To Perform the Turkey Curse:
Take a foot stance as if you were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs.
Face the particular greyfaced you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction of the negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize.
Begin waving your arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you were a Mandrake feeling up a sexy giantess. Chant, loudly and clearly:
The results will be instantly apparent.
2006-12-28 17:52:00
answer #1
answered by randomstupidhandle 3
Witchcraft is a very real thing. Don't let anyone tell you any different.
If a spell was put on you, then you need meditation and prayer to break it.
If you want the witchcraft answer to countering a spell, surround yourself at night on all 4 sides with white candles when you go to bed. Good sized ones. Cover north south east and west. Pray to your god to protect you from any and all outside influences and pledge your life to the will of god as you understand him.
Do not allow the candles to go out more than three times. None at all is better. If you can keep the candles going for 7 days, that should break it. And if you can, sprinkle some sage in the candles prior to lighting them and ask your god to bless the candles so that you may follow the will of God as you understand them.
If you wanna find out if she is a witch, simply look and see if she has a lot of purple around her house, or any pentagrams.
Oh, by the way, the wiccan religion is 2000 years older than christianity, and christianity stole most of their holidays from the pagan religions. Jesus, the easter bunny, and santa don't have anything to do with each other.
2006-12-29 01:58:57
answer #2
answered by Chipper G 1
Wow....your story is bizarre.
So is this gal hot? I mean I cant imagine a 45 yr. old being that hot but who knows maybe she looks like Demi Moore...If she was as hot as Demi Moore...yeah, Id say go for her.
How old are you by the way? If your under 40, then NO, shes way too old for your ***. Just think in. ten years..dude she'll be an old lady.
As far as witchcraft goes..yeah thats a bunch of b.s.
2006-12-29 01:52:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
something spooky might just have happened.
how old are you???....if you are usually into 45 yr. old women... mybe that isn't out of the ordinary.
but if you 've been into a mental hospital....take your medication.
and go into a vacation...somewhere where you are so comfortable in.
unwind and look for another girl.
Witchcraft only becomes real if you let it become real. you'll feel comfort, how about goin to church or carrying a rosary.
2006-12-29 01:55:39
answer #4
answered by me_myself_mwah. 2
Witchcraft isn't real, but a vast imagination is. This question is pretty vague, so I can't help you out that much.
2006-12-29 01:50:13
answer #5
answered by wizard of stealth 3
Yeah, quit doing drugs
2006-12-29 01:50:20
answer #6
answered by bernie2u4 6
It's not WitchCraft, you're just deluded.
2006-12-29 02:35:50
answer #7
answered by AmyB 6
she could have and if she did, this wont last forever but you should stay away from her :) :) :)
2006-12-29 01:58:50
answer #8
answered by sexton 6
go to church!
2006-12-29 01:52:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous