Call your credit card company and request a copy of the receipt. As long as it is a VISA the merchant is required to provide a copy within 45 days. Mastercard they are not required to provide a copy at all, but most larger merchants usually will anyway. If the charge is not yours then call the credit card company and advise them that the charge was unauthorized. They will credit your account and investigate. The only way you would be responsible is if the charge is a family member, in which case that is a domestic issue. If you want to know who fraudulently used your card, well good luck. Even if your bank finds out they will usually not provide you with the information as it is a privacy matter. I know that makes no sense considering they are protecting the identity of someone who commited fraud, but two wrongs don't make a right.
2006-12-29 11:26:21
answer #1
answered by creditknowitall 2
call the credit card company
2006-12-29 11:29:00
answer #2
answered by laura s 3
Cancel the credit card and have them issue you a new one. Tell them you are afraid your card has been compromised and they will examine the charges, if any, for you.
2006-12-29 12:22:03
answer #3
answered by Kevin K 3
i finished utilising them after i finished having them. I decrease them up. Now I basically use my financial business enterprise debit card and that i'd desire to be careful to easily spend what I even have. in case you extremely can not end bypass on your community client credit Counseling provider (CCCS). I did that some years in the past and that they helped me destroy my habit and helped me with paying off the $27,000 in debt I amassed.
2016-10-19 04:43:26
answer #4
answered by ? 4
some more information might be helpful....was it online or at a store?
2006-12-29 11:23:51
answer #5
answered by missyhardt 4