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I have a very dear friend, whose life puzzles me very much, so much so that I get upset why I can’t figure out!
He is a very kind, compassionate, forgiving, gentle, loving, caring and spiritual, essentially a do-gooder, basically a philosopher who believes sternly in goodness righteousness and truth.
Now on the other hand he is one of the biggest failures I have seen in my life. He had a business which got ruined by his own employees, who stole left , right and centre and my friend couldn’t believe they did this to him, since he loved and cared about them so much and paid them handsomely. The business has ruined him completely. From a millionaire , he is now worse of than an ordinary middle class person. Yet he refuses to budge! He doesn’t seek revenge. He keeps saying, ‘God is firmly in control and whatever has happened with him is not without the permission of the ‘One Above’ The thieves of his company (who are no longer in HIS service) are laughing their heads off at him.

2006-12-28 16:21:10 · 24 answers · asked by Wiickid 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

They feel it was so darned easy to have stolen from him and now to top it all he wont even take legal action.
My friend keeps saying, that evil people will always be there, generation after generations, but that does not mean that with their earthly victories heavens will be won. He feels Forgiveness is far bigger than revenge and Righteousness is way more important than Wealth or earthly successes.
Guys, my heart bleeds for my friend. Sometimes I think he is a ‘saint’ in the garb of a man and on other occasions( most of the time) I consider him ONE OF THE BIGGEST Failures and fools, I have ever seen or heard in my life. What do you think he is and what do you make of his life???? I will appreciate serious answers.. Thank you

2006-12-28 16:21:33 · update #1

24 answers

You are lucky to know a man of substance, and one day you too will look upon what he has done and have to make a hard choice. This man is in no way a failure. He knows exactly what he is doing and how to achieve the ultimate goal. We all must understand that the reward for keeping God in your heart far exceeds any earthly reward possible, that only lasts for a short time anyway. The accumulation of wealth means nothing to God. If it did, there would have been a bank in the garden of Eden, and people would have debit cards that didn't require payments to top up the account. This world is a filter to see what you are made of.

2006-12-28 19:01:43 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

Your friend is not a fool in fact he is the wisest and most good-hearted person ever. Even though things didn't work out God will prevail. Your friend is a saint or even an angel on earth. He is a way,way better person than I am I can tell you that. I would have sued them and pressed charges. I don't know if your friend will ever be rich again in money,but he is rich in spirit. Who knows somehow he can end up with more money than ever, just tell him to keep the faith and keep doing good no matter what, God bless his soul because he is a perfect example of an upstanding human being. As for his employees who stole from him even though he cared and paid them a lot of money they will get theirs back whether it is 1 month or 10 years from now because God despises the ugly. How could they be so cruel because most employers hardly say anything to you and are real jerks and they steal from someone who actually cared about them!!! They are UGLY for what they done. God Bless!!!

Note- I hope your friend does not become bitter and a jerk to his next employees because it is not their fault that those ungrateful idiots stole from him. He should continue to be a kind and caring boss.

2006-12-29 01:01:06 · answer #2 · answered by nubian princess 2 · 0 1

He sounds like a very wise man. Most of us would never be able to forgive so easily.

Two years ago, my husband was in a very bad wreck when someone ran a red light at an intersection . He got away with a few bruises and a really nasty bump, even though he was not wearing his seat belt. My husband was unconscious at the scene and the police went with the other driver's statement..that is was my husband's fault. We put out ads for witnesses to come forth (they did) and we built a case against this person. In the end the other driver never contacted us or our insurance and we decided to let our insurance handle our claim and forgave the other driver, we have never regretted this decision. Our world has become so involved with "getting even" that we forget to love our fellow man with his many faults.

Anyway, to get on with my answer..she will have to live with the guilt of almost killing someone, forever. And when she leaves this life she will have to answer for that. As your friend would probably tell you...he probably wishes none of those people bad lives. I'm sure he hopes that they will repent their sins and become closer to God.
Embrace your friend for the true Christian that he is!!!

