I know many people, both men and women that have done this. Some have worked thru it and some couldn't. I think most people forget that marriage is work. Men think they have 'bought the cow' and don't show the attention and romance that women need. This makes women easy prey when someone comes along with the right words. They are hungry for the attention and being made to feel special. On the flip side, after marriage, women think they don't have to 'put out' as much and let themselves go. men are men and are turned on and like being turned on and when the wife stops trying he looks else where. I think the best thing to do to avoid problems is remember the work never stops. Marriages don't just stay good, you have to make them that way.
2006-12-29 16:49:57
answer #1
answered by dana j 4
Good relationships whether professional or romantic are based on good communication. There are many reasons for cheating. It can be both a symptom and root of a problem. Trust goes hand in hand with communication which itself is a responsibility. Cheating is dishonestly and avoidance. Adults communicate; reponsible people who care for each other communicate.
I have never cheated. If I wasn't happy in a relationship, I broke it off. I deserve to be happy and feel cared for so I take the responsibility upon myself to insure that.
2006-12-30 00:50:32
answer #2
answered by Tellin' U Da Truth! 7
Well I never actually cheated although I did have some pretty explicit (x-rated) conversations with a co-worker shortly before my husband & I seperated. But that's as far as it ever went! I think that I did that because I was so unhappy & unfulfilled in my marriage.
My husband and I have been seperated nearly 3 years now & I haven't cheated other than then. I say other than then because a lot of people will say that I did cheat because of those conversations.
2006-12-30 01:07:06
answer #3
answered by Donna J 4
I cheated in the pass! I did because there was something missing in the relationship! I wanted something they couldn't give me! in other cases it was just one of those moments! I wasn't thinking alot but yeah if u were 100% happy in a relationship and find that person that fills your every need then and makes u complete then there is no valid reason to cheat!
2006-12-30 00:55:46
answer #4
answered by loveme 3
I have and it was for revenge.He was really abusive first of all. My family told me they thought he was cheating on me and not only that he had left me with a negative balance in my bank account. He was spending all MY money on drugs.To top that off, this was all going on while I was in training for the Air Force trying to make US a life better than the sh*tty conditions we were living in. God knows he wasn't gonna get off his a$$ and do anything.
Looking back I regret it as far as what my morals are about just sleeping with someone. I was really hurt at the time and I resorted to something I don't agree with, but as far as getting him back by cheating...I don't regret it at all!
2006-12-30 00:53:18
answer #5
answered by So'sYerFace 4
You should watch The Last Kiss. It focuses a lot on why people cheat and what motivates them to come back. Many times people cheat because of their own fears or insecurities. Or, speaking from the "other woman's" perspective...the guy (or girl) is confused and seeks out someone else that may be more "exciting" or "enthralling." Ultimately, though...it's a selfish act that many people get hurt from.
2006-12-30 00:47:37
answer #6
answered by Marie 2
Never cheated. But when I had some problems communicating with my husband someone at work caught my eye. But nothing ever developed from it.
2006-12-30 00:47:26
answer #7
answered by skipdip 3
Messed around at the end of my 'relationship'.
I think it was because our relationship was one of convenience, not real. Also i was horn.y for a younger 19 year old hottie.
She left anyway shortly after as we werent even on real speaking terms.
2006-12-30 00:58:48
answer #8
answered by Its me 4
I don't know if it was cheating, but I have definitely been distracted before when things were going sour in the current relationship.
But I am with Ross, "WE WERE ON A BREAK :)
Anyway I am different now, I wouldn't get distracted.
2006-12-30 00:47:52
answer #9
answered by P&B 3
For men, probably mainly because the sex is not good or enough with their partner. For women, different reasons from loneliness, attention, satisfaction in the sex department or pure adventure and excitement. Bottom line, the sex must be amazing elsewhere..........
2006-12-30 00:48:21
answer #10
answered by artutina 4