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Then why do all the reports say "This was the hottest day since ,,,,"
Or "This flood last happened in...."
Surely if global warming was man induced they would be saying "This is the first time this has ever happened."
But they don't.
To me this suggests that all this "Freak" weather is normal and just the way the world works!

And then I heard one scientist say on the TV that the hole in the ozone layer was closing up so our efforts to save the planet were working, and no-one laughed.

So it took 200-300 years of burning fossil fuels to destroy the ozone layer and 10 years to fix it! yeah right!

What about all the atomic bombs that have been exploded by our governments, don't they have a role in all this?

2006-12-28 23:21:28 · 14 answers · asked by kiku 4 in Environment

You ahve all assumed that global warming 1. Exists and 2. is our fault!!

If it is natural there is nothing we can do to stop it at all!

2006-12-28 23:55:27 · update #1

typo have

2006-12-28 23:56:09 · update #2

What about the sun flare that nearly annihilated the planet two years ago? Won't that warm us up some?

And good point about the volcano's!

2006-12-29 00:16:43 · update #3

And can we all bear in mind that global warming is a THEORY.
THEORY means assumption, guess, supposition. This is not fact.

2006-12-29 00:20:09 · update #4

14 answers

global warming is, as you suggest, a natural thing and nothing to do with me having a BBQ. The government are however, hiding behind the global warming myth to hide the real problem we all face - or will face in the very near future - and that is the end of cheap oil...or Peak Oil.

2006-12-28 23:41:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Global warming is a natural phenomenon.

Has everybody forgotten el nino? The natural change in weather patterns that no-one can explain but has been reported for centuries? The el nino that warms the seas and produces extreme weather patterns worldwide.

We have been hearing all the global warming hype for several years now, with el nino not being mentioned. El nino runs in 3 - 8 year cycles and is currently active, due to reach its peak again in May 2007... Is this not the reason for the freakish weather?

Has everyone forgotten that the earth's plates are constantly moving. The UK was at one stage an equatorial land mass - so where did all the snow come from? Continents are moving closer and further away from each other all the time? Will this not have an impact on the weather?

South America and Africa are moving apart at an average of 5.7 cm per year because the seafloor is spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is comparable to the growth speed of a fingernail.

The fastest recorded seafloor spreading takes place along the East Pacific Rise at 17.2 cm per year.

What happened to the Ice Age - must have been the gaseous emissions from the mammoths that caused the global warming which melted that.

A couple of years ago there was an alignment of the planets, each of which has a magnetic north and south pole, each of which has an axis it rotates on. Gravitational pull aligns the axes. Scientists correctly predicted there would be major weather anomolies due to these alignments.

Although some of the ice plates are melting, other areas of the world are experiencing far colder weather than ever before and other areas are freezing over. The rising of sea levels is due to the continents sinking (natural land mass movement) The water levels in Venice have been rising for centuries, long before our CFC emissions.

There is far more evidence of this on the web, but too many links to put in here.

Why do we always just believe what we are told, it wasn't that long ago that the earth was flat!!!!

2007-01-01 07:14:01 · answer #2 · answered by Purple-Fusion 2 · 0 0


YES! Good question and one I'm sure alot of people will also be asking. The way I see this is as follows:-

No.1 The first point to mention (and few people do mention this) is that the earth as a planet has ALWAYS been going through periods of climate change, periods which have seen here in the UK our landscape going from deserts to massive icesheets that covered almost the entire UK landmass. Ice Ages, periods of drout,etc **Remember the entire UK was covered in dense forrests after the last major ice ages (we are talking thousands of years here though)

No.2, Just as the earth has always under gone longer phases or periods of change globally, the earth itself has an orbit around the sun which isnt a perfect circle its actually slightly eliptical & this too affects our climate over many many years. Just as the tilted axis of the earth produces the seasons. So once again long periods of warming or cooling.