2006-12-29 00:40:21 · answer #3 · answered by starryeyednmo 2 · 0 0

Well he is right to a point. He may consider this , The apostle Paul said we are not to associate with person outside the faith, that is a protection for Christians. not that one should be naive and be taken advantage of.

Another scripture is let you yes mean yes and your no mean no.
Of course it is wrong to steal, and persons should be fired, or what ever protocol he has in place, it would be unfair to have other employees that do work hard suffer at the cost of criminals. He should evaluate his rules in his company. If this were to happen again.

Sounds like he has a good heart, but examining the scriptures in the bible prove how a person is to do business, including how God feels about corruptness in the work place should give him the principle ideas in conducting his corporation.

2006-12-29 00:29:57 · answer #4 · answered by fire 5 · 0 0

The problem here is that you are asking for help to "help" someone else who hasn't asked for it.
While you may be outraged by the criminal acts of his employees, this is not his response to it. He didn't want to confront it or deal with it while it was going on. Why should he do so now, after the fact.
I personally prefer to be cause over my life and confront the positive and the negative and take responsibility for my success or failure. And also help others to do the same and take responsibility for their actions.
Blame, shame and regret doesn't help either.
This guy considers that he causes or creates nothing, that everything good or bad is God's will. He isn't really looking at his present time environment or caring about what is going on.
It is just as destructive to allow others to commit crimes as it is to do so yourself. Their lives deteriorate much more in the long term. And they also are left to hurt others and create more distrust and upset in the world. If you really care you care enough to help your fellows to maintain ethics and integrity. The fate of these thieves is on his hands whether he does anything to correct them or not. Maybe he should look at whether God would like to save them too?
If he needs God's permission to help or save another soul then he's lost the plot. Does he have God's permission to be THAT irresponsible?
You could try asking him that.
Otherwise I would just disagee... and leave it at that. It is ultimately his choice.

2006-12-29 15:54:01 · answer #5 · answered by thetaalways 6 · 0 0

Your friend sounds like a very trusting (too much in fact), giving, forgiving, big hearted person. Sadly this world is harsher then that and those that let themselves get stepped on are sometimes treated as doormats sadly. But, it's his life and most you can do is be a good friend and hope that, even if he doesn't seek justice, he's at least learned from it and will watch out in the future.

2006-12-29 00:43:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The meek shall inherit the Earth !

You friend is a one in a million, I would love to have a friend like this, even better a husband.

He is right, God will take care of those who wronged him, they didn't get away with it at all. They are in "BIG" trouble. I wouldn't want to be in there shoes, can you imagine standing in front of The All Mighty God and having to give account for what you done to this kind and gentle man ?

God Bless & trust me your friend is no fool !

Have a "safe" New Year !

2006-12-29 00:35:25 · answer #7 · answered by Bridget 3 · 0 1

Hey if your friend truly believes in what he is saying I know God has not forgotten Him. The bible does say vengeance is mine says the LORD, I will repay, and it says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the LORD. So maybe He is trusting that God will sort it out and if his faith is in God do not try to shake it. However as a friend you can still offer him emotional support because I know it must still hurt when people take advantage of you. saint or no saint he is human and it hurts

2006-12-29 00:35:44 · answer #8 · answered by Knight 3 · 0 1

I think you have a very wise friend to look onto God to forgive those people. He will overcome these trials even if its not on earth but in heaven to do it I feel sorry for you that you cant see how his faith is carrying him through this. Stay with this friend and learn from him

2006-12-29 00:27:59 · answer #9 · answered by Catie 5 · 0 1

Your friend is the bravest of all. It is very easy to fight viciousness with viciousness, and it happens all the time in Western society. For him to be able to truly forgive these people who have ruined his life, he has a truly big heart which can see that by seeking revenge, he is only harming himself.

2006-12-29 00:28:04 · answer #10 · answered by Josh 3 · 0 1

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