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A few months back I had these terrible feeling of dread that something bad was going to happen to my younger sister. I could not shake it, it was so bad, I couldn't do anything. The feeling came and went for about 2 months. I went on antidepressents and I have been feeling good until two days ago, I started having that bad feeling of dread again. I've had feelings like this before, a few years ago I had a bad case of it but it was a bad feeling that something was going to happen to me. My brother died and I almost died at the same time. I am really scared that something is going to happen to my sister, I love her so much. She is the most important person to me in the world. I have always been an anxious and nervous person, very careful and cautious.

I'm afraid that these aren't just weird feelings, I'm afraid that they are premonitions and I am really scared. Did anyone ever have these feelings before? I hope that it is some kind of anxiety and not a premonition.

2006-12-28 17:55:46 · 13 answers · asked by zaazaa 1 in Health Mental Health

I'm just really feeling sad, with these answers that people are saying that it is a premonition. I am really really scared, I don't know what to do. I am going crazy, if anything happens to my sister I will commit suicide, I love her so much. I have already lost my brother , i can't lose anyone else.

2006-12-28 18:07:06 · update #1

13 answers

i have them all the time. but what I learned to do was to pray as soon as those thoughts came into my mind. And if you are a person of faith and you believe in rebuking satan in the name of Jesus it really does work if you have faith and believe. There is a big difference when you believe.

2006-12-28 18:01:23 · answer #1 · answered by sngozig 3 · 0 0

You have had one terrible trauma in your life and some how you feel as if you should have listened to your premonition and maybe you could of helped your brother. This is normal anxiety and yes tell your sister about it and ask her to be in touch with you on a more regular basis so it will relieve some of your anxiety - you should also be going to proffesional help because medications only do so much for you but it is not a complete solution.
It is good to listen to your intuition but don't let it rule your life - there is a fine balance that you will have to learn

2006-12-29 02:04:53 · answer #2 · answered by prettymama 5 · 0 0

I am sorry I have never been in your position before but I doubt that it is anxiety. In fact it may very well be a premonition. Family bonds are very strong and a lot of times one family member will feel when something bad is going to happen to another. I would listen to the bad feelings and try to figure out what it could be. Talk to your sister see if there is anything new going on in her life and try to discern wether this something new could be something that could potentially harm her.

2006-12-29 02:03:13 · answer #3 · answered by bswbaby 1 · 0 0

I am sorry for the loss of your brother and I know you are anxious about your sister. You need to see a professional regarding your problems. A physic is not the answer. I feel people do have premonitions on some things, but not this bad. If you believe in God, then you know He is in control of what happens to us. I believe we die when our time comes no matter what. And this is true for your sister. The Bible says not to worry about tomorrow, worry will not change what it brings. Think about today, enjoy the day, enjoy your sister. Just put it in God's hands. Pray about your concerns regarding your sister. God will ease your burden and give you peace. Just believe and don't worry. God Bless

2006-12-29 02:57:38 · answer #4 · answered by marsha 3 · 0 0

Unless you are a professional pyche person like Madam Crystalball, it is probably anxiety. We all know that life is full of uncertainity, but we can't let worry about loved ones keep us from enjoying life. We must do what we can for loved ones but realize that anything can and do happen in this world of daily change. Use your time to call, write or email your sister and know that you're living each day at a time. Ask God to take that terrible feeling of dread and doom from your heart and spirit so you can live life to the fullest. Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow. I speak peace and comfort to you.

2006-12-29 02:06:02 · answer #5 · answered by Gloria L 2 · 0 0

You may be what is called a sensitive. You pick up on vibrations around you. Have you heard of Hay House Radio? They talk alot about this kind of thing. I would try to get on Venus Andrecht's show on 11 a.m. on Fridays if your on the pacific coast. Or you can get on her website, certainmen.com. Venus is a working psychic. She is excellent, very caring and kind. I would not shrug this aside, I would talk to Venus.

2006-12-29 02:02:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is just a stake of mind.
Brain has lots of twirsts , your thought process is in knots with the area there you have stored the feelings of fear and possession pass and hence this thought turned so strong that you felt it will be real.
Just wake up and say " That was a stupid nightmare" and everything will be fine.

2006-12-29 04:23:25 · answer #7 · answered by sikunj.patel 2 · 0 0

i do not think it is anxiety
but maybe you just feel things way too much and you are so worried about your sister because your brother died
fear of losing someone close is very potent
best wishes to you

2006-12-29 02:07:36 · answer #8 · answered by Bren 7 · 0 0

Satsang: Swami Sukhabodhananda

Commitment is the language of the wise; complaint is that of fools. Commitment is a responsibility and it includes accountability.

Our weaknesses result in disappointment. To overcome disappointment, boost your strengths. The greatest strength comes from the energy of commitment that brings excellence in all walks of life. Few people traverse the road of success without a puncture or two, but it is commitment to excellence that takes them through.

To be committed is not being ‘stuck’; it is an integration of one’s being. If you are committed to honour your word, the base self in you will discourage you. If your energies are low, you will succumb. If you follow the higher self, the lower self will serve you, slowly getting integrated with the higher. In such a state there will be integrity. Without integrity life is shallow.

You are both actor and thinker. Every time you lie, the thinker warns you that you are lying and the actor asks you to shut up and continue telling lies. It is like riding a chariot with two horses going in two different directions. With commitment, however, you are a person of integrity, and excellence is attainable.

Can we test before we trust? >>

Like an eagle, can we test before we trust?

Eagles lay eggs on a cliff or high peak in nest of grass and thorns. When the eggs hatch, the weight of the eaglets exerts pressure and the thorns start pricking the newborns. Then the female pushes the eaglets out of the nest. As the eaglets nearly fall, the male picks them and places them back in the nest.

Meanwhile, the female removes the upper layer of grass, so that the eaglets rest directly on the thorns that prick them. The eaglets are yet to test their wings. Now the male pushes the eaglets out of the nest. This process continues till such time that the eaglets are able to foresee the danger in falling and start using their wings. Slowly they realise their ability to use their wings and start flying.

Observe the commitment of an eagle reflected in the way it executes family responsibilities and the way it conducts itself while parenting. Bring similar commitment to all walks of life; be it in the family, at work, in society or in your spiritual life. Excellence happens when there is love that helps you to grow and contribute.

Commitment also involves dropping illusions. We do not see the world as it is; we see it projected through our verbose minds. Our minds are filled with thoughts and words. Words represent experiences. Words are also influenced by memory. From the past, we see the present. Hence we create illusions created by words, but we must filter them wisely.

The mind creates dreams. The aware self in you sees reality. Awareness without the ‘I’ is the higher self. The mind with its illusions is the lower self. Have the commitment to operate from the higher self.

Through commitment, balance all walks of your life... family, work, social and spiritual. Creativity is to balance all walks of life. Creativity is just not creating something new always. Creativity brings excellence in one’s life. It is a state of well-being. Well-being creates completion. When one is complete, one is alive and vibrant in all walks of life.

2006-12-29 03:53:50 · answer #9 · answered by sun rays 1 · 0 1

you say many similarities to OCD.

Get to a behaviorial specialists for flooding therapy technique. worked great for me. symptom free for 5 years.

2006-12-29 02:06:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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