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I'm rescently going through a divorce from a woman i loved with all of my heart and soul. I'm a United States Marine and my wife cheated on me with 2 guys that i know of while i was away training at the school of infantry. She also used me for my money and benefits for cheating purposes. This isn't the first time i've been done this way. All i ever did was love her and try my best to take care of her and her son. Listen to her when she had any problems and try to make her feel better or fix it. I'm the typical nice guy who always seems to finish last. And this last time has left me cold hearted. I don't want to be cold hearted. And i don't want to beleive that all women are like this. Maybe i'm just an idiot who can't tell the difference. Should i just give up? Because i don't know if i can do this again.

2006-12-28 22:05:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

24 answers

No, don't give up.

But you might try to reevaluate what you might be/not-be doing to attract this type of woman, as we are likely to repeat patterns otherwise.

2006-12-28 22:16:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey.. You've had a tough go around no question. I'm sorry you've had it so bad as of late. I've gone through a divorce, and it make you really question what love is. Is it just a feeling that's propagated by TV, greeting cards, and every little girls dream of the perfect wedding? Is Love real? I wish I could answer that, I'm still trying to figure that out for myself. What I can tell you is you learn from each relationship and take the good from them and you make better choice down the line. Let the hurt happen right now. you're going to be bitter and angry and that's just the way it is. Keep in mind your not the first Marine to be cheated on. Your life style right now (as a Marine) is going to make it hard to be with someone. You have to travel. Sometimes your going to be gone for extended times. Your partner is going to need to be someone who can deal with the lifestyle you two are choosing. Understanding that there will be times apart, and through those times still continue to keep that bond whether your there or not. I'm Not sure if this helps, but keep your chin up. As someone who's been there. I still believe in Love

2006-12-29 06:23:43 · answer #2 · answered by Ffejford 1 · 0 0

Having been a military wife when I was younger I saw this activity by wives when husbands where off to do their jobs. I never understood such betrayl? And the reasons for this infidelity perplexed me more. These "womem" said they cheated because he's gone all the time? Duh! He's a military man, it's what they do? I think the real reason is selfishness on the part of the wife. A military man really has to let the potential military wife know what his life is really like. Now, this takes time and well, alot of times we don't take the time to know the other person. This happened to me. You have to have a lot of trust and faith in the military man you marry, because they have just as much oportunity to cheat as does the wife being left behind. (My husband adored philipino hookers) It goes both ways in relationships, someone somewhere always feels left out or lied to. I know I'm going on, and I should answer your question. No, Never, NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE!! It's not love that has let you down, it was the person you chose to love. First fix what is missing in your heart, and really think about what you want. You already know what you don't want. It took me a long time to realize truly what love is and well, it's a hard thing to keep hold of, but very worth it. 1. Must have same moral values. 2. Must have same goals for relationship. 3. Communication, always be honest and try to avoid being critical when not in aggreance. These are the key things I had to learn. I hope I didn't take to long to get to the point. Just, never give up on love. Good luck and God Bless.

2006-12-29 06:23:22 · answer #3 · answered by corina381 2 · 1 0

You know, a few months ago, I would have said yes. Give up any hopes or dreams of ever finding love because it doesn't exist. It's just a lie somebody made up to keep hurting us. Every relationship I had ended exactly like yours-betrayal, heartache and misery. Then, finally, just when I found the one man who was different, he died at a very young age and I was alone and in pain once again. That was 8 years ago. I swore off love, and gave up any hope of ever finding it again. Then, I ran into my first love from high school-32 years ago-and we both realized that we still have feelings for each other, and have finally begun our long-delayed life together. Am I worried that it might not work out and that I might get hurt again? Of course, but I spent a lot of years pushing people away and being lonely because of that fear. Who knows what I might have missed. I'm 48 years old, I love this man, and I realize that the only way I'm ever going to be happy is to take those chances. So, no, don't ever give up on love. It's out there-not all women are like the one who hurt you so badly. Somewhere out there, there is a woman who will love you for who you are, and who will make it her life's mission to make you happy. Look how long it took me to find it. So, hang in there, ok?

2006-12-29 06:27:34 · answer #4 · answered by Sharon G 1 · 0 0

First make sure to not post against her again..

Second~ breath

Third ~ you are a USMarine they have trained you to think clearly. That is what you must do right now.....

Fourth~ There will always be someone like her in this world married or not there is,

Fifth~ Make a list of all the things you want to do in your life, And start doing them,,,,,,Let her go and be positive in your life.....

And never get angry or yell at her about it....Move on and handle it with grace and style.....

Because I will tell you~ there is nothing worse then a broken heart without direction and love...Make your own love and find your direction.....

2006-12-29 06:14:34 · answer #5 · answered by MissChatea 4 · 0 0

Nice guys finish last. Stop being so nice...start acting tough. Dont give a crap about biatches like her. You will find a better one as soon as you make sure that they females are nice to you first before you are so nice to them. Being in the marines usually makes girls think you are tough and stuff. Being a pressed @$$ biatch is not a character a marine should be associated with. And they way she is using you and you keep letting her only makes you seem pressed.

2006-12-29 06:19:29 · answer #6 · answered by J Z 1 · 0 0

No definitely don't give up! All you have to do is be wary next time. Don't go all in straight away hold back a bit and if they really want to be with you they will be understanding and will be doing their best to show you that they love u. Any respectable woman will have their own money and want to pay their own way, so be sensible with your money. You shouldn't give up as such but if your not looking love will find you. Good luck x

2006-12-29 06:13:26 · answer #7 · answered by Lisa R 2 · 0 0

You shouldn't give up on love. soon enough you will find a woman who appreciates the love that you have to give.

In fact there are loads of women out there looking for an awesomely great guy as yourself. every mistake in life helps us to learn, so hopefully you can learn from this and maybe pick them better next ime. Sadly life makes these mistakes hurt us before we can move on.

My sympathies friend

2006-12-29 06:55:17 · answer #8 · answered by Matt 2 · 0 0

being in a similiar situation i know what your'e saying but i wouldnt give up totally. I am no longer looking for a perfect partner but just taking it one day at a time and hopefully some good will come of it that way. No such thing as perfect or easy love in this world anymore!

2006-12-29 06:08:27 · answer #9 · answered by joey p 1 · 0 0

time to grow and learn more about yourself so you can lean more about people and find a better girl.. this one is likely a barfly or at the very least totally immature. some are actually BPD and BPD (antisocials) misdiagnosed by the idiot dr.s as 'bi-polar' or 'schizoid'. dont be too hard on yourself, these women are all over and hard to recognize until you are in the stew. there are better women out there. good luck


2006-12-29 06:18:58 · answer #10 · answered by larrydoyle52 4 · 0 0

come on...its just a case of being with the wrong woman at the wrong time...nice guys finish last....true dat!!!time you manned up and stopped being one..it does drive most of us away...coz you tend to be very predictable and somewhat boring...no offence...if you give up now...your going to live your life more cold hearted that you think your getting right now...
if you try and fail once...get up dust your self and try again....you will get there..eventually..if you give up..a big woose you are...again no offence

2006-12-29 06:24:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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