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please no1 report me if this question offends you but I want to know...what religion are u and why??? a best answer will not be given to whoever chooses the religion of my choice but to the person who takes it seriously and provided a thourough explanation on why.......

2006-12-28 16:10:24 · 23 answers · asked by gtballers100 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

-I believe in one God for us all, no matter where we spend our time of Worship, as believe He only cares how we live the life he gave us and how we treat each other as we are all His children.

2006-12-28 16:16:51 · answer #1 · answered by Pattycake 2 · 0 2

Since God hates religion, I do not consider myself to have a religion and I strive hard to not become religious or to act religious. I love the Lord with all my heart and I pray daily and try to study His word every day also, but do fall short many times.

I am a born-again Bible believing Christian and I choose to worship God in a Southern Baptist Church. I guess as to the reason why, is because I went to Calvary Baptist Church in Ogden, Utah, when I was 8 years old until the age of 12, and no other church until I was 15 when I went back to visit a few times.

Then I never went to church for the next 19 years except for once in a blue moon on Easter & Christmas just so I could feel good or less guilty, one or the other. I was an alcoholic & drug addict so church was not a big factor in my life and I knew absolutely no Christians.

I surrendered to the Lord when I was 34 years old (four years after getting sober) and seven months later I found myself joining this church that I drove by everyday on the way to work. I felt like the Lord had led me there, it was a Southern Baptist Church. I met my husband there and we stayed there as members for 8 years and gained an absolutely wonderful church family.

After those 8 years, we moved quite a ways away and with kids I wanted to find a church with a strong youth program to be settled in by the time my kids entered their teens. We then visited several churches of different denominations, but was led to another Southern Baptist Church and joined there.

I have no problem going to any church that is a Bible based church where the pastor preaches from the word and not just to make people feel good. I want a church family that will hold me accountable for when I'm doing wrong or wandering off the right road and a pastor who is a strong leader and holds all of us as one body accountable.

I think another reason I choose a Southern Baptist Church is because most of them have the tendency to stick to traditional music (although there are several bringing in the newer praise songs), and I love all the old Hymns, I Love to Tell The Story - Amazing Grace - Have Thine Own Way, Lord - At The Cross, and so many more. Perhaps it is because it reminds me of those earlier years when I was a child going, because that time frame is certainly one of my happiest childhood memories.

I'm sure this is much more info than you wanted, but my fingers can talk as much as my mouth!

2006-12-29 00:32:38 · answer #2 · answered by Child of Abba 2 · 0 1

The best Religion is the Religion that gets there answers strictly from the Bible, and the Bible only !

So many Religions have there own answers for things. And you cant find there answers anywhere in the Bible.

If it cant be found in the Bible then don't believe it.

I like The Seventh-Day Adventist's because when you ask them a question they open the Bible with you and answer you right out of The Bible. THERE GREAT ! They have no strange teachings of there own. If it can't be found in the Bible then they don't teach it, PERIOD.

Thanks for the great question, and Gob Bless !

2006-12-29 00:23:43 · answer #3 · answered by Bridget 3 · 0 0

I'm a Christian by choice, even though I was raised as a Preacher's kid. As an adult, I made this choice to return to Christianity because I started to realize just how much God answered prayers and how much my life is blessed by answers to prayers. The odds of what happened being coincidental are too astronomical, especially when you consider the timing that these answers have happened. I know that when I follow what Christ has shown me, I find a lot of answers on how to treat people in love. Having a relationship with God gives me an opportunity to bless others.

2006-12-29 00:17:48 · answer #4 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

I follow a neo-pagan path. Celtic Reconstructionism. For a more in depth definition: http://paganachd.com/faq/index.html

I honor land and water deities and my ancestors. I worship some of the Celtic deities once worshiped in the Iron Age. I am polytheistic and animistic. I believe in reincarnation and value honor and hospitality. My practices include honoring my deities daily with song, prayer, and an offering (usually food or drink) as well as celebrating four yearly agricultural holidays. The deities that I am closest to are Taranis, Lugh and Epona. I have never believed in the existence of any all-powerful or all-knowing deity. I believe that there are many deities and many ways of relating to those deities.

