-12-30 19:12:25
answer #3
answered by dstr 6
Democrats - opposed to anything Bush says or does. Hard liners are sometimes so far out there, to to the point of being anti-American. Appear to be ashamed to be Americans. Apologizes for being Americans to everyone but Republicans.
Republicans - opposed to anything printed in the New York Times.
2006-12-30 19:25:52
answer #4
answered by c.s. 4
The main differences are in the size of government. Democrates want a large government where the state dictates what people do. Republicans favor a smaller government with less rules and regulations. A small government allows more opportunity and freedom whereas a large government provides more job security.
2006-12-30 19:00:44
answer #5
answered by caballero5792 4
This is my answer to a similar question, chosen as best answer.
Replace Right with Republican and Left With Democrat
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Right and Left refer to the political spectrum. Think of it as line of deliniation, as you move right on the line you move toward conservatism, as you move left you move toward liberalism. At the extreme ends of each you have Facism on the right and Communism on the left. Some have theorized that it actually isn't a line but a circle and as you go further left or right you end up meeting at the same point, as there is little difference between true Communism and Facism.
American politics is typically somewhere near the center, with some examples of extemists. Typical American examples of the difference between Right and Left thinking might be:
Right: Free-market economy Left: Redistrubution of wealth
R: Lassiez-faire government L: Interventionist Gov
R: Individualism L: Collectivism
R: Traditional Values L: Broad lifestyle choices
R: Nationalism L: Internationalism
The fact is except for some extremists on both sides, most Americans fall into a moderate or centrist classification. Not everyone in either party truly believe in everything there political party professes.
However, and this is just my opinion from years of life and politics, there are more liberals that follow the exact party-line than conservatives. Conservatives tend to have one or two "hot button" issues that make them Republican, while most liberals embrace everything the Democratic party spouts. Myself I am a republican, I believe in individual rights, I believe in lasseiz-fair government, I am a nationalist, I don't believe in many of the "hot button" issues, I'm not christian, I don't care who you want to love and marry, I do believe our healthcare system needs to be reformed, I'm pro-choice, I'm pro stem cell research and I want to expell all foreign invaders from our soil. My politics straddle both sides of the fence. As should yours, don't get sucked into the party system vote with your head and your heart.
2006-12-30 18:54:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Most Democrats are "liberal" and most Republicans are "conservative." In "The Federal Courts, Politics, and the Rule of Law," by John C. Hughes (published 1995), it says:
"In the contemporary political context, those who fear conformity have tended to describe themselves as liberal and have tended to applaud judicial 'protection' of human rights. Those who fear diversity have tended to call themselves conservatives and have been appalled by judicial 'usurpation' of the majority's discretion to form the kind of community it finds most conducive to its own happiness. The former tends to approve of the expansive theories of constitutional interpretation, while the latter tends to prefer the restrained theories of judicial review. These alignments are neither perfect nor inevitable, but the debate has surely been shrill."
2006-12-30 18:54:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The most important thing to Republicans is their wallet.
The most important thing to Democrats is raising the minimum wage (duh).
You tell me the difference...
Actually Murphy B. below me is on the money...
2006-12-30 19:05:53
answer #8
answered by The Dave 2
You probably should have asked this question before you posted this answer:
Mark's answer is as good as any.
2006-12-30 19:04:16
answer #9
answered by ? 7
Democrats= socialist blacks and mexicans who can't take responsibility for their lives and must blame white people to cope with their inadequacies.
Reoublicans= Americans who rely on themselves, (GOOD BUNCH OF PEOPLE)
2006-12-30 18:55:15
answer #10
answered by E 2