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I used to go to church and had complete faith in God and then I stopped going and its been about 4 years. I want to get back into church but I just stopped believing in God...even though I feel like I really really really want to believe in him. How can I gain my faith back? Is it really possible? I am mormon-lds. Please help and offer suggestions. Thanks!

2006-12-28 17:34:31 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

I was in your shoes not all that long ago. I wanted to gain my faith back as well. I am also LDS. My trick was one day I just picked up the Book of Mormon and read it cover to cover for the first time in my life. (I was born into an LDS family). I prayed each and every time prior to reading. Even to begin with I started out saying something to the effect of "If you're really there, help me to understand what I should do." I took Moroni 10:4 to heart and determined that if there was a God then He would let me know whether or not this book was true or not. I found that it is. Each time I read, I understood more and more and was able to apply what I was learning in my everyday life. I know you can find the same peace that I found.

Your Heavenly Father does exist and He does love you. All you have to do is ask and He will touch your heart so that you know
beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is there. Even if you determine that you no longer believe what you have learned in our faith is right for you. I seriously doubt that will happen.

Remember the Primary song "I am a Child of God" (that was my favorite song in Primary). Think of the words to that song and see if you don't feel that sense of peace. Also, if you remember the words to "I Know that My Redeemer Lives", that one did the trick for me too.

I don't know exactly who you are, but I will keep you in my prayers. (Our Heavenly Father will know who I am talking about.) You are welcome to e-mail me (click my pic and you can e-mail from there) and I will be happy to chat with you ANYTIME.

2006-12-30 14:44:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The first two things that will help the MOST: PRAY and go to church.
You could have the missionaries come visit you to kind of get re-aquainted with the gospel, there is nothing wrong with learing...we should constantly be learning! Ask for help in your prayers...you might be surprised as your prayers can be answered in ways you weren't expecting. Also, don't let the adversary discourage you. I fell away from the church for a little while and I always felt unworthy to go to church and to take the sacrament - even to pray! But then I finally realized that was how Satan wanted me to feel- not our Heavenly Father. I prayed and repented for things and started going back to church and was sealed to my husband in the temple a year ago!
I promise you the gospel has SOOO many blessings if we live it, blessings in this life and in the next!
Good luck, if you need any help - let me know I will do what I can!

2006-12-29 05:17:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Maybe you rejected God because you were trying to believe a too literal definition, God in a box, that was too difficult to worship while a part of your brain was mocking you and asking, are you serious?

Lots of people will give you simple answers, saying you must believe x and do y in order to be z.

If you want to believe in God, find a book (the Bible works for many, and translations vary wildly) or a church (LDS or another) where you can hear God if you listen. By "hear" I mean that you recognize grace, love, hope, wisdom, etc. more strongly and more often than you are distracted/dismayed by unlikely details, doubts, petty actions, politics, etc.

2006-12-28 17:49:23 · answer #3 · answered by Marya 2 · 2 1

QuestionA, I also broke away from the church and turned my back to God, my family and friends, but after I spent a month in jail for contempt, I realized that God, Jesus Christ and my family and friends had always been there for me. I had turned my back on them, they hadn't turned their's on me.
I started reading the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine of Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and the Bible and I had missionaries coming to my home and reading with me, and if I had any questions, they would answer them for me.
Honey, I was away from the church for about 25 years. Now I go as much as my health will allow and I still read the Bible and some other missionary couple comes to see me about once a month. The old couple of missionaries used to come once a week and we still keep in contact.
Go talk to you Relief Society President, she will help you and the sisters of your ward will open their arms to welcome you.

If I can help at all, please feel free to e-mail me at : nevadanomad@sbcglobal.net
I will help you all I can. Love, and may God be with you and guide you always, Juanita

2006-12-29 18:48:35 · answer #4 · answered by nevada nomad 6 · 2 0

It sounds like God is trying to pull you back to him. I went through something very similar for several months before I began seeking God again.

Remember that all you need is faith like a grain of a mustard seed. If you feel it in you to come back, you have that much Faith in you. Just talk to God. Tell him how you feel and ask him for guidance. Start reading scripture. Even if just a few verses. You can trust him to guide you along the right path if you simply ask him for help.

2006-12-28 17:43:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Interesting, I'm 16 and in the process of joining the LDS Church after three years of being a Athiest--after losing faith.

Where I do think the LDS Church teaches truth, I don't believe they're the only ones saved.

If you want to have a relationship with Jesus again. I'd say...

-Pray, tell Him you want to have a personal relationship with Him.
-Read the Gospel in the Bible.
-Visit several churches, possibly even your old Ward. Speak to pastors, bishops, ministers, etc.

I'd say prayer is the best thing. Talk to Jesus, have a conversation with him! =]]--Don't just repeat over-used blessing prayers.

Do you even want to return to the Mormon Church?

It seems like I'll be quite happy there.


2006-12-28 17:42:11 · answer #6 · answered by N/A 3 · 4 2

You never believed in him to begin with. If you believe in God it's because he called you out of darkness and you don't need to be told whether or not you can trust him. If you are scared of fact that you're still in the darkness then rest assured most don't even know that they're there. Faith is believing that he can save you out of the darkness. He calls you by faith. You have to believe which means to act. Take a step of faith toward him. As soon as you do that you'll run into something in your life that will try to keep you from going forward, something that wants to hold you back which comes from the world, the flesh, or the devil. That is where repentance comes in. Keep turning away from whatever comes against faith in God's power to save you and keep turning to the one who gave his life for you.

2006-12-28 18:17:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You chose to believe in God??

Either you have evidence or not. Pursue reality, and if God exist then He/She/It will be found in it.

Maybe you need to start by examinging the history of the Mormon church, how it started etc. Examine the evidence for the existence of Hebrews speaking Greek and writing in reformed Egyptian in North America pre Colombus etc. Maybe things like this will help solidify your views. Maybe you seek confirmation on the rational level, its ok you know, Mormon leaders claim to do it all the time. Seek out FOR and AGAINST information so as to encourage truth to reveal itself.

2006-12-28 17:37:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I felt the same way, except I was born and raised Catholic. Then I realized it was the particular religion I didnt agree with. I still pray and know there is a God, but I do not go to church anymore, not untill I find a church that has similar beliefs that I do.

2006-12-28 17:38:37 · answer #9 · answered by julez 6 · 3 1

U have to believe in and out in something to gain ur faith back. As long as ur heart doesnt believe and accept what is teaches, then u won't feel it in ur self.

1 way to gain faith is to learn, and find knowledge about the true God.

2006-12-28 17:44:35 · answer #10 · answered by sweetzy 4 · 1 1

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