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My family believe that "we" are haunted, apparently; 19 years ago we was living in a house and there was a ghost of a little boy on the stairs glowing yellow, and alot of my family members have claimed to seen the ghost.

We moved house when I was 3, and my parents and sisters have still seen it. I'm not sure if i've seen it or not but once I was checking my hair in the mirror (which faces the bottom of the stairs where "it" allways sits" and I saw a faint yellow glow start to move up the stairs really slowly, and I turned round it was gone.
Now we moved house a month ago and we put a mirror at the bottom of the stairs, and I saw the same glow that I did once before in the reflection of the mirror behind me as I was coming down the stairs.

So will this ghost follow us every time we move? Or is it following one of us? Before it was Me my Parents and 2 sisters, now it is me and my parents my sisters have moved out... What can I expect to happen?

Answers very much appreciated. Thank

2006-12-30 09:01:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

17 answers

A Ghost's locus of appearance can be an event, a place, an object or people.

If the ghost has followed you then it is either following an object or it is following someone in your family.

The most famous ghost that followed objects was Mary Queen of Scots who was executed in the great hall of Fothiringay (excuse spelling) castle. Her ghost was often reported haunting the great hall. When the castle was renovated the wooden panelling was sold to a local pub. Her spirit followed the panelling and the reports of sightings started coming from the pub. Just like her to be among the malt spirits.

If the ghost is following an object you'll need to find out if there is any furniture taken from the haunted house. Where did the mirror at the foot of the stairs come from?

If there is no object then the ghost has attached itself to your family or a family member. The best known examples of ghosts attaching themselves to families are the Irish banshees that weep and wail when a member of their adopted family dies. It may be that he likes your company.

As for the future it sounds like he is a harmless little chap. He hasn't tripped people or switched lights on or off. You'll probably keep on glimpsing him. He may wake you if danger threatens. Doesn't sound like he is out for revenge or guarding hidden treasure. Ghosts also do make great conversation topics.

If he disturbs you then call in a medium to help him move on.

2006-12-30 20:04:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off: Do you naturally believe in paranormal phenomena or is it just because of the dream with your mom? That's very important when dissecting this sort of issue. Well, the main thing to remember is that many hundreds of thousands of people believe that their houses, restaurants, etc. are haunted. However, very few of them actually are. I will not dismiss the fact that you may indeed have a haunted house, but some things to think about first: Did you ever have preconceived notions against moving into that particular house? At any point, did you feel like it wasn't the right place for you, or that you wanted to find something better? If so, this could be a manifestation of those doubts about your house. If not, then I say do a little bit of research. Generally here in the US it isn't very hard to find out about the people that lived in a house before anyone new moves in, but I have not lived in London in years, so I don't remember how things work over there. Also, have any other weird things been happening? I'm talking about "cold spots" in the house, like areas where it's a bone-chilling cold, whereas the rest of the house is pleasant and warm? How about things moving position? An example of that is if you find a picture you sat on a desk face down when you walk back into a room later. Strange things like that are what to look for, and they start out small and get progressively bigger in boldness and blatancy. If there has been any other sort of other strange phenomena going on, I say call in an expert. I don't know who you could contact in that area, but it wouldn't be too hard to find. Just be very careful that you don't hire a scam artists. I am sorry for your loss dear, and I hope this helps you in any way. :) Best of luck to you and yours.

2016-05-22 21:50:12 · answer #2 · answered by Teresa 4 · 0 0

Usually a ghost claims a patch of land or a home.
I never heard of them following the family. However I would suggest finding a house blessing and have the whole family participate just in case. This site has one
http://www.stcharleschurch.org/faith/prayer/houseblessing.htm there are others out there but I find this one more reliable. The new year is the perfect time to bless your house.
Happy New Year!!

2006-12-30 09:07:34 · answer #3 · answered by Tapestry6 7 · 0 0

Most ghosts/spirits are connected to something. Sometimes a ghosts will become connected to a human, and will follow them wherever they go. So it is normal for a ghost to follow your family by moving. It might just be one person the ghost is following or even a object that the family has taken along with them throughout all the moves.

2006-12-30 18:43:02 · answer #4 · answered by Lo 4 · 0 0

there are many different types of spirits
there seems to be a particular type of ghost (although they usually stay in one certain home) that most call a "checker." Where there is little children in the home, this ghost (usually taking on the form of a young woman) will walk up and down stairs, and check on young children at night when they are in their beds to make sure that all is well. there is also nertral spirits, which are house spirits as well...whichever kind of energy is brough into the house...from positive loving energy to hateful negative energy, the neutral spirit will take this on, this spirit is usually a dark shadown but never an ourline, as in a person. there are also the "protectors." you will find these in new homes almost immediately upon moving in, they are usually the shadow spirits who live in the corners. teenagers and young adults with a high activity level bring on their own energy level of spirit, which can physically manifest itself. don't forget that we are all energetic human beings. every time we feel sad, lonely, happy, excited, we emit energy that can be scientifically measured.
a mirror can be used for alot of things...yes, it can be a portal, but that is usually when you are asking for spirit to enter in.... it can also be used to find your hidden self, or part of the self.
don't forget the animal spirits that may inhabit your home, as protectors, there are many levels of spirits, angels, and guides.
I wish you well in relating to yours

2006-12-30 09:57:02 · answer #5 · answered by amber 5 · 0 0

That is unusual. All the reports I have read have had the ghosts staying in a place where they felt comfortable or connected. Maybe your ghost died in your first house, but felt comfortable with your family and decided to follow. I really don't know. It will be interesting to see if it follows you when you move out. Or maybe your mother reminded him of his mother.

2006-12-30 09:07:10 · answer #6 · answered by Purdey EP 7 · 0 0

I believe ghosts are demons and they like to cohabit a place were something abd happen to it: This is called a territorial stronghold. Usually called hauntings. "Stronghold" Greek strong's fortress, or prison-fortified place. 2 Cor 10:3-5. Soemtimes times the demons will follow the person around and attach itself to a person.

2006-12-30 11:00:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends on if the ghost is intelligent or just a kind of recording replaying. Intelligent ghosts might follow people around that they enjoy, or stay put in a home they liked. Recorded history doesn't go anywhere.

2006-12-30 09:22:55 · answer #8 · answered by TransDude78 3 · 0 0

Anything you expect will happen..........

Obviously there is a energy that is able to travel and be seen by your family. Lucky you! Seeing energy is not all the bad stuff it is made out to be. I would get a hold of a person that knows how to work with such energy. It is possible this energy just needs to know that it can go into the afterlife.

2006-12-30 09:28:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Ghosts" can be attached to places, but they can also be attached to people and objects. Just curious, is it the same mirror? Any way it goes, if I were you I would try to contact the spirit and convince it to move to the light where it belongs. Sad to have an earth-bound spirit, especially a child. Please try to help him.

2006-12-30 10:03:17 · answer #10 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 0 0

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