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There's this girl i've been going out with lately. I only knew she liked me after she saw me at a party with another girl and she got jealous. i've only known her for a short while, but i know she has a close friend (i'm not sure if he's her boyfriend), but i've met him before i went out with her and they didnt touch or anything, though she's known him longer than me. She tells me he buys her stuff and he's nice. But when we go out, she lets me rest my head on her shoulder, put my arm around / over her, play with her hair and she gives me hugs (i'm really close to kissing her). She's pretty open and tells me some intimate stuff about herself and we can both joke about sexual stuff.

She was sick recently and she didnt want me to see her sick but i know the other guy visited once because she said he gave her a christmas present. So i'm not really sure where i stand in all this. What do you think?

2006-12-29 21:17:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

10 answers

I think you are over thinking this. Ask the girl. She prolly looked and felt like Poop and didn't want you to see her, tho did not care if he saw her - much like she would feel about a brother, no?
Anyway, we can't answer this for you only she can.

Good luck, HTH

2006-12-29 21:20:44 · answer #1 · answered by Star 5 · 0 0

It's More Likely That What You Do...The Other Guy Does Too. So My Friend This Girl Is Probably In It For Herself Indicating That O Yea He Buys Me Stuff...He's Nice. And She's Telling You All This. She Loves Attention And She Ain't A One Man's Girl...That's For Sure Dude. And Another Thang Don't Buy This Hood Rat A Thang Yo!!!
But Then Again I Could Be Wrong

2006-12-29 21:23:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure what it is I really think, but most girls don't want any guy that they really like, or may want to see on a romantic level, seeing them in any unattractive state. Especially if they have a cold. Emotions of jealousy can determine alot about a person. I think it depends alot on how she reacted from the gate upon seeing the other girl with you. You know your gut instincts, go with those and the answer will probably lie within. What do you think?

2006-12-29 21:42:52 · answer #3 · answered by Nellie 1 · 0 0

Both you and the other guy appear to be casual to this girl. I wouldn't invest too much in this one girl. At least not yet. Try to hold off on getting more emotionally involved until she gives you signals that she wants to be more exclusive.

Try getting to know some other girls or being slightly less available to this girl, or both. Don't read too much into her allowing you to be a little physical with her. People allow this kind of behavior without attaching significant meaning to it. She could just be a touchy-feely person and likes the attention.

Play it cool. And keep your feelings in check, at least for now.

2006-12-29 21:34:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you need to get some experience under your belt. Don't get serious until you know you. It sounds like she likes you but is not ready for anything serious. Chill out and develop the friendship with her. Hormones only last for a while, but a relationship built on friendship will endure.

2006-12-29 21:22:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you have to question where you stand then obviously not very close. Maybe she just likes the attention of males..maybe she has feelings for this other guy and cant or wont tell him and is using you as a cover. maybe shes making him jealous who knows but if you have to ask..then its not good

2006-12-29 21:20:53 · answer #6 · answered by me 2 · 0 0

First Ask questions and listen to your inner voice. We all can tell when something is not correct. Walk away man. You do not need to be played by anyone.
Take time to get a proper education then get a job and save some cash and enjoy living. women can smell money and will go in for the kill. Dose not mean they love that person. It means he can buy her things which makes her feel secure, while she sits home getting fatter and you soon you may get kicked to the curb.

Wait a second, was that me?

2006-12-29 21:25:15 · answer #7 · answered by peterfrady 1 · 0 2

You are on a plateform, whrein you could stay right if the relationship is taken up for short term. So far as your long term standing is concerned, you are nowhere! Sorry, something ______ unpleasing can only result!

2006-12-29 21:32:01 · answer #8 · answered by lakkar_pakkar 1 · 0 0

i really dont know 2 but i think that maybe she doesn't love u. look there's 2 possibilities-
1) she loves u and wants u but that guy loves her and she doesn't want 2 break his heart so she maintains friendship with him
2) she loves that guy and wants 2 make him jealous by going out with u and she may get things or stuffs with that guy but she can't get romance or sex with him so that's y she's going out with u coz with u she can romance and feel ur love for her

2006-12-29 21:26:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

maybe she feels if u see her lying sick u may leave her or something like that. see he is a frnd u will behave diffrently towards ur frnd n completely diffrently towards ur bf. so dont worry.

2006-12-29 21:22:45 · answer #10 · answered by cacorreia 2 · 0 0

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