Maybe there is fear that they would take some of the Belgians jobs ?
At the other side I think that the Roumanians will better and quicker integrate into our country than some of our "new" Belgians with Morocco or Turkish background since we have a common European (Christian) background.
Beside the Roumanians are already here some years, I've already worked together with one. No problem to work together.
And to the remark about (ancient) Romans, we had certainly no fair for them. After that the Belgian tribes had done some fighting with the Legions, Julius Caesar wrote "the Belgians are the bravest of all Gaul tribes".
2006-12-30 00:41:54
answer #1
answered by Rik 4
It's true that we "fear" them because they want less money for their work, but it's not the Romanian people that we fear. The older people here have more fear of the Muslim population in Belgium, the Turkish and Moroccan people that are concentrated around Brussels and other regions.
2006-12-31 09:58:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We fear no one!
like Julius Caesar one time said " The Belgians are the bravest", but yes that's long ago.
2006-12-30 13:42:04
answer #3
answered by Chantal D. 6
Because most people don't know any Romanians living in Belgium.
And the ones they do see on television are burglars and other kinds of criminals.
But as I said most people don't know any Romanians so it is a prejudice that can be overcome.
2007-01-02 08:23:19
answer #4
answered by anton3s 3
I don't fear the romanians, it's just that there are Belgians who are afraid that the romanians will take their jobs.
(Romanians come from Romania which is a country in Europe, for those who don't know)
2006-12-30 05:15:09
answer #5
answered by Nathalie D 4
Nu cred ca-s speriati, ci doar prost informati. Vezi farsa cu regele,
pe care a facut-o postul belgian de televiziune....
2006-12-29 18:57:59
answer #6
answered by sandi 2
who on earth are Romanians???
you thinking of Romanians? or Romans?
I don't think the Belgians are very scared of the Romans as they disappeared a long time ago as for the Romanians there maybe a fear of mass immigration now that Romania joined the EU.
2006-12-29 22:40:58
answer #7
answered by Wonx2150 4
Nu le e fie unde-ti veni?
Eu sunt in Belgia in Walonia de ceva vreme, prietenul meu e belgian.
Am fost foarte bine primita;
Si inca o chestie..Romanii nu vin in belgia, ca aici nu prea isi gasesc de lucru asa ca in alte tari ca Spania, Italia..stii tu..capsuneala..Romanii cauta munca necalificata mai degraba....Si oricum belgienii au forta lor de munca, nu cred ca romanii le vor lua locurile, au si ei intelectuali, absolventi de facultai, specialisti...credema; NU le e frica.
2007-01-02 05:06:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
nu cred k le e frik.. dar.. cine stie.. poate a avut vre-un politician sau un om de afaceri cu vre-un tigan kr a furat sau a facut ceva kr l-a deranjat shi... k sa se razbune....a spus k romaniii st prosti.. sau cva d genul asta.. si probabil de aia le este lor frik..... parerea mea.... akm... crezi c vrei..:-s
2007-01-02 10:24:56
answer #9
answered by Anna 3