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Like just because cheese exists that does not mean that the moon is necessarily made of cheese. Please explain why we exist and why that means a god exists. Only logical answers accepted, none of this, look there is a can of coke so that proves Santa has a factory in the noth pole type of answers. I want to know how god made all of this from nothing and how he also made himself out of nothing. Don't want to here about evolution, just logic and facts please.

2006-12-28 22:56:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

ok ok ok I al-ham-du-lil-lah got ur quistion and pwerhaps i know the ans ok it is just a property of things that they exits becouse of their mading things like building from walls and so ... but as GOD is not thing so he did not need to be existed so he actually dont exits but make things to come to existance and what would u say if one asks u that his brother gave birth to a child and what would the baby be a girl or boy ....then u will say a man dont have property to give birhts so quistion is wrong and not quite logical besides mathematicaly u can say ur q is like what will come of deviding zero by zero 0/0 = ?.....so i think ur q dont hold true statement that how did GOD created him self or for what it was created or when was............ besides i think he created things like we make using machines called compter in varius languages c++ or other v van make any thing from nothing so it is easy just like making softwares

2006-12-28 23:16:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why are these questions not asked by us in sleep? Does that mean that we did not exist in sleep.

We ask these questions only when we are awake, because there is no ego in sleep that has arisen to distinguish ourselves separately and call us creation. We are homogenous in sleep in our natural state (Godly state).

Ego is the cause of creation and it is nothing more than an 'I' thought. An 'I' thought rises in consciousness and continues to see other objects different from it (which are also thoughts).

So creation is basically a play of thoughts just like in our dreams, the dream characters are created. If we say that the dream characters were actually created, then we should admit that we created the dream characters by modifying ourself. But we existed as we are without any modifications. Still the dream world was perceived. So if it is just a perception, then why did the perception occur. Because dreaming was natural state for us and also to be in a non-dreaming state.

So too, creation (ego perception) and non-creation (natural state) are the aspects of the ever existing consciousness (called God).

Based on our perception like in the dream, if we say that dream world was actually created and destroyed, so too is this creation.

If we say that there was no creation of dream world but only a perception then similarly this world is also a perception.

So rather focussing on the creation/perception, let us focus on the so called creator/perceptor which is our homogenous state which is all complete and fulfilling and has no such doubts that disturb us (which are just passing thoughts).

That would be our true inquistiveness to merge into our source, which has raised in the form of a question in us and so the best way to address it is to analyse the questioner than the question.

2006-12-28 23:11:00 · answer #2 · answered by Raj 2 · 0 1

say some one mistakingly said things about you that you know arnt true
then asked you to explain a lie
god did not make himself ,nothing lasts for ever but god
just as you live ,think today ,has god allways been thinking ,doing being ,god is eternal ,cant die /cant be born/cant be reborn because he ALL WAYS WAS
allways will be
were you created by your parents yesterday? that is as faulty as saying when/where/how did god make god,
god just is allways was
how did he make things out of nothing
is for him to know but i note what men can see with microscopes
how men can now move molicules ,even atoms
abd realise even man hasnt seen inside an atom
but god has
now an atom is a field of affect
its basiclly nothing but the affect of force of the electron and protons orbiting so fast so as to feel solid
were we as men able to stop all the atoms and electrons moving all we see ,know and feel would just disapear ,its made up of parts so small relitily speaking ,if we really could see them not moving we still couldnt see them even with a micro scope
its going to get teqnical from here on in
can you understand harmonics ,fields of affect ,you arnt ready to be god let alone deniey his egsistance,
you want logic stop disbelieving that you know you could never do
nor could any science nor man
god didnt work with nothing ,he made the dust [darkness] and the light[and the water]
only logic works on an open mind,
learn eternal define infinite and you still wouldnt understand.
dont really need to either,
if your feeling clever proove there isnt a god .

dont just think cause you cant comprehend ,quantum electro phyasics ,and the patterning of sound forms that you never will
the simple explanation that lets you get on with trying to grasp gods reality.
of an eternal all knowing god ,needing neither fool nor genious, but graciously giving to them to live anyway.

2006-12-28 23:25:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everything is either matter or energy and the two can be converted into each other. I don't know if there was a time when energy didn't exist.

If God is a metaphor for energy, things make sense to me. If not, probably will have to make a new hypothesis ;)

Or maybe leonkallai is right. That's another interesting speculation.

2006-12-28 23:03:12 · answer #4 · answered by WaterStrider 5 · 0 0

God did not answer either of those questions. To be honest I won't tell my kids how they were made until the right time either. It is a fair assumption though that if something shows design and form to deduce that it was designed and created. The simple answer is we don't know other that what we read. We just get to choose which source of information we trust the most. For me it is a Bible because it is right in so many other things that it has won my trust.

2006-12-28 23:06:43 · answer #5 · answered by Pilgrim 4 · 1 1

God didn't create HIMSELF. This is a hard concept for us to wrap our minds around. God is eternal. No beginning; no end. He spoke the world as we see it into existence, and we too, being made in His image are also eternal, meaning we will live on in one of two places when we leave this world. I've chosen Jesus and Heaven. What have you chosen?

2006-12-28 23:16:09 · answer #6 · answered by lookn2cjc 6 · 0 0

the way i understand it....well, probably as close to an understanding as is possible, is that god exists outide outside of our percieved time and space. before he created us, there was no time. god never had to create himself. its hard to even begin to comprehend since our thinking is founded in things like logic, reasoning, and time. with logic and reasoning, we are limited to the things that we can observe and explain, so are conclusions are limited as well.
thats about the best i can do for you. i thought i could explain it better but i am just not that eloquent sometimes. good luck in your search.

2006-12-28 23:07:11 · answer #7 · answered by I Like Cheese 2 · 0 0

there is no logical explanation for our existence involving god

2006-12-28 22:59:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

beautiful question to teaze the brains of primitive christians and muslims. Thanks God I dont have to answer such a difficult question caaaaz I dont believe in a God.... HA HA MHA HA MHAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH HA HA MHA HA MHAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA haa ha ha Ops Lightning !!!............ I am dying

2006-12-29 08:04:45 · answer #9 · answered by Crazy Kod II 3 · 0 0

"I think, therefore I am", Rene Descartes

2006-12-28 23:00:09 · answer #10 · answered by jack w 6 · 0 0

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