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who thinks that pittbulls should be outlawed? and why

2006-12-28 15:42:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

17 answers

no, it's the danm ppl who raise them that should be outlawed. pitbulls are the sweetest kind of dog that could ever exsist. ti's just those a$$ holes that raise them to fight. pitbulls are really sweet when they are raised right.

2006-12-28 15:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by ms_curious 1 · 1 0

Pittbulls are very loving dogs. They should not be outlawed. So many people look at breeds like pittbulls and rotts and think of a killer dog, when they only reason why is because of stupid people that own them. Im sure that there are poodles out there that have attacked a person very bad, but you just dont hear about it because media does not care.

2006-12-28 20:05:35 · answer #2 · answered by Lo 4 · 0 0

there isn't any such difficulty as a bad canines, basically a bad proprietor! i comprehend lots of pittbulls that are friendly. in actuality, the only canines i've got ever considered chew all and sundry have been the little yappy lap canines! My daughter became bitten on the face via a Shih-tzu while she became 4 months previous apparently as a results of fact she became eye-point with the canines, yet my 70 pound shepherd mixture would not blink an eye fixed if the newborn ripped out a clump of hair!

2016-10-19 03:00:57 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dude, this question right here, is what I'm trying to fight!!! To sit there and think that a pit bull is a vicious dog, which isn't really a breed, is one of the most racists things since slavery!!!

I own a pit, and about to get another. They are not viciuos, or mean. Yes, they are agressive towards other animals, but hardly ever a human! Have you not ever noticed that they can be beaten, neglected and further abused, and not once have they ever turned on their owners?!

That's because they are one of the most loyal dogs out there!! Yes, even more loyal then a retreiver or lab! They are highly intellegent, and energetic dogs, so they require somewhat high maintanance. The only reason they are perceived as vicious, is because of the jack@$$ owners, and what they force them to do!

The dog got it's name from a fighting pit, hence "pit" bull, and it was bred to take down large animals, bulls, bears, lions, when the owner couldn't fight the animal, or gain control of it.

How many other breeds and dogs would turn on it's owner after only so much abuse? Damn near all of them! But the pit bull is so loyal to their "pack", that they will fight to the death to protect them!

The fighting ring, the owners are in the ring, and that's how they get the dog to fight. The dog thinks it's protecting it's owners from the other dog! The bull-terrior was specifically bred for hunting, herding, and protection. The pit bull was bred for a blood sport, for hyporitic jackoff's, because of their jaw structure. their muscles start at the top of their head, instead of at the jaw, like other dogs.

It isn't their fault they're looked at like vicious beasts, and hated because they are a srtong and tough dog! Saying they are, is like saying a black man will steal something tonite. It's a stereotype, that has absotutely no actual fact, it's only based on what the media wants people to beleive!!

How do you explain over 60% of the undited states owning AT LEAST 1 Pit, and over half of those owne, are owned by a family?!

Pits actually make good family dogs, because of their protective nature, and their patience. Read the link below. Maybe everyone who is against pits, will actually learn something! they are just as sweet as a puppy, and strong as an ox! Don't discrminate agasin't them just because of the owners!

I used to be afraid of them, I thought they were mean. But once I got to know one, I loved it! I've learned alot about them, and now, I prefer the pit over any other breed out there! They're incredibly lovable, they're just overgrown puppies!!

By breeding brother and sister, you can actually prevent mental illnesses!! Dog dna isn't like a humans! They can be inbred, and the puppies are even healthier then the parents!! It's a proven fact. You cannot breed father/daughter, or mother/son. Otherwise you will have things like retardation, and deformities!

Pits don't kill people! They protect them! It's the morons who abuse the pits, in my opinion, who deserve what ever the dog gives to them!! I say we throw all dog fighting masters into a cage with nothing but blood thirsty animals...lions, tigers, bears, cougars, ect, and let the animals have their way!! Or hell, even put them in the jailcell with Bubbah and Big John!!

2006-12-28 15:57:56 · answer #4 · answered by Pluto 3 · 0 0

I know that they have been outlawed in colorado and in miami fla . This is because of the very nature of the dog ,the dogs show agression towards other animals . and yes they do show agression towards humans as well . Yes they do turn on their owners sometimes . I dont want any of my neighbors to own a dog that they might have to pry the jaws loose to release someone or something . Think about that one . I am not being mean I am being truthfull. good luck and god bless.

2006-12-29 00:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by Kate T. 7 · 1 0

My mother and father had a pit bull , she was 8 years old when she passed away , they got her when she was 7 weeks old she was so smart and friendly and she loved kids , I truly believe that if you raise a dog to be mean chances are thats whats going to happen, but if you mix alot of love and the right amount of training I believe the pit bull is a wonderful family dog , I myself own a rottweiler and I can tell you from my own point of view they are a very loving and loyal dog also, my first rott passed away at 14 and she never hurt a soul , the rott I have now reminds me alot of my old girl, always willing to please her family, dogs are great no matter what the breed, but it is how you raise them as to what kind of dog you will have down the road,

2006-12-28 16:46:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's come to the point in this country where it's Pit Bull genocide. Humans shouldn't fear Pits ,Pits should fear humans.It's sickening. I've owned 5 APBT ,3 in the past and 2 now . I'll fight for my dogs with every fiber of my being to protect them from humans who want to hurt them.They are dogs ,not the devil dogs.

The more humans want to hurt them ,the more i'll fight for every Pitties life and rights as animals to be loved and live a life of love and comfort.

2006-12-28 15:57:58 · answer #7 · answered by pitbullmom 3 · 1 0

They shouldnt be outlawed because its all the stupid owners fault for raising um that way!!!!! I just answered the same question aminute ago... wierd

2006-12-28 15:53:11 · answer #8 · answered by runner 2 · 1 1

Not all pitbulls are mean, so it wouldn't be fair to outlaw them would it??!! Just outlaw the Owners that causes them to be mean!

2006-12-28 15:46:15 · answer #9 · answered by monkeymomma46 5 · 2 1


2006-12-28 16:33:02 · answer #10 · answered by Klaudia X 2 · 0 0

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