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I believe in and love God. A response to my last question said that if there was no hell than that would make God a liar.

That is exactly my point, the bible has nothing to do with God. The bible was written by men! Do you think that God moved their hands for them? No! You say these men were "inspired by God". If that was true than wouldn't the bible make some sense?

What if I am "inspired" by God? What if He wanted you to know that He does not judge you by what religion that you belong to, or don't. He wants you to know that a persons sexuality does not matter to Him at all. He wants you to remember what Jesus wanted, to love one another.

My friend, there is hell on earth. Most of us have seen and experienced the evil of others on this earth. Many of the evil is perpetrated by people with a physiological problem. Like depression, bi-polar, and other mental disorders. There are dark souls, of course, but I think that in most cases the body is ill, not
the soul.

2006-12-28 16:06:10 · 22 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

God is not a liar. Men were and are.

2006-12-28 16:06:55 · update #1

22 answers

"the bible has nothing to do with God. The bible was written by men! Do you think that God moved their hands for them? No! You say these men were "inspired by God". If that was true than wouldn't the bible make some sense?"

well, considering that without the bible, the concept of the christian god would be..... blurry... biblical contradictions of supposedly inn-errant texts are the closest thing one can get to "lying" without tangible and confirmable accounts taken directly from God. (which we don't have).

So no, We cannot show God to lie, all that can be inferred is that the scripture is either:
a). corrupted.
b). poorly transcribed.
c). false.

which scares the dickens out of some people apparently, and leads to the fundamentalist defense mechanisms.

2006-12-28 16:15:40 · answer #1 · answered by PandaMan 3 · 1 1

If the Bible is not about God, then you have a different Bible than I have. Read in Genesis. God give Moses the 10 commandments. God instructed Noah to build the ark. True, God didn't come down here and sit someplace and write a Bible and He didn't throw one down from Heaven. And yes, inspired men wrote it. How else was it to be done? Read the Gospels. Jesus read the scrolls (Bible) and did not disagree with it. Almost all of the New Testament is written about the Son of God/God Himself. Jesus. A lot of it is written by people that saw, heard, were with Him. They recorded His own words, what He did, etc. That is about as close as anyone could wish for. An example might be about President Ford, who just passed away. People will write things about him, things he said and did etc. The things may not have been written by Pres. Ford but they will be about him. Nothing wrong with that. We can still learn from it.

2006-12-28 16:27:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You kind of seem confused a little about the bible. There is a heaven and hell. If you beleive in God the Lord Jesus Christ and walk in faith then you wont have nothing to worry about. If you go on doing the devilish ways then you might find yourself burning in hell. Remember this, Jesus died and buried and rose again the third day for us. He died for us so we can be saved. If you remember that then you will be on the right track. Read the Psalms everyday and God will make your life a whole lot better.
All the sickness we have and wicked hearts are all from the Devil. Of course we all were born speaking lies but God will deal with us in his own way. Believe the Gospel.

2006-12-28 16:17:46 · answer #3 · answered by rusteeford 2 · 0 0

I'm seeing a real lack of LOGIC on here tonight. Have you even read God's Word? Were you THERE when God commissioned men to pen His Word? You say you believe in and love God...but is your heart so hardened that you can't see that your questions itself makes no sense? If you loved God, you would seek to know Him a little better and maybe come to realize that HIS WAYS are NOT OUR WAYS. Do you know the mind of God that you can say "He does not judge you be the religion that you belong to or don't" or "He wants you to know that a persons sexuality does not matter to Him" Do you have a personal insight into the mind of God that the rest of us don't? You are not using logic. You are saying these things because you don't like what His Word says and so you dismiss it. It's the same as saying aliens don't exist (not that it even matters, just an example). How do you know??

