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Than why is there a hell?

Personally, I think that hell is an imaginary place created to control the masses through fear. It does not exist.

If you do believe in Hell, do you really see your Lord as capable of sending anyone who has lived a good life and never hurt anyone to that place? A person who has lived according to what Jesus wanted, love one another, but is a Buddhist, probably the most peaceful philosophy in this world, and yet they are still condemned to hell?
How short sighted that is. That is not the God that I believe in.
If your God would do that, what is your church affiliation? Assembly of God?

2006-12-28 15:28:00 · 27 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Good evening G.
Let's start at the top - what you think is important, but it is not a factor determining its existence. Biblically, it exists for the purpose of destroying death, satan, and evil.
The Bible...including your beloved Paul suggests God is far more lenient w/ the good guys/gals who have never heard, but behaved than he is w/ the believers who couldn't get their act together. So your Buddhist is mentioned, but the position he/she is in is covered.
I believe in hell because it would be nice to rid creation of death. I believe in hell because I've seen families cope w/ the death of a child. I believe in hell because I've walked the edges in countless suicide attempts. And I've seen alcoholic/abused/drug/porn addicts who feel like they are eternally damned there. The good news is they ain't. But I sure believe God would gladly damn their problem there.

2006-12-28 15:35:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

For every deed there's a punishment or a reward. The punishment of unsaved sinners is hell. The Bible has said that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven, so if it's not Jesus then it's hell right? No matter how good you've been if you reject Jesus you have automatically rejected the gift of eternal life and hell is your doom. If you've lived according to what Jesus wanted then why don't you just believe in Him?

I don't think God is hateful either. Think about it, would it be fair to the people who lived according to God's will to be in heaven with the sinners and bad ones who didn't. I mean if all people- good or bad could get into heaven then all men could live to their will. And the world would be full of tragedies and trouble, with criminals and all the other bad stuff you can think of. But hell sets the boundaries. it seperates the good from the bad. With hell there people have a second thought to their action, they know they'll go to hell so they think about what their doing. It reduces the rate of trouble on Earth because if there was no punishment for your bad deeds then everyone - or at least most people would do what they like and what they like isn't always good.

2006-12-28 15:44:29 · answer #2 · answered by * Akosua* 2 · 1 1

There is a hell because above God loving and hating people there is what is good and bad. Just because you go to hell doesn't mean God doesn't love, it's rather he cannot be with you because you choose the path of evil. i've been raised a Catholic since my birth and I'm still Catholic, however I never have believed that God would send a good person of a nonchristian religion to hell. About a month ago at church there was a gospel that went something like this: Jesus's disciples were upset with a man who claimed to be Jesus's follower, but this man did not closely know Jesus like the discples did so the discipiles were jealous and angry. When the dicisples told Jesus about this man performing good deeds in his name Jesus said:It does not matter whether the man knows me in the flesh because that is not my purpose. my purpose is to bring good to all people. In doing good this man knows me. You cannot be on middle ground with me. By doing good you are either with me (religious or not), or by doing evil you are against me(religious or not)

2006-12-28 16:52:14 · answer #3 · answered by good advice 3 · 0 1

God does not send anyone to hell- they choose it- The door is open, one just has to walk through it, if they are too prideful and refuse, once that door is closed, they have to live with the consequences they have chosen.
Once one understands it is not about living a good life and earning heaven, one can better understand the sacrifice of Yeshua - no one can earn it- we all fall short of the glory of God- yet He offers to cleanse us and allow us entrance into His presence- if we are so prideful that we think we are good enough, we dont need Him, we can take care of ourselves, etc and we refuse His gift then we have chosen what is outside of His presence - and the absence of God's presence is the definition of hell.
God does not choose to send anyone there- but He does not take away our choice to receive or reject.

2006-12-28 15:44:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

he is not hateful...it is humanity that is stiff-necked and rebellious. it clearly states in His Word that "i am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me." it's not enough to live a "good Buddhist peaceful life", you must confess your sins and accept Christ as Savior. That is why he is not hateful. i love it when people automatically declare something doesn't exist just because they don't like it or agree with it. If anyone can pleeeaaasse prove heaven and hell and God doesn't exist, please do so for all of us here.. How do you prove a negatve????

