give a ring u love struck fool. even just to wish her all your love and support and hope she stays safe over seas at the war. U will hate yourself afterwards if u dont
2006-12-29 17:17:20
answer #1
answered by jafsil 2
You are going to have to tell her how you feel. It's either no go or me too. Then you can go about fixing your life and moving on. You didn't explain why you broke up but its been 9 mo. now. Its okay to feel bad for a while but again, it you can't fix it, save yourself the pain and move ahead.
2006-12-29 17:17:31
answer #2
answered by daisyjzmum 4
Well. There is no harm if you call your ex g/f. After all you loved her and she was also in your love. It was your first love and both of you enjoyed. I think you must go on loving again and you call her as early as possible. you love passionately and try to bridge the gape which errupted between you. It will be nice of you gentleman and she will honour your feelings and sh will be more and more in your love now.
2006-12-29 17:19:19
answer #3
answered by ? 7
Call her, if she is agreeable, go and see her. Make sure you know how you feel and see if you can find out how she feels. Be careful not to commit to a relationship that you can not support, especially considering that she will be away for quite some time.
2006-12-29 17:17:33
answer #4
answered by Seph S 2
Come on! Call her already! How are you going to know if you don't. Take the chance and find out! If you don't, you will always wonder what could have been. Don't cheat yourself out of knowing for sure.
2006-12-29 17:15:55
answer #5
answered by swtz69drmz 5
oh my gosh tell her how you feel! u should go out on a date ...somewhere romantic and tell her that u love her and that to give you a secong chance! even if she is going over seas it would be worse ifyou never talked to her and just ask for a secong chance kay?
2006-12-29 17:17:10
answer #6
answered by WOAHbabay its krissy! 1
Absolutely! Call her and let her know you care about her. May God bless her and keep her safe. Good luck to you both.
2006-12-29 17:17:36
answer #7
answered by Bella 3
it was 9 months ago
there is a reason she is called you ex
she probably doesnt luv u bak
get over her u seriously need to
2006-12-29 17:15:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you are worried about her call her but don't have high hopes about you two getting back together.
2006-12-29 17:15:32
answer #9
answered by bruce_eel 4
yes call her, if anything happens 2 her, u will regret it 4eva
2006-12-29 17:20:50
answer #10
answered by magdalena 1