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My son is 7 years old and he screamed out to me when he was in the shower. I ran to the bathroom thinking he fell or burned his self or something but when I got in there he had a shocked look on his face. I said what's wrong. He showed me his penis and he was ejaculating and the nutt shotting out of him and he was trimbeling. Well me being his father I told him that everything was ok and to finish taking a shower and I would talk to him. So, I did and now he knows that this is what boys do. I never had the thought to talk to him about it this early because he is only 7 years old. I was shocked when I saw him ejaculating because I was 12 years old when I was fist able to do it. Is it normal for a seven year old boy to be able to nutt?

2006-12-28 20:00:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

19 answers

Almost anything is possible, I suppose. And some boys do mature faster than others. But this certainly sounds like a false conclusion, as I've never heard of a boy that age with a set of functional testes (the sperm-producing part of the male reproductive system) nor the ability to produce ejaculate. Moreover, components of the reproductive system virtually always develop in concurrence with one another (e.g., if in fact this was semen, then your son would also have much increased pubic hair growth).

I think you should make sure that this wasn't just urine, or some kind of infection (as your son was crying out--possibly in pain) by speaking to your doctor. He may want to have your son see his pediatrician if he's concerned. My strong feeling is that this is most likely a case of something not being what it appears to be. Either that, or your son is a few years older than you think he is.

2006-12-28 20:04:11 · answer #1 · answered by Wyatt B 2 · 7 1

It's a little shocking, but keep in mind that everyone is an individual - and being so, we all mature at our own ages. There have been cases of children starting puberty at ages such as 8 and 9. So it MAY be normal.
I personally suggest going to a doctor anyway just to be SURE it is perfectly normal, and that your son is okay.
Oh yes, and don't scare your son with it. Be sure you explain to him as best as you can that its a normal bodily reaction.

2006-12-28 20:32:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't believe your Story for a Minute! I think your either a Paedo getting off on your own Story, or IF true, then the most your supposed Son would do is have the feelings of an Orgasm, and possibly a twitching Penis, but ejaculating? NO WAY MATE!!!!

2015-11-27 08:20:19 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 3 3

First of all make sure YOU keep on being calm in the situation. while everyone seems to be saying that it is not normal. it can and does happen. this also doesn't mean that your child has been around the wrong people etc. it could just mean that he was rubbing himself there (wether cleaning or curious) and got arouse. anytime we feel rubbing or touching in that area, our bodies responds to it. it varies from person to person but never the less it responds, just as it does for adults.

I was eight years old, in the third grade, when it was recess time I went out to play with my school friends, our choice of games was to ride on the merry-go-round and then the see-saw,by the time the bell ring for us to go back to class, I remember feeling this feeling that I had never felt before, it was a good feeling but never the less scary, because I remember looking around and none of my friend we standing straight in a strain like I were so I knew immediatly that this was only happening to me. when, I finally took my seat and I remember sitting there feeling comfused but was too afraid to tell my teacher. so nothing else happen at school that day, when I made it home I shared this with my mother, she stayed calmed and asked me to tell her exactly what was happing before I started feeling that way, and who was around (she was making sure that no boys had been in the pic. I know that now, since I am grown, but wasn't sure where she was going with her questions at the time all this happened) Her advice to me were try not to sit staddle anything while I am playing on it or bumping, you all get what I am saying here.

But please look into this,(see a doctor)if you are not comfortable with the answers you come up with on your own because sometimes things happens to us when we are kids and we have no control over them/it, and then there are times when nature is taking it course with the human body, because the body has been put into that situation. sorry so long but just wanted to share this with you to let you know that you are not alone. oh yeah, I turned out fine. never once had to have counceling and was not into boys at an early age etc, none of the old wives tales that people may say would happen to a child that had that problem at that age..Take care you sound like a great Dad

2006-12-28 21:22:59 · answer #4 · answered by Ann J 3 · 4 0

Premature ejaculation is caused by specific things that you do before and during sex. Most of the time without even realizing it. Read here https://tr.im/SY7fu

Premature ejaculation is not some gene you're born with, the result of your penis size or a part of your personality that you can never change.

2016-04-21 23:20:57 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 2

I am the oldest of 8 boys and all my little brothers came running to me at one time or the other having just made a mess in their undies or jammies, and i cuddled him and we whispered boy talk so he knew he was ok. None of us are shy about our bits, and all of us had hairs by age 11-12 and could squirt by 11 or so. No trauma. I asked my doc how to check them and he showed me how to make sure their balls were dropped and that everything was ok. Each one let me check him over, better big bro than some old nurse or even worse MOM ! OH GOD ! Gotta let boys be boys, but they need a peer to explain things to them and reassure them. Ive been prepared after 7 lil ones to be a pretty good dad. We talk about it alot, now that we all have boys of our own, total of 12 so far and as they become young men and their bits start to get active, we will be able to smile and remember how we learned.

2013-11-05 11:56:28 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 1 2

As a doctor, I would like suggest to bring your kid to consult a specialist as soon as possble. This is definitely NOT normal. Your kid could have some kind of genetic malfunctional disease or chromosome disorder behavior.

Early treatment is advisable before it is too rigid to remedy in later age.

2006-12-28 20:19:33 · answer #7 · answered by championForever 2 · 3 0

While age 7 is a little young for a boy to hit puberty, it is not unheard of. So, be cool about it, explain things to him as he needs to learn them and make sure he knows that puberty hits different guys at different ages so he understands that he is just ahead of the pack and not some kind of freak.

2006-12-31 15:12:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My Son Ejaculated

2016-10-22 11:43:32 · answer #9 · answered by grable 4 · 2 0

It is physically possible for a child his age to feel pleasurable sensation in his genitals and ejaculate. If you have concerns, call his pediatrician and ask about it to allay any concerns you may have. Take care how you react to the situation, however, as it may confuse him if you appear upset.

2006-12-28 20:04:31 · answer #10 · answered by Tellin' U Da Truth! 7 · 3 0

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