Yes, because a piece of us feels that something was left unresolved. I think the wrong ones are the most difficult to get over because, even though we know that they are wrong, we stay around in the hopes that we can make them right and turn those people into the people that we wish they were. When it ends, it feels like we left an unfinished project (or something like that).
2006-12-29 21:46:52
answer #1
answered by T!ff 1
You sound like you're doing the right thing by trying not to head into that web site to see what he's been up to. That'll only hurt you more. I'd suggest finding a real live male friend, either through a dating site, or wherever, the gym, volunteer for something you're interested in, animal shelter, hospital...where you can meet others. Once you find other things to get involved with, you'll forget about this guy. Just keep reminding yourself that it wasn't right in the beginning "almost from jump". You deserve someone who's right for you. Go find him. He's out there, and I wish you the best. It's not easy getting over someone you've loved.
2006-12-30 05:48:15
answer #2
answered by babbles 5
I've been there. my first (and so far, only boyfriend) was completely not right for me, and I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him. But I found after I broke up with him, that I actually missed him, which I didn't think possible. I don't get it, but I know it happens LOL Just think about what made you break up, and that should be enough to displace whatever feelings you have left. It worked for me! LOL
2006-12-30 05:45:55
answer #3
answered by High On Life 5
YEs it's so difficult to get over someone if u loved him even if u know that he isn't the one for u
Love is blind
2006-12-30 05:48:13
answer #4
answered by MoaazZ 1
i think you need a good man, a real guy you could meet and talk to. dont go crazy over someone you dont even really know or your eyes havent met yet. pray about it. the right guy will meet you and forget this one.
2006-12-30 05:43:53
answer #5
answered by cloud 1
i think u shud be able to ovecome it. be strong, dont let him win over u. its not diff at all specially when u know hes not right for u.
2006-12-30 05:54:57
answer #6
answered by cacorreia 2
No u are very much clear , keep it up , otherwise u will become a Joke.
2006-12-30 05:43:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous