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I have gone through alot of struggles in my life...emotionally and financialy. I am a very sensitive person and I think I was exposed to alot of hardships in college..which I never had..ppl have taken advantage of my sensitivy and my caring personality and they have stepped all over me. My family is not what I though it was..there has been a lot of skelletons in the closet and I just cant find myself anymore.I'm the oldest of three and I usually have to deal with a lot of crap from my parents and whenver they have a problem they come to me first...they tend to give me their burdens alot. ..I have come to realize that my parents are not as strong as I though they were. I have noticed that I have changed alot...I'm very irresponsible with homework and deadlines in school.I have developed a very bad temper and I get angry alot...and I feel physically drained out. have been diagnosed with depression before but I dont know ifI I should go see a psychologist or get therapy in general...Help!

2006-12-28 18:06:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

15 answers

Therapy is not just for crazy people. I think a therapist would be a very good step for you. It shows that you realize that you need to get your life back on track. I don't think you need to see a psychologist. I think just your run of the mill therapist will be good enough. Just somebody you can talk to who will put things in perspective for you and help you face your inner turmoils.

I also think that putting some distance between you and your relatives for a while would be a good idea. Now that the holidays are over, it shouldn't be too hard, unless you live at home, which you didn't mention, so I don't know.

Good luck!

2006-12-28 18:19:05 · answer #1 · answered by concretebrunette 4 · 0 0

This is the stage in your life where you find that things are not what they seem when you were younger. It is so much easier when these "revelations" come one at a time, not one after the other. Vent, get angry when too much is expected of you.
Find a good friend. When you talk to other people, you will find out that they have the same problems, just different versions.

Find a hobby. Read a lot. You can always lose yourself in a good book.
It helps when you win a few battles in life, even minute little things.
Cherish those moments. Apply yourself to school, as those are the easiest battles that are winnable. People problems are harder.
I hope you can sail through the rough waters and get to smooth waters once again. Soon ! God Bless

2006-12-29 02:23:16 · answer #2 · answered by QuiteNewHere 7 · 0 0

Hi! I would advize you to see a pastor first, to see if you could set up an appointment with you and your parents to discuss your problems with them in a kind and supportive way. It appears to me that you are an artistic, sensitive, and assertive person. Do not let your parents dump on you. Be honest and tell them you are an adult, and that you require your own space to grow as a woman of principals. I commend you for reaching out like this. You seem like a dream child for every parent. Tell yourself to forgive the people that have taken advantage of you, and talk to them. You will then, feel free of guilt, and to move on. Good luck!

2006-12-29 02:46:57 · answer #3 · answered by persnicady 3 · 0 0

Yes, I suspect it would help you tremendously to see a therapist. A great deal of the issues we all have with life in general can be sorted out by having appropriate coping strategies. It isn't possible to go through life without stress -- the question is simply: what's the best way to manage all of the various kinds of stress that happen?

A therapist can help in at least two ways. They will help you identify the source of stress in your life (and not just the surface, obvious stuff, but the real root-causes), and they will help you develop strategies for coping with stress when it does happen.

2006-12-29 02:12:19 · answer #4 · answered by Mark H 4 · 1 0

With all the stress that you are going through, I would try seeing a therapist first and after you tell them everything that is going on with you and how you feel, they will be the best ones to recommend what the next step of treatment should be. Good luck to you.

2006-12-29 02:24:27 · answer #5 · answered by rosey 7 · 0 0

You are already "walking" as you are able to see these problems this time. So as you already know that a psychologist may help try to see one.
But be carefully to not wait to this solve you problems, because the only one that is able to do so is yourself.
The psychologist will help in way to see what is going on.

It´s necessary to really face the problems and believe in yourself. In my opinion it is exactly what is missing.
And if you are having trouble to do so, get a psychologist.

Remember that no one is perfect, as your parents, as yourself...
Try to see the good things you are too.

2006-12-29 02:42:42 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

first off your parents should NOT talk to u about their problems they are not yours to be responsibile for nor since u are their child talk to u about them... yes seeing a therapist would help they may put u on zoloft or some other med's to help u get through things also find a real friend u can count on to talk to ... to be there to help a real friend not someone who will walk on u and also dont let them walk on u because if they are they are not the people u want to be around or with....... be strong for yourself its a struggle but U CAN do it!!!!!!!! best of luck to u....

2006-12-29 02:15:04 · answer #7 · answered by LITTLEBEAR 2 · 1 0

You need a break.
Put a sign on your door that says
Then act like it.
Let them handle their problems without you.
Tell them, " I can't deal with it right now ", and
leave the room to make a cup of tea.
Some people like to dump their burdens on those
who listen. Decide on what you will listen to.
You might want to see someone.

2006-12-29 02:25:55 · answer #8 · answered by elliebear 7 · 0 0

yes,I think it's time you go see a therapist.Alot of us have been through the same things.I have Depression&Anxiety.So,it's possible that you might need to be on some medication.But,also seek God.And Prayer works.I also take medicine for my Depression and it really helps.

2006-12-29 02:35:50 · answer #9 · answered by jac9blond 2 · 0 0

I think you're best option is to go to following site, you'll be amazed at the information you'll read there about the effect of Essential Fatty Acid's on our health!!! They talk about both fish oils and flax seed oils having a huge impact on everything from ADHD to depression, schizophrenia, cancer........Please have look:-


Good Luck............:)

2006-12-29 02:14:48 · answer #10 · answered by Minx 7 · 0 1

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