2006-12-28 16:26:08 · answer #4 · answered by 4 Shades of Blue 4 · 0 0

You now have two choices:
either accept the Word as Truth or reject it.
You do not love God if you do not fear Him and understand His love without His judgments.
You miss the mark on many things and the ways God desires us to walk. Without these guidelines, you create a golden calf idol of God, a manage-able God who you can manipulate and create for your thinking and lifestyle. You keep Him in a box for your benefit. His ways and holiness benefit us.
He will NOT go against Scripture, anything otherwise is not from the throne of God. He will contradict His Word.
Remember this, evil is the absense of God. God and evil cannot coexist. When light enters a room, darkness vanishes. Same with God and evil, they can NEVER coexist.
You are not inspired by God but your own desires.

2006-12-28 16:16:54 · answer #5 · answered by n9wff 6 · 0 0

dear, i doubt *most* hv experienced the true evils in the world. by far there is much MORE good in the world than EVIL. btw - what color is the sky in your world? black?

you dare JUDGE people born with a mental disorder? how do you know it wasn't God's intent for them to overcome and show judgmental idiots acceptance and empathy for those in pain? its like a cancer of the mind. pray someone you love doesn't experience such a painful intrusion of their mind while you watch helplessly. and be careful, can strike young adults, so you're not out of the woods yet.

if you want to point the finger - look towards your neighbor, or person sitting across the isle at church. do they drink and drive? do the hv fantay's about children? do they do drugs, cheat on their wife, beat their kids? ohhhhhhhhh i get it now!!!! everyone that is lead by the evil in their heart has a mental disorder!!

golly gee goldie locks, that is soooooooooooooo simple!! wow. after all these years, you figured it out without even using your toes. you go girl.

2006-12-28 16:37:58 · answer #6 · answered by bb 3 · 0 0

How about this thought....God, being the good God he is, wanted to communicate with his people, about life, its origins, and how to work best within it. It makes complete sense, and is logical, that he would inspire people to write down his word. Yes, there is hell on earth, and many people mess things up. This is part of free will. A bad god, would leave us to fend for ourselves, with no insight into him. Thankfully, he wanted us to know, and we do. We can verify a lot of what is in the bible, by taking God up on his promises, for instance. There are so many, but we have to do our part. Sometimes, that is to have faith, often, to pray, often to trust, often to love and be kind when it doesn't come natural. There are promises, big ones, and he means what he says. Those men that wrote all that, long ago, aren't doing these things for us. It is god, having worked through men. Look at some of them, some of the most unlikely people , some major prophets. Do a study of how they got into the biblical cannon, and how that also, was inspired. I hope this helps somehow.
Put the book itself to the test. Compare it against other ancient literature, and you will be AMAZED at how it stands up, the sheer number of manuscripts, etc. How it has lasted, and been handed down, never "done away with", and how it has threatened so many, that go against it, even powerful kings, etc.

2006-12-28 16:12:15 · answer #7 · answered by oceansnsunsets 4 · 0 1

The Bible has everything to do with God. It teaches us about Faith and obedience in God. God didn’t move the authors’ hands, but his Spirit filled their hearts.

The people who wrote it wrote with comprehension based on the times in which they lived.

It does make sense but consider if it was inspired by the Spirit of God then you need the Spirit to make sense of it. Try asking God for help with understanding.

2006-12-28 16:21:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The BIBLE was GOD-Inspired. It is NOT FLAWED. In fact, there are no errors to be found in it and it was written by more than 40 writers over a 1500 year period. GOD created the world. HE told us almost 2000 years ago that the world was round when man had no idea of such a thing. HE sent word that HE would send a SAVIOR (HIS SON) through the linage of Abraham. HE led the Israelites out of Egypt and to the promised land. He did so many other things that no one else could have done. What more could HE have done to prove HIMSELF? GOD is the MASTER-PLANNER. I hope that you will plan on reading and studying the BIBLE if not with someone else then with me. Have a great weekend!

2006-12-28 16:14:40 · answer #9 · answered by Eds 7 · 1 2

You can say that God is a liar, you can say there is no proof that God exists at all. You can say there is no heaven or hell- I know one thing- there will be proof one day- when we face him, we will know that the Bible is the truth. Believe it now so that then you will be worshiping Him face to face, ONE day the Bible will make sense if you say it does not now, then it will be too late

2006-12-28 17:33:59 · answer #10 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 0

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