The human race created God as either someone to blame when things go wrong, or someone to praise when things go right.
At the present level of evolution (scientific not theologian) humans use approximately 40 per cent of their brain capacity.
Medical science do not know the full capabilities of the brain but surmise that a certain amount may be some kind of 'superhuman' abilities.
i.e. psychokinesis, telepathy etc
It follows therefore that human subconscious will be working without our knowledge, firing some peoples imaginations to the point where they become great artists or gifted scientists who put forward innovative theories.
As these individuals talents forward mankinds physical abilities, there will be some who look inward.
The meaning of life is the classic question.
Is there such a thing as a soul?
If there is surely there is a God.
Science and religion are worlds apart and yet...
... there is the soul, and there is consciousness.
There is the supreme being, and there is scientific formulae.
It is viewpoint and interpretation that is important not the facts themselves.
Is there a God? well, if you believe there is..... there is.
Do you have a soul? again, if you believe you do.... you do.
But, does God have a father?
Very, very deep.
If there is a God then surely He would have been brought into existance by the Universe itself.
If there isn't a God, then the point is academic anyway.
Point Of View.
Whats the saying? God is everywhere.
If He is anywhere, He is inside your head. Listen to Him (or your subconscious) then You decide.
Personally, I believe in me.
Cogito Ergo Sum!
I think Therefore I Am.
vacationa, vermina, vomuui! ( I went on holiday, i got ratted, i threw up!)
2006-12-29 12:12:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That has been bugging everybody since the beginning of man (no matter how you define it).
How can something come from nothing.
Some of the most popular answers are: 1) The answer above from the Bible, always and eternal; 2) He gave birth to himself, ie Horus (Egyptian). If he is a god he could do whatever he wanted; 3) Everything from nothing (big bang). There was just so much nothing that it freaked out and became something. 4) She resents that question, but she forgives you because we are all her children -- even the men.
2006-12-29 20:02:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
even-though not meaning but it is good question....
The bible says that God had been there before any thing to created; he was the one who created universe. he wasn't created or given birth, instead he created all dads and moms.
he ain't gotta no mom, no dad, no beginning or end. he is Alf and Omega.
do you think that someone without beginning or end can have dad?
2006-12-29 20:17:15
answer #3
answered by DIDIER S 1
god is the creator, a unique presence in the universe, thought of in human terms by most homo sapiens, but more likely a pure form of energy.
2006-12-29 19:54:43
answer #4
answered by peter d 1
God states in His word that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Since it is not possible to verify or dispute the bible, this tells us that God has no father. He was not created, He just always was, always has been, and always will be.
2006-12-29 19:49:27
answer #5
answered by qfrasier 2
God is the Father, the son and the holy spirit.
2006-12-29 20:07:50
answer #6
answered by CT 6
God doesnt have a father, mother, wife, or children. He does have angels that pray to him.
2006-12-29 20:08:59
answer #7
answered by The Cucpake Queen♥ 2
mr clapton the 1st
2006-12-29 20:03:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Ah theres so many gods two of them must have gotten together at some point and had a little sprog!
No wait......I forget they dont exist....
2006-12-29 19:48:36
answer #9
answered by chrismyarse 2
he doesnt he just has been there i no its hard to beleive but its true
2006-12-29 19:53:14
answer #10
answered by tswift 3