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I heard about him and his miracles
, creating monkey ,golden rings, neclaces, and bracelets and so on..
Can I believe him and his miracles
Is that true, or fraud ,trick, ...
please lead me in true way and honostly judgment about him,

tellme the truth,

2006-12-28 16:08:44 · 4 answers · asked by Mohsen J 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

it is true that many ppl cant see the supernatural acts and miracles of baba in a true light.
there are two ways of looking at things.one is in a purely 'worldly' or 'materialistic' way which is the way ppl view and experience everyday happenings.the other is the 'spiritual ' vision which comes to ppl who are more into spiritual matters and searching for god.
from your question,its is obvious that you honestly want to know more about him.i am a sai baba devotee and can say from my spiritual experiences that baba is truly an incarnation of god and a reincarnation of shirdi sai baba.you only heard about him.now why dont u do some research and read his books? dont worry,u wont find him being glorified lamely,without any good reasons by millions of his devotees in any of the books.
baba is god,though it no one can believe unless they personally experience it.so basically,it is upto u to turn to him and pray sincerely for an answer.u will get it.i can assure u im telling the truth.his name is 'sathya'[truth] too.god bless!neeti.

2006-12-30 21:22:13 · answer #1 · answered by neeti_kamath 2 · 0 0

Sounds like a Hindu name, but no true Indian holy man would claim miracles. He'd say life itself is a miracle filled with bliss.

He's a total fake! You asked for truth. Glad to tell you the truth ... always!

Hope it helps;

PS He is what used to be called a faker.

2006-12-29 00:22:08 · answer #2 · answered by Jonnie 4 · 0 0

The Divine Downfall article alleges that Sathya Sai Baba rubbed oil on the genitals of a young male devotee.[10] The testimonies of sexual abuse of young men were shown in TV documentaries, including "Seduced by Sai Baba" by Denmark's national television, and documentary film "Secret Swami" by BBC. The TV documentary "Seduced By Sai Baba", produced by Denmark's national television and radio broadcaster Danish radio aired in Denmark, Australia and Norway.

Al Rahm said in the Secret Swami program that he had spoken with the highest leader in the USA (Dr. Michael Goldstein) about the alleged sexual abuse of his son by Baba, who was 18 at the time. According to Al Rahm, the leader responded by saying that he hated the idea of having wasted 25 years of his life and that he accepted SSB's statement "Swami is pure" as the truth. Dr. Goldstein, the International Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Organizations, stated in the BBC documentary Secret Swami, that although he felt that Sathya Sai Baba was not above the law, it was against his "heart and conscience" to believe the allegations because he had personally observed Baba interact with students very frequently, in very informal circumstances, and he had never seen anything inappropriate, ominous or anything indicative of fear or apprehension.[48] Isaac Tigrett, a prominent follower and co-founder of the Hard Rock Café, stated in the documentary that his admiration for the Baba will not change even if the charges of pedophilia and murder were proved beyond all doubt.[48]. In this same documentary, Khushwant Singh stated that Sathya Sai Baba's popularity could not be ascribed to any type of publicity campaign. Singh compared Sathya Sai Baba to Mahatma Gandhi, in that Gandhi never had any publicity but became nationally known through word of mouth [48] According to the BBC reporter Tanya Datta, a lot of sexual abuse victims have undergone a genital oiling by SSB that they believe is part of Hinduism. Singh reacted to this by saying that this genital oiling is not part of Indian tradition. [48]


Sai Baba is Satyanarayana Raju, an Indian guru who goes by the name of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and who says he was born in 1926. (Critics claim the birth date was fabricated to make it appear as if Sai Baba's birth fulfilled a prophecy of Sri Aurobindo. They say school records prove that Sai Baba was actually born in 1929.) Sai Baba and his followers believe he is divine. He claims to have paranormal powers and to be able to work miracles. Two of his favorite "miracles" are to make ashes materialize for poor people and to make jewelry materialize for rich people.

The film "Guru Busters" (Equinox) demonstrated that these alleged miracles are little more than a magician's parlor tricks. One classic line from that film came from an Indian physicist who had been given a ring allegedly materialized by Sai Baba. The physicist said that he had a doctorate from Harvard and could not possibly be fooled by a magician. How many times have we heard brilliant, though deluded, people issue a similar declaration? The film depicts a group called the Science and Rationalists' Association of India [SRAI] as they travel throughout India debunking and exposing as frauds local fakirs, godmen and godwomen. The SRAI debunkers are to India what James Randi is to America and Canada. They utilize scientific and rational principles to expose the magical art of illusion and standard conman fakery used by Hindu mystics in performing feats of divination, levitation, and other miracles.

2006-12-29 00:26:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He is guru(god man), who has many followers. He seems to do social service and also miracles. However there are many who just dont believe him and dont like him. I am one of them. I dont like middle man between me and God.

2006-12-29 00:13:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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