2006-12-28 15:41:20 · answer #5 · answered by 4 Shades of Blue 4 · 3 0

Because God is also a just God! If a judge let a rapist go because he said he was sorry, would you think he was a good judge? No you wouldn't. You would want the rapist to pay the price for his crime. God is the same way, he offers salvation, but if you do not except it than he will be just and you will pay the price accordingly. Believers have Jesus who died in their place for them! Who do you have that will pay the fine for you? There is someone, you only need ask Him!

God is just and righteous, by His son covering the sins of believers we are presented as blameless and clean as snow, but for an unbeliever to be before God he sees all their sin and a just God cannot be with a corrupt person, it's against His nature. That's why Jesus had to come in the first place. So someone could pay the fine for us.

2006-12-28 15:37:35 · answer #6 · answered by Stacey B 2 · 6 2

so you people finally understand GOD doesn't want to send anyone to hell it is the persons choice there's a ? for you do you think the law of the land is imaginary if you live your entire life good but you break 1 law 1 law mind you are you going to tell that judge that you are a good person and that you won't do that again that you don't believe in him do you think he will let you go no he won't go and commit a crime and see what happens to you OH wait there are no prisons right GOD DOESN'T WANT TO SEND NO ONE TO HELL YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK HIS LAW

2006-12-28 15:46:34 · answer #7 · answered by THE WAR WRENCH 4 · 1 0

Hell was made for Satan.
Your next point, good according to whose standards?
Saying "that is not the God I believe in,"you broke the 2nd commandment, which states that you shall not make a false idol, which is what you did, making a god in your mind that you're more comfortable with.
The God I believe in is the one true God, the God of Israel, who states who He is, and His Righteous ways. Also, He makes promises and keeps them. He died for us, and gives us a plan to follow to have eternal life in Heaven with Him. Does any other religion do that?
-edit-I am a Christian.

2006-12-28 15:45:34 · answer #8 · answered by lost and found 4 · 1 1

Then you do not believe in the God of the Bible. You believe in some other god.

The God of the Bible loves people enough to have provided the way to salvation and avoid hell. But, if you do not want to come to Him on His terms, why is that considered hateful?

Not all roads lead to God anymore than all roads lead to New Jersey.

Jesus told us "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

In both the Old Testament and New, God's Word says, "Not even one person is righteous. No one understands. No one searches for God. All have turned away. Together they have become worthless. No one shows kindness, not even one person! Their throats are open graves. With their tongues they practice deception. The venom of poisonous snakes is under their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Ruin and misery mark their ways. They have not learned the path to peace. There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Romans 3:10-18, quoting from Psalm 14:1-3, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Psalm 5:9, Psalm 140:3, Psalm 10:7, Isaiah 59:7-8, and Psalm 36:1)

So, even this Buddhist that you hold up as an example is trusting in his own goodness, and not Christ's. God says in Isaiah 64:6, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away."

We cannot do anything that pleases God, except to receive from Him His gift that He provided for us.

As to my church affiliation, I go to a non-denominational independent evangelical church.

2006-12-28 15:38:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

God is Good, Holy, Pure, we were made to spend eternity with Him. Adam and Eve were pronounced very good by God. They were made in His image. God has the ability to choose, so He made man with that ability. But they chose to become their own masters. They would do what they thought was best instead of what God told them. This was sin, evil, when Adam and Eve ate the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, they found out what happens when you go away from God - Evil. And that brought death. The animal who was killed to cover their shame and every death since. Evil doesn't only bring death, it brings suffering, and more evil, and suffering, and more evil - multiplied. Right now, although we are experiencing consequences of our sin, it is mitigated by the power and active presence of God. God continues to care even in this dark world. He is careful not to deny people the "right to choose" whom they will serve, but when time is up on earth, you will go with God if you chose Him, and the only place he will not be mitigating the consequences of sin, if you choose otherwise. He is just He will not allow your sins in with Him. If you insist on holding on to them, instead of accepting what He did to pay for them, then He will wash his hands of you. He doesn't want to, He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He just allows us to choose. His justice and His love was fulfilled in Christ. He has payed the way for you to be declared righteous and be fit to enter His kingdom.

I am a Christian.

2006-12-28 15:57:03 · answer #10 · answered by Bre 3 · 0 0

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