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It seems that the same questions get asked over and over. What questions do you see regularly on the religion and spirituality board that you wish that people would just check the existing questions instead of asking once again?

2006-12-28 15:45:41 · 23 answers · asked by Searcher 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

"Even though I have only seen five Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls (all in inner cities) my entire life, why does every Kingdom Hall on the planet have no windows?"

2006-12-29 03:11:55 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 1 2

What is heaven like? Why do Christians suck? Why are Christians mean? If God exists, why did my toilet quit working? Why are Christians stupid? Why do Christians hate everybody and everything? Why do I whine so much? What si when I coold jus psd about God? Why did God demand a human sacrifice? I acted like a total jerk to some guy, was that wrong? Don't you wish you could just punch all the Christians in the face? What about the 72 virgins? Why did Mohammed marry a nine year old? If homosexuality is wrong, then why do eat shellfish? Can you prove that God exists? If everything were just as happy as sunshine and peace and love, what would you ask God? Why do believe in the Bible when it talks all about elves and Gandolf and stuff? My question is really a statement?

2006-12-28 23:57:24 · answer #2 · answered by NONAME 7 · 5 1

Here is a few I can think of

is god real
is there a god
Christians are bad
atheist are stupid
why god hates gay people
are blacks Christians or Africans
are Jews the chosen people
did the Jews kill Jesus

And look at the resoled questions, people take there time and give good answers, and they pick "I don't know the answer" as best answer, some of these people on here are just kids playing around or they are just stupid.

2006-12-28 23:54:43 · answer #3 · answered by man of ape 6 · 7 0

Why are atheists on the Religion and Spirituality forum?
Why believe in Evolution if it's just a theory?
Why not believe in God so you don't go to Hell?
If we came from monkeys then why are monkeys still here?
Where did the universe come from?
How can you not believe that America was founded on Christianity?

There are more I can't think of but these are common ones I see all the time.

Makes me grind my teeth!

2006-12-28 23:52:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

These are the ones I'm truly getting sick of seeing:

a) If atheists don't believe in god, why are there on R & S ?

b) Justify your beliefs to me now so that I may make fun of them and you. (Usually phrased a little differently, and there are lots of variations on this)

c) Why are those mean and hateful, stupid (insert religion) idiots always bashing us innocent (insert another religion) and being disrespectful?

d) (Insert random bible quote) Doesn't this PROVE that god exists and everyone who doesn't agree with me is going to hell?

e) (Insert Dogmatic rant) Do you agree? Or are you an idiot?

f) My god is awesome!!!! Praise him!!!! Feel the love!!!! or burn forever!!!!

g) If evolution is real, why are there still monkeys?

d) Do you believe in god?

e) Any question centered around "Pascal's Wager" And there are a lot of them!

I actually asked a very similiar question to this back in November.

2006-12-28 23:51:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

1) Christians stole from the pagans
2) Is there "Evidence of a God"?
3) What is the one true religion?
4) Etc.....

I'm beginning to ignore them

2006-12-28 23:50:33 · answer #6 · answered by Lily P 3 · 4 1

I would rather ask instead of looking them up. Same questions = New answers, new opinions.

Rudeness is the only thing getting old.

2006-12-28 23:49:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Yes, it does gets really annoying. For example, the question "How can satanist be atheist?" or "Why do atheist come here?" has been asked like 666,666,666 times(A little exaggerated but you get the point.)

2006-12-28 23:49:55 · answer #8 · answered by Sliceathroat 3 · 4 0

Debates about atheism, questions about atheism, shunning in general of religions that are different from whatever beliefs the asker has.

2006-12-28 23:49:07 · answer #9 · answered by Oracle 3 · 5 0

''Religion is the opium of the masses.Do you agree?"

I am tired of seeing that one,but I guess new people are coming on here all the time,and wouldn't realise it's been asked a few thousand times before.
Oh,I just saw another one: "Can God make a rock so big that even He can't lift it?"

2006-12-28 23:49:56 · answer #10 · answered by Serena 5 · 4 1

You guys have already beat me to most of my favorites.

The God maker question. Come on! God is beyond our comprehension. We can’t look at him in human terms.

I thought the pagan/Christmas questions would end with Christmas. I guess not. I don’t know why it always cracks me up that people think they are being original with that one.

2006-12-28 23:56:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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