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We have a Yellow Labrador about 9-10 years old. He was doing fine until maybe 3 weeks or so ago. He got to where it seems that both of his back legs are 'stiff' and he has trouble getting up, walking, etc. He's not himself anymore. He has been doing crazy things like going to the far back part of the back yard sleeping there the whole night. In cold rains, freezing cold nights, etc. He has a dog house up near the house, with a nice warm blanket in it that he knows is there (and sleeps in during the day). Lately he always has stuff around his eyes, like they have been watering a lot and the "sleepy" stuff runs down his face and dries. My mom said she saw him scratching at his eyes before. He's lost a lot of weight, and won't eat much, if at all. Acts like he's in pain to move and walk, particularly with his back legs. Sometimes he seems 'lost' and just stands and stares at stuff for no reason. My family can't really afford a vet. We've been trying to give him aspirin in moderation.

2006-12-28 17:29:05 · 13 answers · asked by JMR 1 in Pets Dogs

13 answers

He may have Lyme's Disease, characterized by his stiffness, lack of appetite, disorientation, and excessive sleeping. You'd better get him to the vet. It sounds like his illness is getting complications. The longer you wait, the worse the disease becomes. It can kill him. He needs antibiotics. The earlier you treat the disease, the chances for permanent damage lessens.

This is pretty serious stuff. Antibiotics are the only way to heal him. If you can't take your dog to the vet for treatment then please give him to the SPCA.

Good luck. Your dog sounds like he needs plenty at this point.

2006-12-28 17:41:12 · answer #1 · answered by Em E 4 · 3 0

I'm sorry to hear about your dog having this much difficulty. I am a pet owner, not a vet. I have a basset hound who has stuff watering from his eyes off and on and it has usually been something wrong with his ears. He also has really bad arthritis in his front legs and has difficulty walking and getting up. He is about the same age as your dog.

I know that vets are expensive, I KNOW they are. But, it really sounds like you need to see if you can get your dog into one. I would advise you to call vets in your area, and see if anyone works on a sliding fee scale, or if there is the possibility of working out a payment plan. There are a few vets out there that still have hearts and may be more interested in your pet than in your money. You will not likely find out exactly what is wrong with your dog until a vet examines him.

Best of luck to you...I hope you can get him the help he needs.

2006-12-28 17:49:09 · answer #2 · answered by sassy_lassy70 2 · 0 0

Your dog is suffering, and he doesn't deserve it, no one does!
Clearly, he has arthritis, but not just that: there's definitely something else serious going on in him. There are a lot of reasons why he lost so much weight: he could have heartworms, and/or his digested system might have shut down. He could be in heart, kidney, liver failure. From your description, he's behaving as one who is in a lot of pain, and at the end of his life. as i.e. laying at the far part of the yard, having a lost look, staring and just standing there.........
Yes, you can give him PLAIN aspirin, 325 mg. twice a day to relieve some of his pain, but don't ignore the whole picture. He's counting on you to do him right. We all have financial problems at one time or another, but you CAN find a way to take him to a vet, even if you have to make payments, or beg for it, you must get medical help for him. Don't let him suffer to his death! Have compassion, and be responsible about it.

2006-12-28 17:58:05 · answer #3 · answered by amccoy1962 6 · 1 0

TAKE HIM TO THE VET your dog has given you 10 years of companionship and you can't afford a vet visit? Buck up shell out the money he is in PAIN. You are being neglectful and abusive. Not to mention keeping him outside in the cold. The poor thing. If I knew where you lived I would be calling in the SPCA. He sounds like he has dementia and depression as well as serious chronic pain. No one should suffer like that not an animal. I would be careful what goes around comes around.
It's all about Karma baby, let's hope you and your family don't wind up old alone and in pain.
You are cruel.

2006-12-28 19:19:11 · answer #4 · answered by Wicked Good 6 · 0 0

Hard to say what's wrong with him but first off, sounds like he's starting to have trouble with his hips. Common in larger breeds and such especially this old guys' age.
The eyes, he could be coming down with an eye infection and may need meds.
As for the aspirin, be sure it's not coated and it's pretty safe in moderation.
There are some vitamin supplements you can give that may help like Glucosemine and such.
Www.VetReviewsOnline.com and see what they have to offer as well as they have a homeopathic site that may give you some other information.

Good luck.

2006-12-28 17:33:31 · answer #5 · answered by frenchlady94 2 · 0 0

your dog is in pain, sleeping in the cold rain and has gooey eyes and is not doing well for 3 weeks?????????? you need to call the humane society or animal control or someone and have something done for this poor dog. i'm assuming you're young or you wouldn't refer to you mom as being the person to notice things, so honey i'm going to be nice. but your mom is not doing enough for this dog, she should do more. she knows better than this. you need to persuade her to do something, no matter. if she couldn't even get into the house from pain and had to sleep in the cold rain, would she go to a dr???? i'd ask her that. call your vet, first thing in the morning and do what they say. let them know the pain this dog is in. many humane societies have vets on staff who will see your dog at discounted rates. any veterinary care at this point is better than none. and please don't get another puppy until your mom can afford to take care of one, or you are old enough to provide care. good luck to you.

2006-12-28 17:43:56 · answer #6 · answered by cagney 6 · 2 0

I think you're letting your dog die; which is almost like killing him. He doesn't have to suffer. Your family is neglecting him. If you can't afford a vet, you should get rid of him. Dog care is expensive. It should be factored into keeping a dog. You abuse your dog by shirking responsibility. That's against the law.

edit: anonymous, you're nuts. don't you have anything else to do? get a life. or, are you the mother of asker? you wrote, "You dish out a lot of stuff to other people...but how do you take it? Probably not well at all...so think before you post something."

edit, forgive me, edit: Whoa lady. Relax, troll. I think you're off your meds. And completely off topic. We're talking about a sick dog. Not karma and stoplights, and whatever blather you wrote. Because I didn't read it. What a Q highjack. Okay, no more attention after this. You should check out a shrink or something. Take care of yourself.

2006-12-29 11:31:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well your dog is getting older and with oldness you know comes pain. I know this might seem crazy but your dog might have arthisis. You should go to let the humane society and they could help you out instead of going to a vet!

2006-12-28 17:31:51 · answer #8 · answered by slsbrygirl20032004 2 · 0 0

It sounds like he has arthritis and an infection. Aspirin can kill him. Also it is against the law to not provide medical care for sick or injured animals. If you can not afford medical care he should be surrendered to the SPCA so that they can provide for him.

2006-12-28 17:35:21 · answer #9 · answered by DaLady 5 · 0 0

without a trip to the vet, it'd be hard to what's truly wrong. it sounds to me like your dog is preparing to die. most animals sense their time and will wander off away from everyone when it's time to go. since you've got him in an enclosed space, he's going as far as possible. i really hope i'm wrong. good luck.

2006-12-28 17:37:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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