I think that high school girls really do care. They try to say they don't but they do. You just have to try and be yourself and being funny doesn't hurt.
2006-12-28 17:54:23
answer #1
answered by myjumpman42 2
Well you know, No one is really ugly! People just think that way, but there is always a person/people who thinks you're great. Maybe you just dont see it. Just be yourself,be confident and you'll see. Some girls care about what the guy looks like but some don't. Some look in the inside not in the outside. Just be patient and open. Great things happen to all. But takes time.
2006-12-28 17:55:01
answer #2
answered by Cherry 1
First off . . . ugly is not a permanent or immutable condition. Good grooming and a style assist from . . . whoever does all those makeovers and whatnot can go a long way. Sure it might be expensive, but think about how much pain you suffer otherwise. However you think you look, put your best foot forward.
Secondly, not many of us are going to land Heidi Klum and the like. I guarantee you that there are hundreds of women who would be thrilled to receive any attention from any man. And most of them are really interesting people with a lot to offer even if they will never be on the cover of Self.
Third, stop focusing on "picking up girls" and start thinking about what you like to do, and whether you would like to do it with someone else.
Like anything else, start slow and work your way up to more challenging situations. Be yourself, you might end up with her. Be considerate, but honest.
You will do fine.
2006-12-28 17:56:43
answer #3
answered by El sabio viejo 2
Find a female, preferably a peer ... sister or friend to take you clothes shopping. Decide on a look or style aimed at the type of girl you are most attracted to and stick to it. Go to a salon. Have them fix you up the best they can.
You just have to accept and work with what you have, not concern yourself too much with other people's opinions. Openly and relaxed, talk to people of the opposite sex with candor and some semblance of self confidence. Let the chips fall where they may.
Be realistic, but be comfortable talking to anyone.
Girl's attractions tend to intensify towards those whom they fall in love with. While men tend to be attracted to everything and fall in love over time.
2006-12-28 17:58:20
answer #4
answered by AnswerGuy 3
Confidence! You might be ugly (you're own words) but, confidence in yourself will help. Don't be afraid to take risks! Womwn find confidence more attractive than an ugly face. Besides, your description is only yours, not the people that see you. Focus on building your self image. Then watch as the women start noticing.
2006-12-28 17:55:16
answer #5
answered by Dogmilk 1
You teach others how to treat you if you think you are ugly others will too. Looks are only the outside, what matters is the inside. Stop focusing on what you look like and be true to yourself.
2006-12-28 17:51:54
answer #6
answered by Marina 3
LOOKS MATTER!! - but not as much as you think. Good looks, the right (symmetrical) face, decent body, nice clothes, will provide you an opportunity to "audition" for a woman much more easily than bad looks but that's all you get - an audition, that is get to talk to her etc. From that point on it still comes down to how you can make her feel. It's your ability to make women feel warm, happy, and magical deep down inside them that makes them actually want you, not how you look. That doesn't mean, though, that you shouldn't always try to look and feel your best. Why handicap yourself?
2006-12-28 17:54:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You No what now n day people dont really care as much about looks as they do other things. Its all about whats inside and how you curry your self if you have low self estem it shows on the outside as well. No one wants any one who thinks poorly about thy self.The girls who are concerned wit the way you look can't see past your face and in which case you don't want them anyway. Patience takes time and time is a virtue. Let her come to you!!!
2006-12-28 17:54:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well a girl does go on looks BUT i do think you are focusing on it too much cause they also like a guy whos sweet and nice if your that kinda guy then you can have just about any girl you want as long as you show it.
2006-12-28 17:53:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
youre focusing too much on the physical aspect, who cares if you dont look like brad pitt, that is not the point many people are shallow but not all are shallow, if they see something great and worthy in you, and you believe and love yourself enough, others will start seeing that positive light and would be drawn in to you, people hate negative people, be positive
2006-12-28 17:51:06
answer #10
answered by haringmarumo 6