start by reading some books and magazines. this will give you plenty of material to chat about. try asking him to join you in an activity you both enjoy? that way you don't have to worry about talking.
2006-12-29 00:43:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
frankly you may like him but can you really see any use or future of this like of yours!i mean orkut buddies are fine but still grow up!well you can check out the communities he is a member of and find out your common interests and also add him to your crush list.giv him faint signs of your feelings for him.after talking with him start getting closer to him.ask him about his life tell him about yours and arrange a meeting or something!good luck!
2006-12-29 05:07:55
answer #2
answered by s4e 2
Age would not rely. it somewhat is what you trully experience approximately your relationship is rely. in case you're specific which you like him that lots you wanna marry him, than do it. yet do not overlook to have your make certain settlement. it somewhat is substantial. you do not would desire to truly care approximately what human beings think of, the main serious difficulty is your loved ones. clarify to them approximately your relationship, approximately him (take him on your mum and dad), be trouble-free including your loved ones. Make your mum and dad get use to him. i'm specific, in the adventure that your loved ones care sufficient approximately your happiness, they are going to settle for him. have faith me, it occurs with my sisters. She dates a guy who 5 years youthful, which potential he's interior a similar age with our youngest brother. my mum and dad did not experience so happy approximately it the 1st cases, yet as he continuously come to our homestead, he shows an incredible duty, my mum and dad finally completely agree. So, it somewhat is all regarding the kind you coach on your mum and dad approximately how severe you're in this relationship. sturdy luck :)
2016-10-19 03:19:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
make sure if u love him or itz just a mear attraction of any sort...
if u really love him,than dont just jump to say...
u said u r now frenz in orkut......
so talk to him ,take his contact no n talk to him....makee sure he is wat u thought off ok.....
me being a guy know the mentality of a males.....
hardly some take relationship nowdayz seriously......
so dont be any1 s,
2006-12-29 00:48:24
answer #4
answered by unlucky hand 3
hey! guess u should tell him how u feel actaully or go see him and all
and if u need to no how he feels abt u give me his id i'l add him and find out
2006-12-29 01:02:25
answer #5
answered by ghost13 3
**** him or just marry him by taking him forcefully into a temple
2006-12-29 00:46:40
answer #6
answered by sidd the devil 2
Tell Him
2006-12-29 01:34:15
answer #7
answered by Aki 1
If you are sure the guy is serious try to meet him.
2006-12-29 01:09:37
answer #8
answered by rjbendre 3
tell him about it and tell him tht u both were in the same calss 2 yrs ago and u had a crush on him then, he will knoe wat 2 with u
2006-12-29 00:44:13
answer #9
answered by Dj Badboy 3
he is your orkut frnd...then matter is solved dear....!!!!!
scrap him the unique praising him...!!!!
dont fear...!!!
meet him online!!!everytime...
you will get him...!!!
best of luck...!!!
2006-12-29 00:47:26
answer #10
answered by friendship.. with.. sky.. 1