**Nobody ever mentions volcanic eruptions and how these can and do affect weather locally & globally.

No.3 The fact of climate change due to man made impact is now largely a scientific fact. A team of US climatologists who have conducted research & collected wheather data from across the planet for the last 30yrs have analysed this data using a "Cray" super computer & the results were very stark, a) the first image graph they showed was of the natural global change of the earth without any man made impact, small but little change in climate. b) The second image graph was mans impact on the climate with a warming trend shown c) the final image graph was b) taken away from a) this third image graph showed clearly the % climate warming due to mans actions since 150yrs of the industrial revolution i.e. the start of using fossil fuels. A two degree warming effect was shown and that trend is set to increase according to these scientists & the warming is set to speed up in the future. Over the next 50yrs.

**Some of the extreme wheather events we have seen are definately thought to be due to climate change & global warming for example Hurricaine Katrina was caused by higher sea water temperatures. **Increased numbers of hurricains seen during the US hurricaine season, a record year in 2005-6.

**Extreme wheather events like Katrina are symptoms of global warming, as is ice melting at faster rates in the polar regions.

No.4 Although climate change is now accepted as scientific fact, nobody not even the climate scientists can agree on how this will affect the wheather & the planet. They can only make deductions or inspired guess's based on computer modelling programs how climate change will impact us as a species, how much we can adapt to it or even if the human race is threatened long term by this.

**Its more likley that the long term changes from climate change or global warming may well be VERY patchy, i.e. fast changes in one place and no changes in another. The truth is very complicated (not black & white) nobody really knows, its not a hard & fast science either, we're still learning about this. There are a tremenous number of variables involved & a tremendous number of things we still dont know or how we will be affected or how soon.


2006-12-29 00:08:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

They usually say this is the hottest, wettest, highest since records began. Global warming is nothing new. The earth goes through hot and cold cycles. High levels of carbon dioxide in the air mean that temperatures get higher, sea levels rise, the weather gets wetter and more trees grow. Eventually the trees reduce the carbon dioxide levels, the earth gets colder and the trees die. This happens over periods of millions of years and larger animal species die out during the extreme hot and cold spells.

Because we are burning large amounts of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide levels have risen. This will trigger a hot cycle and a large part of the world's animal population will be wiped out. This will include a big chunk of the human race who will either drown or die in wars fighting for the higher ground and dwindling food supply. The damage has already been done. It could be reversed, but the required level of international co-operation won't happen.

The hole in the ozone layer is a different problem to global warming. It was probably caused by the release of fluocarbons into the atmosphere. Because we are now more careful with disposing of fridges, the problem seems to be improving, but it's too early to tell whether this is a long term trend.

2006-12-28 23:38:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The effects of those three issues are different.
1) Ozone. Scientist discovered a hole (in fact 2). World agreed to reduce emissions of CFC and others to almost 0 (zero) very soon and we almost fixed it quickly.
2) Global warming. Some of the main contributors of CO2 and others has taken no action, they still increase pollution. Other contributors are taking some actions (maintaining emission level, or reducing it a bit, yes, it is not enough). And no country has decided to reduce emissions and increase forest at the same time.
Its effect lasts 50 years, if we reduce emissions to zero today, we will solve the problem around 2056.
3) Atomic bombs. It effects go to the ground, it has effect mostly in the area where the weapon explodes, on the air in long term
not so much.

The level of greenhouse efect is the highest in the last 650.000 years. Animals were different at that age, as we have seen in some movies. Obviously humankind and current mammals didnt exist at that time.

But what if it would be a natural cycle. Will we do nothing???

2006-12-28 23:48:39 · answer #5 · answered by carmenl_87 3 · 0 1

Reports refer back to previous instances where something similar happened.

Nature isn't predictable, trends in weather patterns have been recorded in some cases for centuries, so to some extent weather trends are predictable. It's the change in these weather trends that imply global warming.

If you've watched Scrooge over the holidays it shows Victorian England in the grip of blazzards and bitter cold, not because it looks more like xmas but because the Thames regularly used to freeze in London during Victorian winters.

