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My boyfriend and I are going to see a movie tonight and he has left it up to me to decide which one. I mostly like happy movies and comedies. He prefers slightly darker ones. So, can anybody recommend us a movie?

2006-12-30 08:30:13 · 9 answers · asked by Jennifer 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

9 answers

Night at the Museum will get some laughs at least, but I'd recommend Children of Men or Letters From Iwo Jima if you live anywhere they are playing.

2006-12-30 08:37:55 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

I really recommend watching The Holiday. I saw it last weekend, and it was a great movie!

2006-12-30 16:38:19 · answer #2 · answered by horsegirl22 3 · 2 0

1.) Unaccompanied Minors
Comedy-it's like 5 kids stuck in an airport without their parents and all the flights are canceled. The kids are tricking the security guards and everything. Great laughing moments.

2.) Blood Diamond
Adventure-Leonardo DiCaprio is a diamond smuggler in Africa. Lots of gore, bloody. As you would describe "darker"

3.) Apocalypto
Action/Adventure-I haven't seen this myself so I'll put a movie description I found:

Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.

4.) Eragon
Action-Even though it's action, it's not as dark as some would think it was. It's about a village boy and he finds this dragon egg and raises it. His uncle is killed by a "shade" (like a evil spirit/ghost) so he has an adventure trying to avenge his uncle.

5.) Happy Feet
Comedy-More kids see this than teens, but its a great laugh. It's about animated penguins and this one kid penguin who's dream is to dance.

6.) The Nativity Story
Drama/Religion-Its bacially the biblical story of Mary and Joseph traveling together, and Jesus.

7.) Deck the Halls
Comedy-Haven't seen this one so here's a description:
Steve (Matthew Broderick), a suburban dad and Christmas enthusiast, leads a well-ordered, well-planned, and well-organized life. His new neighbor, Buddy (Danny DeVito), is Steve's polar opposite: a big personality with big dreams, which have yet to materialize. But Buddy's latest dream - to create the biggest holiday light display in the world, visible from outer space - is turning Steve's disciplined world into a chaotic nightmare. As Buddy's home explodes with festive lights of incredible design, increasing complexity, and exponentially-growing wattage, Steve becomes a man on a mission. At any cost, he will thwart Buddy - or top him.

8.) Santa Clause 3: The Escape Claus
Comedy: Its a sequal from the Santa Claus 1 and 2. Just incase you haven't seen the 1 and 2, basically a working dad and his son accidentally yell at Santa Claus when the son hears someone on the roof, make Santa slip and fall to his death in the snow, and the dad automatically becomes Santa Claus, according to the Santa Clause (notice its "clause" like the law statement, not "claus" as in the Santa guy, ho ho ho merry christmas). Now, in this movie, Jack Frost challenges Santa for the title, saying he can be a better Santa.

9.) Dreamgirls
Drama/Performing Arts: Haven't seen it, sorry, here's the description:
Effie White, Deena Jones, and Lorrell Robinson - three friends from Chicago - are a promising singing trio called The Dreamettes. Accompanied by their songwriter C.C. White (Effie's brother), they travel to New York to compete in a talent show at the Apollo Theatre. Although the girls lose this first bid for fame, their talent attracts an ambitious manager by the name of Curtis Taylor, Jr., who uses unscrupulous tactics to move the girls from backup singers of superstar James "Thunder" Early to superstars of their own. Curtis reshapes the group to "crossover" from R & B to the lucrative pop music scene. Lead singer Effie gets replaced by the more attractive Deena and is eventually dropped from the trio. The group evolves into a more sophisticated group, The Dreams, with a lighter sound and chic look. They successfully attract a "whiter" audience and The Dreams rise to international stardom. The money, fame, and adulation, however, doesn't bring them happiness.

10.) The Departed
Action packed Thriller: here's the description:
'The Departed' is set in South Boston, where the state police force is waging war on organized crime. Young undercover cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) is assigned to infiltrate the mob syndicate run by gangland chief Costello (Jack Nicholson). While Billy is quickly gaining Costello's confidence, Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon), a hardened young criminal who has infiltrated the police department as an informer for the syndicate, is rising to a position of power in the Special Investigation Unit. Each man becomes deeply consumed by his double life, gathering information about the plans and counter-plans of the operations he has penetrated. But when it becomes clear to both the gangsters and the police that there's a mole in their midst, Billy and Colin are suddenly in danger of being caught and exposed to the enemy -- and each must race to uncover the identity of the other man in time to save himself.

2006-12-30 16:44:22 · answer #3 · answered by ok_go_kid 3 · 1 0

A night in the musiem, happy feet ,charlettes web. Those are good movies.

2006-12-30 16:32:01 · answer #4 · answered by kitty 6 · 0 1

Go see that one by Mel Gibson...Apocalypse or something like that, I'm going to see Pan's Labyrinth tonight, it should be a good one also.

2006-12-30 16:34:05 · answer #5 · answered by Honeypai 4 · 0 2

i saw the pursuit of happyness, and it was really sad sometimes but there are a few funny parts.

when i was watching it, it seemed to go on for a loooong time. its really cute though, with will smith co-acting with his own kid....

have fun 2night whatever you choose!

2006-12-30 16:32:57 · answer #6 · answered by julesrules714 2 · 0 2

go with the pursuit of happyness, it has will smith so there are likely to be jokes, and it is a story about one man's struggle to support his son, so your boyfriend might like that

2006-12-30 16:34:57 · answer #7 · answered by limallama 4 · 0 2

Please go see Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller...Robin Williams..... Simply Terrific you will not be dissapointed

2006-12-30 16:32:20 · answer #8 · answered by SanDiego21 2 · 1 1


2006-12-30 16:34:58 · answer #9 · answered by azndevilz2791 2 · 0 2

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