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My dad has had psoriasis for almost two years now and he has tried one cream (not sure of name) and that didn't work. He wont go to the doctor about it and it's getting really bad. He has it on his scalp, back and a little on his right arm.
My mum and family members have asked him to go and get it checked out but I think he may be embarressed to get someone to look at it.

Does anybody (living in Australia or know of products available in Melbourne, Victoria) that he can use?
Can my brother or I get psoriasis? My nan has bits of it on her arms and back but no where near as bad as dad.
What are the known causes of psorasis?
How can I prevent getting it?


2006-12-28 22:31:44 · 13 answers · asked by Elena 5 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

13 answers

Psoriasis and other skin problems run in my family - I seem to be the mildest case, thank goodness. I have looked for as many natural solutions as possible, and this is some of the info I've gathered for my family members...
Root causes of psoriasis are: genetics, poor diet (especially low in fibre and essential fatty acids), difficulty digesting protein, overgrowth of Candida Albicans and other microbes, poor liver function, stress, hormonal changes, sunburn, illness or infection, and certain medications.

As with all skin disorders, psoriasis is best treated by encouraging the body to eliminate toxins through the bowels and urinary tract, rather than through the skin.

Recommended Foods:
Get his protein from fish and vegetarian sources such as tofu and beans. These foods are much easier to digest than animal proteins are.
Increase his intake of fibre. Eat fresh, whole foods and include whole grains, raw fruits and veges, or beans at every meal.
Essential fatty acids reduce inflammation and have been shown to greatly improve psoriasis. Cold-water fish like mackerel and salmon are excellent sources of EFAs, and so are flaxseeds and flaxseed oil. Flaxseeds are also a concentrated source of fibre. You need 1 to 2 tablespoons daily, along with a big glass of water.
Many psoriasis sufferers are deficient in zinc and vitamin A (especially in my family). Eat pumpkin seeds for zinc, for vit A eat orange, yellow, or green veges.
Drink plenty of clean water through the day to improve digestion, flush away toxins, and reduce inflammation.

Food to Avoid:
Avoid red meat, poultry, and milk. People with psoriasis often have difficulty digestion protein, and these foods are the hardest on your intestines. In addition, both red meat and milk contain arachidonic acid, which aggravates inflammation.
Do not eat other foods that are difficult to digest. Fatty, fried, and junk foods all fall into this category, as do products that are high in refined sugar.
Alcohol causes inflammation and triggers psoriasis in many people. Drink only in moderation and monitor intake - if drinking leads to a flare-up, eliminate alcohol altogether.
Gluten, cow's milk, sugar, and citrus fruits are common food allergies in psoriasis sufferers. Try eliminating them from his diet.

Some Supplements that Help:
Hydrochloric Acid - 1-3 capsules with each meal (reduce if a warm or burning sensation occurs). Improves protein digestion. (you may have to get this from a naturopath, not sure.)
10000mg fish oil daily (this thins the blood, so see doctor if on blood thinning medication or has other blood problems)
500mg Sarsparilla (not the drink!) x 3 times daily. This herb reduces the effects of bacterial toxins that aggravate the condition.
250mg Milk thistle x 3 times daily. Milk thistle improves liver detoxification and reduces cellular proliferation (all that extra, hard, horrible skin).
Plenty of vit B12 (lots of mushrooms!). 400-800 micrograms daily.
Super Green Food Supplement - such as spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, etc, or a combination formula. Take as directed on container.
Full-spectrum Digestive Enzymes. 1-2 capsules with every meal. They help you digest food more effeciently.
Flaxseed oil - 1-2 tablespoons daily (can be used as a salad dressing, added to smoothies, etc)
Inner Health Plus - good strength probiotic to add friendly bacteria to the gut. Important for detoxification and skin health.
Gentian root improves overall digestion function. 300mg about 10 minutes before each meal.
High-potency multi-vitamin provides a base of nutrients for skin health.
Drink a quarter of a cup of aloe vera juice for its cooling, anti-inflammatory effect, or apply aloe vera gel directly to affected area (or both!).

Other stuff you can do:
Many people find that mild sunlight greatly improves psoriasis. Try taking a walk in the morning sun; the exercise will also help reduce stress and improve digestion.
Sometimes other medications can trigger psoriasis. If he's taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, lithium, chloroqine, or beta-blockers, he may need to see his doctor (I know, difficult!).
Low thyroid function can aggravate this condition.
As can Candidiasis. If he has this condition he can take oregano oil, Inner Health Plus, garlic, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, gentian root, echinacea, and goldenseal.
There's more, but I can't type any more!!