When I was a kid I lived in a remote area of Moorland and we got snowed in every year without fail, the only unknown for us was how long we would be snowed in. That was only 30 years ago, now the same Moorland rarely sees snow let alone gets cut off.

I now live in the North East of England close to the North Sea, when I moved here we had snow every year but worse was the bitterly cold winds coming from Siberia, now we have a few snow flakes but nothing major and the wind is milder. I can look out of my window and see plants still in flower in my garden, when 10 years ago they'd have long been killed off by the frost.

Global warming is a fact, the seasons are moving the weather cycles are changing, if you choose to believe that global warming is a lie that's your preogative, but it doesn't alter the fact that the worlds weather has changed significantly over the last 100 years. The only debate is what effect man has played in this and is it reversable, and to be honest it's out of your hands anyway because your government will make the choices regardless of your opinions.

Have a nice New Year

2006-12-28 23:52:55 · answer #6 · answered by MrClegg 4 · 1 1

The earth continuously is going by cycles of Warming and Cooling. as a results of fact of this there have been ice a while and not basically an ice age. A theroy regarding the earth while dinosaurs existed says that earth became warm and the air became crammed with greenhouse gases. So worldwide warming is organic and so is worldwide cooling. the huge question is whether or not or not human beings are accelerating this technique or whether it somewhat is a organic cycle. in case you have faith that the earth has been around for extra advantageous than 4.5 billion years then the couple of hundred of years that we truthfully have climate records for is so small that there isn't any thank you to comprehend if this follows a development or if its an unnatural spike. even inspite of the shown fact that, on the grounds that that's the only planet basic to be waiting to assist existence we would desire to continuously take care of the present worldwide warming cycle as unnatural and take a check out to decrease the quantity of greenhouse gasses and take a check out to nicely suited this concern in the previous we are actually unable to something approximately it.

2016-10-19 03:17:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We know that the earth was a lot warmer when the dinosaurs were here.
They call it Greenland because it was green when it was discovered, not white and frozen like it is now.
Is anyone delusional enough to believe that factories pumping out carbon dioxide caused the earth to be warm enough for dinosaurs millions of years ago or to make Greenland green a thousand years ago?
Did George Bush go back in time and take a load of carbon dioxide with him so the dinosaurs would be warm enough?
Did Bush do it hoping that the dinosaurs would live long enough to eat us all except for rich Republicans?
I remember the 1970s when anti- America types were saying our industries were causing global cooling. If people were intelligent enough to see through these fallacies it would just be a joke. The scary part is many people are gullible enough to stampede when scared by alarmists like Al Gore who has a bigger carbon footprint that about 99 5 of the rest of us.
I'll believe Al Gore and his crew are sincere about global warming when I see them trade in their private jets for bicycles so they won't produce all that carbon dioxide they say is going to kill us all.
For now, look at the record snows in Denver, New York State, and even Jerusalem.
Buy stocks in snow plow companies. It looks like global warming is going to freeze us all.

2006-12-29 02:13:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Problem is: Who cares if its natural or not. World will face economic and climatic problems. With our hysteric weather, plantations will not produce enough, irrigations will start to fallen once rivers have less and less cetimeters each year.

How deal with upcomming problems? How avoid or manage worst economical crisis since 1929? (Industrial fishing activity already are already facing its final days)

Biggest hole in ozone layer happened in 2006. They estimates at least 70 years to consule all CFC already existent. UV rays wil induce more and more skin cancer (how much to public services? )

Hottest outomn since past 200 years probably will effect immense areas considering leisure industry (Ski, snow)

Forget why and when, its time to start to thing about what to do (like England is already doing)

2006-12-28 23:51:52 · answer #9 · answered by carlos_frohlich 5 · 0 1

Sensationalism sells, that's why we hear the hype. We are not about to destroy our own world. We adapt and survive whether we know all the physical explanations or not.

Ozone holers and Global warmers are worshipping the same earth, sun, water, and fire gods that primitive man did hundreds (thousands) of years ago.

2006-12-29 00:45:54 · answer #10 · answered by bobo383 3 · 3 0

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