Why do I believe? I have always been polytheistic---it just makes sense to me. Over the years I have nurtured relationships with my deities. For me, my religion is a way of life and a way of looking at life and understanding my place in it. If my practices weren't fulfilling, I wouldn't waste my time. The main reason that I believe what I do is because of my relationships with my deities and my desire to please them. This brings me happiness and peace.

2006-12-29 05:00:07 · answer #5 · answered by Witchy 7 · 0 0

I'm Catholic, even though there are things that I don't agree w/ the church, I do enjoy being Catholic, and it gives me the fulfillment that I require for my "being", also growing up Catholic I have learned to respect other religions and never to hate someone who is different, I am happy to say of all the years that I have been going to church I have not heard one priest say anything negative about other religions, the only thing that I don't like is that women cant be priest, the church doesn't believe in gay marriage and the catholic church takes a more "republican" stance.......

2006-12-29 00:19:48 · answer #6 · answered by Kat 2 · 0 0

I'm widely ecclectic and take many aspects of many beliefs, but I focus on Shamanism. I shall tell you why.
Shamanism appreciates the balance of nature with mankind. It is a path with heart. I stopped being Christian because it focused too much on what happened after you died. That, and I had trouble accepting that a being of infinite love, who WAS love, required blood sacrifice before He could forgive you, whether it be murder or saying "Oh my God" when something pissed you off.
At any rate, Shamanism has made me happier and more satisfied because it focuses on your personal power and responsibility and your growth as a human being. I've never felt this relief and compassion as a Christian that makes me put all my cares on the invisible shoulders of someone they assure me is really there, though they cannot truely explain Him.

2006-12-29 00:21:02 · answer #7 · answered by Gothic Shadow 3 · 1 0

Christian - Protestant. Honestly since i was 2 years old i was in the church that's how i started out. but this is 15 years later and I'm still in it...but I'm not just in the church, I'm in the religion, and its not for parents - its for me. Somewhere along the way, the way i saw the world changed, the way i saw people changed and the way i looked at myself changed...and i remember the moment. It wasn't the church, i didn't get put into one of those trances you see on TV where they touch your head and you fall and all that (not that i have anything against that...i admit don't know much about it though). i guess i just knew, i felt different and i knew for sure he was there.

2006-12-29 00:26:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christian. The reason is because it appears the most clearly revealed to me than all other religious persuasions. My mom is into Spirituality and Asian religion so I was not raised a Christian. By studying history and Greek, I've learned how historically based Christianity is compared to ancient myths, Asian philosophy, Arabic divinity, and so on. Christianity appears the only one with historical foundations, and because of that I adopt it into my convictions.

2006-12-29 00:21:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Roman Catholic Church

This religion could be old but I still love her. I believe that this church is the pillar of truth and was founded by Jesus. I believe that He still nourishes her and watches over her. This church is not apostasized like what others say. Even though some wants to bring her down, she still stands strong.

2006-12-29 00:28:50 · answer #10 · answered by Robbin D 2 · 0 0

For lack of a better word - Torahism.
There is one main commandment - Love your neighbor as yourself.
One basic belief - Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind and soul.
The rest is commentary to live a holy life before God.

As for mainstream religions, no use for them what so ever.
The reason I worship the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob in such a different way, I believe Torah alone is sufficent as a guidebook to live righteously before God. Torah doesn't grant salvation, no, but it teaches one to live holy. And when one has lived holy before God, on the Day of Judgement, God will grant one salvation if one obeyed correctly.

As for worhipping God, I choose to after reading how He made a vow to Abraham to give the land of Cannan to his descendants and how He kept His vow by bringing Moses and the Israelits to the Holy Land. By this I learned how God was honorable, and because of this honor, I believe and trust in God.

2006-12-29 00:57:41 · answer #11 · answered by Reuben Shlomo 4 · 0 0

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