I hope this is helpful to you, anyway. The thing about creams (steroidal or otherwise) is that they only treat the symptoms of the condition, not the cause.
Nutritional, supplemental, and lifestyle changes can and do tackle the causative factors. If you eliminate the cause of a condition, you can't have any symptoms :)

2006-12-28 23:44:00 · answer #1 · answered by Donna M 6 · 0 0


2016-12-24 23:02:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had a 13 year history of psoriasis, though I was in good health otherwise. But these severe large, thick and scaly excoriated plaques on my neck, ears, trunk and limbs ruined the way I was leading my life. I would be with red, inflamed itchy skin for most part of the year and these silvery scales would seem to be erupting without any reason. To make matters worse, blisters would appear over already red and itching skin. It was living hell.

I was treated with various options but nothing seemed to be working. Some of the treatments that I underwent in this depressing period of 13 years included tar preparation, tropical steroids and anthralin. I was also given light therapy many times but everything I tried would give me temporary relief.

And soon, after a few days I would be plagued with the situation again. In one of those moments when I was completely lost I stumbled upon this website just by chance. I read it and felt that as if someone had put the story my life on this web page. I was thoroughly convinced that if ANYONE can cure me of condition, it would be you.

And was I right, or what. I started recovering within 3 days of starting this treatment. Something that had become a painful part of me for 13 years was actually getting healed! My ears are healed and my neck is smooth again!. I am a month into the treatment and I have never felt better in my life!

Psoriasis Revolution?

2016-05-17 11:22:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cure Psoriasis Easily Naturally Forever - http://Psoriasis.neatprim.com

2016-03-03 22:46:47 · answer #4 · answered by Terry 3 · 0 0

RE: My dad has psoriasis, what can he use to cure it? Can my brother or I get it, too? Wont go to doctor. Advice?
My dad has had psoriasis for almost two years now and he has tried one cream (not sure of name) and that didn't work. He wont go to the doctor about it and it's getting really bad. He has it on his scalp, back and a little on his right arm. My mum and family members have asked him to go and get it checked out but I think he may be embarressed to get someone to look at it. Does anybody (living in Australia or know of products available in Melbourne, Victoria) that he can use? Can my brother or I get psoriasis? My nan has bits of it on her arms and back but no where near as bad as dad. What are the known causes of psorasis? How can I prevent getting it? Thanks.

2015-09-02 05:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

My dad has psoriasis, what can he use to cure it? Can my brother or I get it, too? Wont go to doctor. Advice?
My dad has had psoriasis for almost two years now and he has tried one cream (not sure of name) and that didn't work. He wont go to the doctor about it and it's getting really bad. He has it on his scalp, back and a little on his right arm.
My mum and family members have asked him to go...

2015-08-26 10:47:13 · answer #6 · answered by Zara 1 · 0 0

I have psoriasis for 6 1/2 years now. He need to see a specialist (Dermatologist) for that. And the only cream that help and which I'm on is Dovonex. Really he need to see a doctor and to be transfer to this specialist I've mention. Cause if he don't it'll be really hard to treat. And on his scalp it's worst cause on some peoples they can loose a bit of hair. Well it's a bit embarrassing but remember it's not a disease it's Illness. Not your brother or you can get it. The cause of psoriasis is unknown. However the stress, worried it can contributed to that (which is not helping). And if a person have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) it's combine together. Which in my situation it is. You can always check on the site: www.psorasis.com and get more info's. If you have any questions let me know.

2006-12-28 23:04:17 · answer #7 · answered by Jo-Jo 2 · 0 0

Oh baby, the poor guy. It is a cruel thing, psoriasis. Not only because of the constant itching and embarrassment the patient suffers, but you and your Mama and the family have no choice but to watch it. Australia is particularly bad for psoriasis because of the severity of the climate. Your Dad has to be convinced that he can be treated. Not cured, but definitely improved a great deal. You must gently, but with determination, insist that he is hurting the family who are forced to see him suffer and they love him and in fairness to everyone he must seek treatment. Now, there is an important thing here. Please, offer to go with him. He is not only embarrassed to go to the doctor, but afraid of what the treatment is. It is essential he be told that the treatment will work almost immediately and you will not leave him to go to the doctor on his own. Then give him a big hug and tell him you love him. That works wonders with parents. I wish you, and your Papa all the very best.

2006-12-28 22:49:20 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Permanently Eliminate Psoriasis Forever : http://PsoriasisOut.com/Info

2015-08-17 16:16:38 · answer #9 · answered by Brice 1 · 0 0

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. You can't catch it but it does run in families. A typical treatment is steroid creams. Another is UVB light, going to the tanner, esp after taking a pill that make you more sensitive to the light. Enbrel is a relatively new drug on the market, it's weekly subcutaneous shots, very expensive >$1000 per month. There's a new OTC product in the States called Skin Zinc--don't know much about it--if it's OTC, they don't have to prove that it works to the FDA.

2006-12-28 22:52:14 · answer #10 · answered by Kimberly V 2 · 0 0


Psoriasis [pronounced sore-EYE-ah-sis] is a noncontagious, lifelong skin disease. According to the Naitonal Institutes of Health, as many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis.
The most common form, plaque [plak] psoriasis, appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells, called scale.

This website has lots of treatments listed that he could begin trying

2006-12-28 22:36:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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