Well, you can love someone that you aren't physically attracted to. But, you said yourself that you are attracted to his personality. It's still an attraction. But you would probably know if it were love.
2006-12-29 16:16:06
answer #1
answered by Naters 3
Belinda, love is about more than the exterior of a person. It is ultimately about who they are inside. If you stay together long enough, both of your appearances will change and your looks will deteriorate, but who you are on the inside will grow more beautiful as time goes by. Don't get me wrong, being physically attracted is good, but you will find that if you love who the person is on the inside enough, what they look like on the outside becomes attractive to you too.
2006-12-29 16:18:41
answer #2
answered by Gr8Av8or 1
It is possible to be in love with the idea of love and it is possible to love someone's personality or admire it even if you are not enamored with the outside. Even though you are not attracted to this guy you love his personality and his friendliness and maybe his caring attitude. Maybe you love the little things he does for people. This is understandable. It should not be confusing though. If you think you don't like his appearance then why don't you try to find someone who fits closely this guy's personality and who is a gentleman. Most gentleman are friendly, caring, kind, and gentle, and helpful just to mention a few of their traits.
2006-12-29 16:18:18
answer #3
answered by Lewis P 4
Yes very much. It's like the Hanchback of Notredame. He's horrible ugly but in some way, you know the way he talks and how his eye clinches up you feel something inside that likes him. You do love this guy. But if he moves on, well get him back. And if he is much too old 4 U you don't want to get in much trouble.
2006-12-29 16:17:16
answer #4
answered by Princess Paola 2
You can definetly love someone you are not physically atrracted to.If you think about him a lot and maybe dream about him you may love him.Well this is a question you shouldn't really ask another but my response is you do love him you just can't see it.If you think about him all the time you probably love him.
2006-12-29 16:19:03
answer #5
answered by That'sDecent 2
are you attracted to your dad. do you love him? well....... theres a lot of different ways to love very hard question to answer for someone that cant pop inside your head and know what your thinking. sometimes though things take time . trust yourself and take your time whatever the outcome
2006-12-29 16:15:36
answer #6
answered by lorneandtee 2
Of course, you don't need to think he's attractive to love him! Tell him how you feel, if he's worth it he'll listen. I think it's great that you love his personality, and not his looks. Go for it!
2006-12-29 16:16:08
answer #7
answered by zozo 2
yes your in love with this man because once you love someone it doesn't leave you no matter what they do and you don't always have to be attracted to some to be inlove with looks aren't everything it matters how the person treats you.
2006-12-29 16:15:39
answer #8
answered by Ms vanilla light skin thick chix 1
Love means you can't live without him. It sounds more like a meaningful friendship.
2006-12-29 16:15:29
answer #9
answered by martin h 6
Nope, you can't love him unless you love all of him. You may just love the notion of him. All or nothing, thats just how it goes.
2006-12-29 16:18:16
answer #10
answered by clg454 1