I tell ya....everytime they "reform" welfare all they manage to do is clear the people off that are on in order to make room for a new wave. I lived in Florida during the last "reform". They were doing everything in their power to oust blacks and whites out. After you're 2nd child they were pressing tubal ligations. There was a 2 yr. limit. And they cleared people out. It's questionable as to how "better" their life was, but they advanced to "working poor". But as quick as anything it was replaced with Mexicans. I don't know if they were legal or illegal but they had money. They were driving brand new 45,000 trucks. 6 and 7 kids. They were using their food cards and buying steaks and roasts etc. which no-way you could afford on the amount they used to give. They were always buying gold jewlery and clothes and living a much better life than any other welfare person I ever knew. Yet they refused others I knew who desperatly needed help. It's not fair and alot of American citizens are denied services they have paid into and can't get when they need it most.
2006-12-29 03:32:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
True Americans aren't judged by their color.Why do you think we who are anti illegal alien talk so much about the illegals taking jobs that Americans can and will willingly do ?Its a well propagated lie that gets media time but its a lie.There are no jobs that Americans wont do and haven't already done.We just cant do them for some of the low wages that the illegal will accept.The so called higher jobs like the ones you are talking about are being given away by greedy company's that don't have to give the illegals benefits or good working conditions.Where have you been that you don't understand that this is an invasion a take over of jobs Americans WILL and CAN do.I live in Arizona and we have seen it happen for years,maybe it just woke Wisconsin up to reality.
Immigration Impact:
State Population (2004 CB estimate) 5,509,026
Population Increase 1990-2000 471,906
Foreign-Born Population 229,800
Percent Foreign-Born 4.2%
Illegal Resident Population 41,0001
2025 Population Projection 6,752,000
All numbers are from the U.S. Census Bureau unless otherwise noted. Additional Census Bureau, INS, and other immigration-related data are available for Wisconsin.
Estimated Annual Fiscal Costs to Wisconsin Taxpayers
for Emergency Medical Care, Education and Incarceration Resulting from Illegal or "Guest" Workers and
Projected Costs Based on an Amnesty
in millions
Between 1990 and 2000, Marquette County was the fastest growing county in the state, increasing by 29 percent.
Foreign Born Population
Wisconsin’s immigrant population increased 59 percent during the 1990s. Between 1990 and 2000, Wisconsin gained 72,000 immigrants, bringing the total number of foreign-born residents in the state to 194,000.
About 467,000 people in Wisconsin are immigrants or the children of immigrants, nine percent of the state’s population.
Wisconsin authorities requested compensation of $6.6 million from the federal government in FY’99 for the incarceration of illegal aliens in state and local jails and prisons (under the federal State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, or SCAAP), but it received only $2.5 million in compensation, leaving $4.1 million in uncompensated costs to be borne by Wisconsin taxpayers.
2006-12-29 00:38:29
answer #2
answered by Yakuza 7
Didn't Brokaws show just turn your stomach..so many lies! I have to wonder how much it took to buy Brokaw's integrity!
What I don't understand is why New Orleans is being rebuilt by illegals...seems a perfect opportunity for displaced Americans to get back to NO...if our government cared even a little bit they would not give federal funds for rebuilding to anyone that hires an illegal! If the displaced people need training to be a productive member of society this is the perfect opportunity(rebuilding couldn't move any slower)..if companies won't provide on-the-job training & a livable wage then they can't work in NO! Shows me the mayor or governor, congress or our president don't give a dam... they don't want their people back...why hasn't the NAACP stepped in?
2006-12-29 03:17:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
So in the event that they are not meant to artwork what are we meant to do? Lock them up and throw away the biggest? pretend they don't exist? that's what they did interior the 1800's. What the artwork for welfare scheme is doing is encouraging people who can artwork and characteristic the psychological potential to be waiting to artwork, bypass out and artwork. This facilitates them combine into ordinary society and inteact with each and every physique else. many of the positions they're given are actually not any extreme duty and no distinctly annoying, so why shouldn't they settle for the possibility! And sure, they'd get award wages for the jobs they do (so does the different individual doing those forms of jobs) yet their wages are crowned up via government help and centrelink allowances.
2016-10-19 03:17:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
We have "reformed" welfare to the point where it doesnt help many people except young women who have kids. If you are an adult you cannot get any cash assistance unless you have children only food stamps. Most people who apply are turned down for medicaid (I make 500 a month and make too much to get medicaid).
2006-12-29 02:10:22
answer #5
answered by elaeblue 7
Well... your basic assumption has a flaw. There are a large number of people willing to work and who have applied for jobs where they hire illegals, but the employers seem to prefer to hire the illegals. I have clients who have applied for such jobs only to be turned away. Social workers see this all the time. Americans want these jobs.
2006-12-29 00:00:02
answer #6
answered by Clown Knows 7
The reformers ended up on welfare.
2006-12-28 23:53:17
answer #7
answered by Preacher 6
The same thing that will happen to everything politicos talk about in the future,NOTHING. They talk a good show, but do nothing. This is what politicos do.This is their trademark.
2006-12-28 23:54:58
answer #8
answered by WC 7