Next year my boyfriend and I will get marry and i know things will work right between us. Im just 20 years old and hes 23.... and i will continue my studies in the states for when i get there. we don't want kids by now till im done from college. hes working hard and earning good money so we can have a goodlife together. he got the apartment for us too(hes still livin @ his house) .Some of my relatives are like saying im too young to get marry, and all that. Yesterday, my brother's gf who lives in the states... wow... she is here in the DR and really got me scared cuz she told me soo bad thing such as irish men likes to beat her woman (my bf have irish heritage), and that they are cheap, that they dont allow her wife to be independient but for him only (such as they dont allow them to study; just attent at them, etc). now im kind of confused cuz those girls (my brother's gf ad her cousin) put things on my mind, at that point, that im super scared of going the states. what can i do now?
9 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
The States have laws against domestic abuse. Did your sister-in-law tell you that? And how many Irishmen has she been married to that she knows 100% of how they ALL are really are?
2006-12-29 00:44:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow that's a completely WRONG stereotype of Irishmen, because anyone can hit people Irish,Norwegian,American,Mexican,African,Australian,Asian, threes no one people that beat there wives, don't worry about that, and yeah like that other person said, we have laws in the states to protect you, and if he ever beat you, you go to the police and he goes to jail for a long long time. You get a new life and that problem solved. And i know there family and you should value there opinion but...Guess what, threes another factor YOU, You don't have to listen to or be live everything they say. it's your choice, do what you think is right, and i know I'm sounding like a character in low-budget drama/romance movie but hey, it's true...and covering the issue of "Being too Young" NOPE perfectly legal and you guys should get married.and its a good thing you guys not having children till your out o collage because wow...that would be terrible.with you at collage and him at work it would push both of you to the edge and possibly cause divorce because I've seen it happen before. so Just take my advice or even Curse it, i don't care, as long as you look at it and read it. Well this has been entirely too long.
2006-12-29 00:53:32
answer #2
answered by Taku 2
wow, maybe you are too young to marry if you actually believe that just because someone is of certain heritage they will do "something". That is called profiling. I am of Native American heritage. Does that mean I am going to go scalp someone? Really, see my point? Sounds like your brother's gf is a trouble maker, and doesn't want you to be happy. You should be more concerned with that than your boyfriends potential to be cheap.
2006-12-29 00:47:43
answer #3
answered by cayce t 2
If you love your Husband to be who is your boyfriend,then you should take other peoples comments as opinions.Negative comments can make you make descisions that you will regret for the rest of your life.
If your country to be cqalled an adult you have to be 25,then you are underage to get amrried.but if you are over 18,you are concidered an adult and the descisions you make affect you as a person.
Get to learn your boyfriend before you commit your self to marriage.Because,its a life time commitment.Please take your time before you jump into the swimming pool.pray to God if you need more direction.
All the best in your descision.
2006-12-29 00:48:37
answer #4
answered by The millionaire next door 1
Frankly, GG, if this is a long-distance relationship, maybe you should get to know him better before you get married. I can't tell whether you can travel to the states or not, but I think you 2 need more time to get to know each other.
2006-12-29 00:53:00
answer #5
answered by snvffy 7
not true... abusive ppl vary in race. HUGE law against domestic violence in the US
2006-12-29 00:46:01
answer #6
answered by Jenna S 2
Don't let them put things in your mind, maybe they are just jealous of what you have.
2006-12-29 00:45:10
answer #7
answered by star-e 3
Your gullable. That sucks for you.
2006-12-29 00:43:55
answer #8
answered by Afro-Joe the American Hero! 2
dont listen to them!!you know him better than them!!
2006-12-29 00:46:28
answer #9
answered by Katerina 2