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I know that many Christians (and some Muslims I know as well) have no problem at all with homosexuality, and I'm not posing the question at them.

I'm also not arguing that all sexual behaviour is good, or non abusive. Clearly some is, both heterosexual and homosexual. But I'm just wondering about how you can make a moral judgement about a sexual act purely on the basis of the gender of the participants. Is this simply because of proscriptions in holy texts, or are there other reasons?

2006-12-28 21:06:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The best answers so far suggest that homosexual sex is immoral because it can't result in a pregnancy. Does this mean that the only morally justifiable rasison d'etre for a sexual act is pregnancy? Where does that leave infertile heterosexuals, or those who practice family planning?

Intel_knight suggests it "messes up hormones". I have tried to search various endocrinology sites to see if there is any evidence to support this belief, but I've drawn a blank. Could you please provide a link?

2006-12-28 21:42:22 · update #1

Sloe 3D, you felt the question was "wishy washy", and I'm not sure why. I'm simply trying to parse your moral reasoning: if your moral beliefs truly come from religion, and the Core of your religion is God, do you know Him by any other way than your texts?

Many of the answers simply say that they find homosexual acts disgusting. I find eating brusells sprouts disgusting. Is this reason enough to make a universal moral judgement about consuming these? vegetables?

2006-12-28 21:52:02 · update #2

11 answers

it is disgusting, it cannot result in a child, it messes up hormones.

2006-12-28 21:10:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hmmmm. Your title says "Christians and Muslims: do you have non-scriptural reasons for believing that homosexual sex is immoral?"

Yet you state "I know that many Christians (and some Muslims I know as well) have no problem at all with homosexuality, and I'm not posing the question at them."

and then come back to ask "how you can make a moral judgment about a sexual act purely on the basis of the gender of the participants. Is this simply because of proscriptions in holy texts, or are there other reasons?"

You are being wishy-washy.

The answer is: Christians and Muslims believe the act of homosexual sex is immoral be because the core of their religion says it's wrong and the core of their religion is GOD.

2006-12-28 21:20:42 · answer #2 · answered by Sloe3D 3 · 0 0

My personal opinion, non scriptual based is that it doesn't seem natural. Before I got saved 8years ago I felt the same way. I've seen pornos with two men and honestly it didn't grose me out it like hurt my feelings to see two men enjoy each other that way. I feel the same way about two women. I am a woman so I guess seeing two men seems more odd because men are "supposed" to be the strong one, but seeing 2 men together shows weakness, to me. When I see two women that grosses me out maybe because I am a woman and it doesn't turn me on none whatsoever. Never been there and won't ever go there. As far as disliking homosexuals, that's not the case with me either. I disslike snd dissagree with the act but not the people.

2006-12-28 21:20:33 · answer #3 · answered by SuperSkinny 3 · 1 0

that distinctive faith has finished lots harm to the worldwide that if there's a God he could have gave them the smite before they have been given thoroughly uncontrolled. I examine in the Bible, around an analogous section the place it talks approximately homosexuality that they should no longer positioned on mixed fibers. So all that polyester swishing into church each and every Sunday is blaspheming them directly to hell. And what approximately eating beef? guy those fat 1st Baron Verulam asses are in hardship!! I have not got any issue human beings working in direction of their faith. If it facilitates them get during the day good for them. yet that distinctive religions followers will stand actual there on your face and aid you be attentive to which you will hell for regardless of and then turn around and do something that it states for sure of their Bible that they should no longer do. communicate approximately picking and picking sins. And if the affection of money is undesirable those mega church buildings are so gonna pay..

2016-10-06 03:59:50 · answer #4 · answered by lyon 4 · 0 0

"God made me like this. Sin is His fault!"

If this won’t work in a civil court, it certainly won’t work on Judgment Day. Even with an expert defense lawyer, it would take a pretty inept judge to fall for the old "God made me do it" defense. We are responsible moral agents. The "buck" stopped at Adam. He tried to blame both God and Eve for his sin; Eve blamed the serpent. It is human nature to try, but it doesn’t work with God.

"God made me to be a homosexual, so He doesn’t want me to change."

Homosexuals argue that they did not make a conscious decision to be that way, so it must be natural. They are born that way—just as all of us are born with a sin nature and sinful desires (Ephesians 2:1– ). Tell them that it is natural for them, and for all of us, to be tempted to do things that God says are wrong. In the same way, pedophiles and adulterers (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.) don’t make a conscious decision to "choose" that self-destructive lifestyle, they simply give in to their sinful desires. However, although sin is natural for unbelievers, that doesn’t mean God wants them to remain that way. God can set them free from their sinful nature (Romans 7:23–8:2), give them new desires (Ephesians 4:22–24), and help them withstand temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I have done a cut and paste of the way I see it and understand it. Everyone has their own opinions - this is mine

I love the person but NOT THE SIN.

2006-12-28 21:13:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Ok, I can post a diatribe that will likely get it "booted", so, I wont...

Suffice it to say, that "man on man", "woman on woman", is non-productive. There is no way that any children can come from this union.

With out Children to keep the population up, we dwindle and die out as a race and specie. Thus, homosexuallity is a negative aspect of civilization. Enough of them, and the specie has to die, due to lack of propogation.

Also, I am against it, (the act) as a moral issue. Its not natural in nature...(sure monkeys do it, but, we are not Daranian Theory here)...And they will die out as a specie soon enough also.

I am against "couples" who engage in this raising adopted children, because it doesnt give them the "moral background" that Society accepts as a "norm". Kids are confused enough, they dont need "that" in thier lives. Also, children are VERY CRUEL and they would be harrassed and abused if the other kids at school found out that thier mom&mom or dad&dad were like "that"! They would get the "label" and be scorned and ridiculed through out thier school years. Then, they would turn rebellious and spiteful and hate society as a whole because they are simply "maladjusted" to normal life.

Now, you may agree or disagree, but, you asked for my opinion, and this is my out take on it. (Non-Biblical).

I wish you well..


2006-12-28 21:16:25 · answer #6 · answered by x 7 · 1 1

Judgemental jerks.
Being gay is not a choice. No one would choose to be ridiculed and denied freedoms. And even if they did... who are you to take that choice away? There is no scriptural evidence that homosexuality is bad. Only interpretations.

2006-12-28 21:09:45 · answer #7 · answered by Jon_113 1 · 0 0

There are many reasons in the bible,-and I personally feel it's unnatural, and when I can bring myself to think of a guy that way, well...it just makes me sick to my stomach.

2006-12-28 21:31:55 · answer #8 · answered by lost and found 4 · 0 0

Well I do not condone homosexuality, and I am adamantly AGAINST gay marriage.

But since we live in North America, we have freedom, so people will do what they do. I will let God handle the homos.

And its immoral because you have ANAL INTERCOURSE! whats more immoral than that....

2006-12-28 21:42:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We should never butt into personal matters of others

2006-12-28 21:19:44 · answer #10 · answered by The atheist revolutionary 2 · 1 0

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