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19 answers

Logically speaking, NO religion can prove that because there is no such thing as BEST/PERFECT RELIGION!

2006-12-28 20:55:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

What makes Religion the best is when it is pure and undefiled. When the group takes care of the fatherless and the widow. When it comes so close to being the kingdom of God that it just take the will of the FAther to ascend into heaven, very much like a rapture. or a Translation from here to there in a blink of an eye. Just like Enoch and his people.

I personally dont beleive ANY RELIGION on earth is comes close enough to fulfill these things. When i believe that everyone will burn, MORE than just the wicked alone.
Every religion claims to have a prophet or a TRUE teacher!
but the signs to look for are LOVE and Unity and brotherhood.
I can find those same things in almost every church, so when you find one church that is Long suffering towards their enemies than, you get a better proof of its true character.
The truest religion must have love and unity, This is the best for the human population no matter what Relgion and for the whole earth.

2006-12-29 05:01:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is only one religion that can provide proof of it's superiority over all others. There is only one belief system, only one way of thinking, only one point of view that stands out from the rest and says loud and clear ...

"Everything we say is true can be demonstrated as so for you, here and now. No tricks, no deception, no lies. Pure, observable truth."

Only one can say that, and it is called SCIENCE (and I do not mean scientology, or spirituality, or new-age mysticism, or any other such cult, group, organisation or corporation).

Science transcends the ego of it's conductors, the assumptions of it's directors, and the beliefs of it's observers. It is undeniable fact.

Fact 1: The Earth revolves around the Sun. For millenia Humans have believed the Sun revolved around the Earth, and then, less than 1000 years ago, someone suggested it's the other way around and they were called a heretic burned at the stake.

Fact 2: The only constant in the universe is change. Everything is constantly changing. For hundreds of millenia people have believed that time is constant. Then someone suggested that the speed of light is constant. Both of these have been proven incorrect. Everything is constantly moving, vibrating, adapting. Change is the only reliable bet.

Fact 3: There is only one thing. All things come from the one thing that is. Nothing is completely absent of substance (that includes pure vacuum), and every single bit of substance is a unique piece of something much larger. Form, appearance and function will change, but it will always be the same thing.

Fact 4: Nothing can ever be created or destroyed. Everything in the universe is recycled from something else. example: A man weighs a cigar. He smokes the cigar, breathing every milligram of smoke into a chamber and carefully tapping the ash onto the scales. He then weighs the ash, and the smoke, and the difference between the total and the original cigar was the tar that now lines his lungs, and the nicotine and chemicals that courses his bloodstream, etc, etc. The cigar has changed form, appearance and function, but everything remains, to exist forever. Everything!

There are hundreds of these facts available for the layman to research. Each one holds a key to an understanding of how things really are, regardless of how others may portray them to be from their twisted perspective.

Now here's a very special key for you to look into, study, analyse. Everything I have said till now is true, but at the same time, simultaneously, it is false. It is incorrect. all of it. every word. A lot of crock. This oxymoron is called "The Divine Duality" to some people. others say it is "The Impossible Truth", or "The Hipocracy Of Reality." Some catholics call it "The Holy Grail."

So by that measure, everything that catholics say is true, and false. Same for Buddhists, Jews, Suicide Bombers, Evil Presidents, Humanitarian Aid Workers, Psychics.

How can my religion prove that it is the best for human beings in any time and place?

Through demonstration and articulate explanation. Problem is noone has ever, in the history of human beings, has ever had the time to be shown.

To start out as impartial and unbiased is a hard enough task on it's own, given that if you start young the brain is not developed enough to think and object, and as they grow older they are influenced by life which alters credibility.

This, plus the fact that if a person were to bring every observable experiment back to basics, free of assumptions, it would take many lifetimes to complete the puzzle and answer the question. Therefore, we gave the puzzle to a computer, and it reduced the problem to a mathematical equation. Physics, and all it's sub-topics like quantum physics and astro physics, is the holy grail of discovering what is what. Especially what to believe.

The answers are there, waiting to be observed. You can ask to see the question for that answer, or any other, at any time, however you will most likely be given more answers for more questions for m... See a pattern?

Or you can trust the answer as being truth, and deduce for yourself what it means to you, and how to use that information. If you are fat, and you believe that everything is constantly changing, and you believe that you have the power to influence the direction those changes make, then there is nothing stopping you from becoming thinner. Insert your own problem here.

In the end, almost everyone will tell you that the best religion for you is the one you find works best for you. Only one can explain exactly why that is so, and present it in a way that anyone can understand. Now you have the power to be whoever you want to be. Believe whatever you want to believe. Be the person you wish to see in the world.

2006-12-29 06:36:36 · answer #3 · answered by Bawn Nyntyn Aytetu 5 · 1 0

To respect other persons religion, proves how much Best is your own religion for Human being at any time and place

2006-12-29 04:57:23 · answer #4 · answered by rajesh m 3 · 0 0

I'm a Buddhist.
Buddhism doesn't claim to be the best or only religion for everyone.In fact the Buddha discouraged people from converting to Buddhism.
If you are drawn to a religion, fine. If you are not drawn to any religion, fine.
Don't believe anything because some authority figure tells you so.
Don't believe anything because a priest tells you, nor because somebody claiming to hear, or even to be, the voice of God tells you.
Only if you have tried it for yourself and found it to be true should you believe.
And don't worry.
As a great Christian mystic said, 'All will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well'.

2006-12-29 05:05:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You can not prove that any religion is the best, because there is no best religion. God never ever intended for everyone to believe the same thing. God has always intended for each of us to find his/her own way or path. What would be the point, if he wanted us to all be carbon copied of each other. Anyone who believes that he ever wanted us to believe the same thing, doesn't understand God's purpose in creating us. In order to do God's will....you have to follow your own path.

2006-12-29 05:08:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My religion does not do anything tp prove itself. It gives us a suggested way to worship the Living GOD through the Holy Spirit.

2006-12-29 04:55:42 · answer #7 · answered by Bye Bye 6 · 0 0

Christianity as a life style just makes sense. It has taken physiologists many years of studies to work out a better way to live.Many methods from these self help books etc are already present in the bible. if we followed and lived the word of God then we would want for nothing and he would take on our problems and make them disappear.

2006-12-29 05:12:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Catholicism is the best because it was founded by Jesus Christ himself - The Only Begotten Son of God. No other religion can make that claim.

2006-12-29 04:59:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because it doesn't put fear of God into you. God is not about fear, but love. He even loved those who didn't listen to him. That is why we have Jesus to help us. We all still love our own children when they do something that is bad, and we do try to quide them to do what is right and to right our wrongs. So does God. There aren't many religions out there who are correct. Jesus told the guy on the cross next to him that in the blink of an eye they would be together with his father in heaven. He didn't say we have to wait for Gabriel to blow his horn now did he?

2006-12-29 04:59:51 · answer #10 · answered by Fruit Cake Lady 5 · 0 2

you cant pin point any of the 3 major religions, because all 3 have come from God and all three are the best when practised truly.

2006-12-29 04:55:54 · answer #11 · answered by Dee 5 · 0 2

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