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My BF Burned a baby picture of me! he was mad and now he tottaly regrets it! I mean alot I just am sooo HURT by it ! Baby pics are once in a lifetime OMG im crying soo MUCH! I feel like trash! what do I do!

2006-12-29 17:47:36 · 14 answers · asked by lilbigred12 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

14 answers

well you look preety danm happy to me!

2006-12-29 17:49:51 · answer #1 · answered by ~Strawberry Delight~ 2 · 0 1

Well for a while it is going to hurt. You should try to do things that up your mood for a while. One thing you need to think about is that even though you don't have the picture... atleast you have the memory. Plus, I understand it was important but it is just a picture and it will not kill you. Your life will keep going on. Try not to worry (even though I truely understand what you are going through). It is hard but that one picture is not going to ruin your whole life.... your life will keep going. Plus, things can happen to pictures.... but nothing (like fire) can take away your memories. I hope things get better for you. By the way, don't feel like trash.... You are better than that.

2006-12-30 01:56:09 · answer #2 · answered by Trixy 2 · 0 0

You need to get away from this guy. He has demonstrated that he looses control when he gets angry and one day he will beat the crap out of you for some little thing you did. It only gets worse, trust me. Guys who do things like this are ALWAYS soooo very sorry, right up until you do something else that pisses him off. Sorry but you've picked a bad guy to be involved with.

2006-12-30 02:00:36 · answer #3 · answered by Jim V 3 · 0 0

Tell him how you feel and how much it hurt you. I think you should always tell someone who hurt you or did something to yo how it made you feel so they know not to do it next time. Try it... it is hard, but worth it. Trust me!!

2006-12-30 01:52:03 · answer #4 · answered by Alicia 2 · 0 0

1.Learn to spell and use punctuation.

2. Get some self esteem.

2006-12-30 01:50:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If he was just mad and regrets it I would let it go..

2006-12-30 02:07:23 · answer #6 · answered by kulpbre 2 · 0 0

That's really F'd up now it's your turn to Break It Off!

2006-12-30 01:54:13 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

if he was mad, and now he totally regrets it.
let it go man.

he didn't mean it.
just don't trust him with your things, temper problems i swear.

don't you have other baby pics?

don't worry this will pass.

2006-12-30 01:51:27 · answer #8 · answered by CAT. 3 · 0 1

tell him how very upset u are and that he should think about the things he does before he does them and to respect ur personal and sentimental things from ur beloved child hood

2006-12-30 01:52:40 · answer #9 · answered by mar! 2 · 0 1

forgive him cuz i know he loves you and regrets it a lot.... dont be mad at him....sometimes our anger gets the best of us..

2006-12-30 04:00:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

leave the loser and find out if your family has more, he has control issues, and anger issues

2006-12-30 01:54:58 · answer #11 · answered by happyday to you 7 · 0 0

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