I usually let him know that I think about him when he's away like sending him an e-mail or a text message. It's the little things I do to let him know I care or I miss him.
2006-12-28 18:18:32
answer #1
answered by Andrea 6
This really depends on what sort of person the girl is: outgoing or shy. If she is outgoing she will have no problem in letting you know that she misses you and cares about you- in fact she will say it to you. If the girl is shy, you need to keep an eye out for how she behaves with you. You'll be able to tell easily if she cares about you. Just see if she enjoys your company, seems comfortable with you, and confides in you. No matter what sort of person the girl is, all these signs will show you that the girl cares for you.
2006-12-28 18:18:39
answer #2
answered by bindigirl2001 1
If i care about a guy and miss him, I would call often, or write emails, or I would simply tell him how I felt if he asks. You can always judge for yourself whether or not they are genuine feelings being expressed. Another good note is to act on your feelings. I can feel whether or not someone is realley into me or not, or just playing around with me.Take care and hope you find what you are looking for.
2006-12-28 18:21:59
answer #3
answered by marie ld 1
Good chance she will tell you if she is missing you and you will know she cares about from the way she treats you and the relationship.
2006-12-28 18:16:54
answer #4
answered by Onie 4
Has she tried to call, text, e-mail, instant message you? If she's trying to maintain contact then she probably misses you. If she isn't then it doesn't necessarily mean she forgot about you. Maybe she is trying to be strong and independent but it secretly kills her inside. Just try to move on and do your own thing, if you guys are meant to be you'll cross paths again.
2006-12-29 02:39:16
answer #5
answered by goldengirl 4
If she misses you or cares about you she'll call you, ask about your life, and want to spend time with you. The best way to find out is to just ask her about it.
2006-12-30 01:04:36
answer #6
answered by Jilli Bean 5
You really should just ask her. If you're too afraid, time will tell. She'll do things like call for no particular reason, want to be around you and spend time with you... You'll figure it out.
2006-12-28 18:19:16
answer #7
answered by KLS 2
if she's special to you then you should be the first to let her know this. Then (if she not a witch[not trying to be mean]) she'll tel you or show you she cares/doesn't care about you.
hope that helps
2006-12-28 18:18:04
answer #8
answered by Emilee 1
If she cares for you or misses you she will tell you!!
2006-12-28 18:18:16
answer #9
answered by Alexa K 5
Easy. Call her and ask. Trust me.
2006-12-28 18:17:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous