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just bought this car cause i needed room for a car seat and my s10 xtreme didnt have room, it has 22000 miles on it and paid $18000. so is this a reliable car, is there any thing i need to watch out for, anything going to break down the road, etc. if you got one what do u think of it.

2006-12-29 15:02:58 · 12 answers · asked by preludesir007 2 in Cars & Transportation Car Makes Nissan

12 answers

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) / U.S. Department of Transportation - Office of Defect Investigation (ODI) :
There was 129 formal consumer complaints.
No safety recalls
No investigations (defects)
35 Technical Service Bullitins

I would recommend that you read the 129 complaints. This government website is not the easiest to navigate but it is public information & you can go there & read the summaries of complaints to see if there is anything that you can look out for.

This, of course, is something that may have served you better had you done this BEFORE buying...
That being said,
it looks like, although there have been some legitimate complaints, the 2005 Nissan Altima is not an unreliable car. But , like all machines, can have problems & needs to be maintained properly.
I have driven Altimas & think that they are comfortable & perform well.

2006-12-29 16:15:49 · answer #1 · answered by Vicky 7 · 2 0

I have a 2002 Nissan Altima 2.5S. I hope you got the remainder of the warranty or an extended warranty. I am a bit skittish about the QR25DE motor, because Nissan used pretty light weight engine components to save on weight. I also know a lot of people that have had major problems in the Sentras and Altimas. The QR motor is not a robust motor as the KA24DE motor in the earlier Altimas.

Nissan has pretty much worked out the bugs and recalls that had to be addressed on my '02. I would suggest checking out http://forums.nicoclub.com, if you need more information.

2006-12-30 02:04:26 · answer #2 · answered by Martin Chemnitz 5 · 0 0

I own a 2005 also. My battery had died, my radiator was replaced twice. My catalytic converter had be replaced at 32,000. My a/c system had to be recharged after 6 months. All these things were under warranty, but that's alot of trouble for a new car. I love Nissan's but I dont recommend the four cyclinder models. The v6 3.5L VQ engines are alot better!!!

2006-12-29 23:46:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are a couple of service recalls get to the dealership and get free work done. Engine Sensors recall, Headlight ground recall, That way you can find out about your Nissan dealership. Keep coolant in the overflow bottle air pocket in the heater can be a problem. Mostly just change oil and airfilters rotate tires and you will get many years out of this car.

2006-12-30 07:41:16 · answer #4 · answered by John Paul 7 · 0 0

You could have bought a brand new ford fusion for about the same money less the rebate and now be driving, according to all the automotive experts, such as comsumers digest and jd powers and the like.. the best family car in America.. Next time you buy something.. do your home work..

2006-12-30 20:14:05 · answer #5 · answered by J. W. H 5 · 1 0

i own a repair shop,and you bought a good car there ,the only thing you need to be care full of,,is the over heating of it,,it will last forever if it never gets hot,,always a keep a check on the hoses and coolant,,if you do this,and it never gets hot on you,,it should last at least ten good years or more,but if you get it hot,,it will give problems from that point on,,i do this all the time,,and i have some that i have serviced since they was new,and there going good,but i occasionally get one that has been ran hot,and there never right after that,take care of it though,and it will be alright,,good luck hope this help,s.happy new years.

2006-12-29 23:12:41 · answer #6 · answered by dodge man 7 · 0 0

I sell those cars and aslong as you do your regular check ups and tune ups on the car you will do well. Good Job getting out of the S10 nothing but problems on those trucks. Enjoy ur Altima!

2006-12-31 15:44:37 · answer #7 · answered by rush805 2 · 0 0

My daughter has one with about 45,000 on it. No problems. She maintains it as needed. I've ridden in it many times and driven it a few times. I love it. If it would have come with dual heat controls, I would have bought one. She also has the 4 cyl. Plenty of get up and go. Great car. You'll be happy with it.

2006-12-29 23:09:33 · answer #8 · answered by Papa John 6 · 0 0

Yo my brother had a 2005 Altima SL and had a bunch of problems. I think the rear frame was recalled and he had to have the struts replaced a few times too. Good luck!

2006-12-29 23:11:06 · answer #9 · answered by king of answers 1 · 0 3

All questions you should have asked before you bought the car.

2006-12-29 23:08:00 · answer #10 · answered by R1volta 6 · 4 0

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