I am lost... It's that time I fancy some change with my hair (happens from time to time ;-) ). I just don't know what to do, don't have much choice really. I have really thin hair and my face is round/squareish, if you know what I mean. My forehead is normal, not small, not too big.
I find that when my hair is blonde it appears to look a bit thicker than when I had my natural, ash blonde colour.
I just find I'm never really happy with my hair. It's so flyaway and flat, even if I style it, it goes flat after a few hours anyway.. when I straighten it it looks even flatter and thinner and...oh, I don't know!
I have shoulder lenght, slightly layered, highlighted hair at the moment.
Please help! :-)
14 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
All the smarmy answers are a pain in the butt. I can sympathize with you problem. I have exactly the same dilemma, and am constantly jealous of other peoples gorgeous hair. Anyhow, I found this, and a good website for you to check out. Good Luck!!
the top five cuts for any type of fine hair are:
The Bob - in its thousands of variations. A short bob (ear-lobe length) made my hair look super-healthy and about twice as abundant as it really is. Unfortunately, I didn't care for how it worked with my heart-shaped face. A longer bob was better.
The Chop - in basic bob-length with irregular ends. It gave my fine, sparse hair both style and shape and was easy to maintain, when cut above the shoulders. It worked lots better than a totally blunt cut, which looked limp and lacked dimension.
The Cap Cut - with its all-bangs approach. Best for petite or oval facial shapes.
The Crop - which really refers to any short, tapered cut. Crops look cool on younger women; if you're over 45, watch out for what they do to your chin and neckline in profile. Also, short crops put so much focus on your eyes, they draw attention to less than flawless skin.
The Lightly Layered Mid-length - You can go just to or even below the shoulder with a smart shape and regular trims. A cut like this, from Minardi Salon in NYC, is my best cut yet. It brushes my shoulders, is cut on a slightly diagonal-forward moving line at the sides and contains a few, light layers, which provide volume when I blow dry my hair.
2006-12-29 22:18:08
answer #1
answered by bon b 4
My hair used to look very thin (also ash blonde) and is very fluffy and flyaway, and I was never happy with it. I tried putting it up in an elegant bun for a while, with a few curls around my face, because then noone could see how thin it was.
It has since thickened (or has appeared to) after the following:
Cod liver oil regularly - which helps nourish the hair from within (avocado oil has similar porperties if you're veggie).
Using Pantene regenium for aging hair (which mine isn't, being only 27, but it seems to thrive on the stuff anyway!) both shampoo and conditioner.
L'Oreal shine boost in the orange bottle, which smooths and glosses hair, and also Pantene curl boosting gel spray - which adds volume (not just curls - you can still style it straight if you want).
Lastly, if you do style it regularly, make sure you're caring for it properly at all times - try using Vitapointe on it as soon as you've styled it, it'll give it a lovely shine and life, will keep it healthy and isn't greasy.
Why not pop into a hairdresser and see if they think a permanent styling would be good for your look or bad for your hair... Maybe an elegant bob would suit you, or lots of curls.
Play with the styles on your avatar and see what looks right! ;)
2006-12-30 06:29:27
answer #2
answered by SilverSongster 4
hey, I had the same problem, my hair is well thin and to be honest i got fed up with it.
I decided to have it shaped feathered and shaped around my face, most celebrities have it and mine only cost me £16.00!!!!
cheap or what??
It is good as it makes your hair look a lot thicker than it really is and it also suits all coloured hair but I think it particulay suits blonde hair which is what I am.
If you are happy with your coloure then all's OK, but if not then why not try to dye it as well !!!!
2006-12-30 07:20:11
answer #3
answered by princetongirl818 1
dont straighten ur hair if it is so thin
better use volume up mouse and blow it dry with ur head down
let it be more natural as this always lets hair look thicker
dont use conditioners
2006-12-30 06:17:10
answer #4
answered by athina68 4
Don't use conditioner in the shower. use a light spray product. (Biologe hydrating. ) use a curling iron and just at the root. Careful not to burn your scalp! Mist with a fine spray (areosol) and fluff until it dries.
2006-12-30 06:12:22
answer #5
answered by daisyjzmum 4
Try a soft perm it will give you body and then style as prefured or blow dry to suit your taste hope this helps you good luck
2006-12-30 06:43:27
answer #6
answered by sukito 6
-shorter haircut
-try a POB (posh bob)
-use volumising shampoo and conditioner
-when drying your hair, dry it upside down
-highlight your hair (blend 2 shades, creates an illussion of thick hair
-use anti-frizz spray or serum for glossy effect and to prevent fly-aways
2006-12-30 06:15:12
answer #7
answered by digitalfortress 3

thats layered and highlighted.
2006-12-30 06:08:34
answer #8
answered by Brooks C 2
Choppy textured layers are your best bet
2006-12-30 06:11:27
answer #9
answered by selysammi 3
i think layers and some high lights, and maybe low lights. and short, if its thin, dont try to grow it out,it wont look healty, trust me, i know, ive tryed it.
hmm, maybe try someting wavy, or curly. yea, i think that ight look nice =] .
2006-12-30 06:55:15
answer #10
answered by jauryd 1