to prove a fool wrong just because of a 5 year trainning experience...
---the first DHs that came out are a bit lame but when used wisely can prove destructive
--clock tower prison is good for DH deck not only does it have a good effect when it has 4 counters but when it is destroyed with the counters dreadmaster can be special summoned
--D-shields will also help maybe 2 of them
--one DH-dreadmaster will do
--DH-defender is good id put 2 in the deck
--2 or 3 DH-blade master to boost the atks of youd DH since they are relatively weak monsters
--a DH-fear monger will do since the effect can only summon a few good DHs (dasher, defender, dreadmaster...)
--DH-captain tenacious will be good only if it were equipped with the D-shield so that it will not die and keep returning the destroyed DHs like fear monger and dasher
--DH-dasher is powerful on the field and grave id put 2 in there and one reload to use its effect when it is in the grave
--the warrior returning alive spell card will be very helpful and draining shield
--1 or 2 D-spirits will be good to special summon one DH to save you a normal summon
--DH-diamond dude can be useful in cycling your deck if needed so id put 1 for its effect as well as its atk
--dark city is also good it works just like sky scraper (it will be good for dasher, diamond dude,...). destiny mirage will be good for the deck to get back those DHs destroyed by vortex or the monarch
--D-chain not really into it but if you like its fine nice effect like an equip spell plus burn
---the quicker you are the better that is why i left out DH-doom lord you will need support cards for your deck like maybe a marauding captian or 2 (if allowed) will be good for the deck it speeds up your summoning of DH-dogma which i forgot to mention that should be in the deck
---DH-double dude is a good card the bad part is that its a 6 star so work it out together with D-spirit and dark city (double atk double the fun)
---exiled force will make a good support also turning your deck into a warrior deck if you like or sangan to speed up search and thin up that deck for speedy drawing of DOGMA or reinforcement of the army...
----the rest i leave for your creativity. DHs do not rely on fusions which makes things more "realistic" as one of the posts would say than the situational EH. the tv show is there to give fun ideas and to market the cards. it is not impossible to do the combos but with stronger cards out there it is difficult to pull off. go make your DH deck and see what happens
----dont be like old dogs that cant be taught new tricks that is what makes card games fun
2007-01-01 20:08:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
dont try to make one if u know whats good for u, ppl get fooled cuz they see those decks on tv and they look good but they are not real life tournament material, they are just made to follow personalities and themes, but go to local tournaments, they are not even used, except for amatures who never win a match. those type of cards DH, EH etc suck cuz theyr weak on their own, sure u may say that they got combos, but why wait or a combo if ur monster has an effect that can protect himself or do something, which is not the case of the EH and DH specially the EH, comeon!! burtinatrix only has 1200 and no effect? the fusions level 7 or so have only 25 or 2600 u cant win with those pieces of crap u see?
2006-12-30 14:39:57
answer #2
answered by c.c. 3
if u were to make a dh or a eh deck on its own it would be poor as poor can be but if u learn your cards and learn stratagies it can be very good u need to have lots of traps and spells in a deck like this to be able to keep your weak monsters on the field a definate yes is mirror force ,swords of revealing light , lightning vortex cards that destroy your opponents monsters or stop them from attacking and as for the girl with 5 years exp dont listen to her
2007-01-02 05:01:33
answer #3
answered by cuscus 1
properly there's a deck observed as Diamond Dude rapid (DDT). lol i'm no longer precisely specific a thank you to make one so somebody else will in all probability placed up a million or you may look them up. yet yeah, DDT is centred on Diamond Dude and his result so which you will velocity by way of your deck and use regularly occurring spells freed from charge.
2016-12-31 08:32:21
answer #4
answered by ? 3
The one on yugioh
2006-12-30 12:16:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous