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I live in a very christian town and I constantly bombarded by people who tell me I will go to hell because I am wiccan. I just want to know if I really will go to hell. I think I am good person, I do good deeds and I really care about people who need my help. I don't think that I will go to hell because I don't believe in it. I was raised to be a baptist but I always felt uncomfortable in a church. It is not the place for me. Blessed be...

2006-12-28 15:18:13 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

No one really knows the answer, but you know what I believe? I am a Christian, and I think that as long as you try to live the best life full of love, generosity, and kindness, that you will be granted what you deserve after you die (Which, if you live the best life you can, will be something great, and not hellish at all). Wiccans are good people who love mother earth, and what could be wrong with that? The Wiccan way of life is a beautiful way, full of love, and people are simply misguided about what Wiccans believe and are all about. So, hard as it is, to not listen to those people, because they have no idea what they are talking about. When you can, you might have to move to a place that is not as ignorant, because sometimes the hatred can never be stopped, no matter how much good you do.

But just try to live a good life, and try not to let them get you down.
Make sure to have fellow Wiccan friends for support in such times.

2006-12-28 15:23:36 · answer #1 · answered by Rogue 2 · 5 1

"I just want to know if I really will go to hell"

Well,thats up for you to decide. I know you are a Wiccan and you don't really believe in a hell but lets just say you did.
What would be the reason someone goes to hell? What would be the reason that someone would go to heaven?
People will tell you that you have to do all sorts of things,so I understand how this can be confusing.
Yes,I know,I know-You have read the Bible and all being that you were raised in the church. But,perhaps a good idea would be to find a quiet,peaceful place to read in and read John 3 and really think on it ,perhaps you can better understand some veiw points through it.
Good luck!
As for the people in your town-try to ignore them,or let them know that they are making you feel uncomfortable.

2006-12-28 15:30:13 · answer #2 · answered by Myaloo 5 · 0 0

"You may be wondering, 'since there is no Heaven or Hell, what happens when I die?'. As a wiccan, you will see that there is a life cycle which every living thing will follow. It is born, grows old, dies, and is born again. This is also true for humans, after all, what makes us different from plants and animals. When you die, we do not go to one final place for the rest of eternity, but, rather, we are reborn into this world, to experience it in a new way. What happens when we have experienced this world in as many possible ways as possible? Who's to say? No-body can honestly tell you that they KNOW what will happen. Perhaps we are sent to another world/planet/ plane/etc., or perhaps we are blessed with the joy of spending the rest of time directly with the All. Until that time comes, we will never know, and when we do know, the chances are that we will either not be able to, or will not want to tell those still in this world the answers. Why would you want to ruin the surprise? And besides, if we were meant to know what happened, we would. "

2006-12-28 15:22:05 · answer #3 · answered by WelshKiwi 3 · 2 1

I'm not exactly sure who you're asking persmission from to be a Wiccan. As far as I'm concerned you don't need anyones permission to be of any religion. Are you asking Christians if it's okay? If that's the case, then of course they're going to tell you that it's not okay. They think we're all devil worshipers, damned to hell. See, the thing is, they don't know (or care to know for the most part) anything about Wicca. Most of them don't seem to know very much about their own for that matter or they wouldn't be judging you (considering it says in the bible that only God can judge). As far as if you're going to go to hell or not. In Wicca we believe that when we die we go to the Summerlands. We go there no matter what. There is no "good" or "bad" place, no "heaven" or "hell". I would suggest you do some research on this subject for yourself. I would suggest reading, "The Pagan Book of Living and Dying" by Starhawk. There are many other books out there though that I think you should check out. Beyond that I would say, just ignore the ignorance and intolerance that these people seem to have. They obviously have their own issues they need to work out. Worry about yourself and don't pay any attention to them. But, know that you're not alone. This kind of crap is par for the course when it comes to being a Wiccan. We all have had people tell us that we're going to hell. To bad it doesn't exist.

2006-12-28 22:08:42 · answer #4 · answered by Belisama 2 · 2 1

I am only writing a response to your question as I do for the others that I also respond to.

Many people will tell you that no one really knows; then will in the same letter stating that people like those claiming to be Christians are wrong; could you really take advise from a person claiming to not know, then on the same saying that they do know that what Bible believing Christians are wrong; how do they really know that something is wrong unless they posses the right answer?

To answer your question: one must believe that their answer is very meaningful, and therefore do I write. I believe that there is something called a moral absolute, and since there is a moral absolute there is a giver in the first cause where that moral absolute came from. I say this to show you that even in America we follow moral absolutes. If a person breaks the law(s) (our country's moral guide-lines) that person, depending on the severity of the crime, will either pay a fine or go to jail or prison.

In God's eyes; since we have broken His standard of perfection we deserve punishment. The payment is the life of a person never to have a chance to walk in fellowship with God again.
So Jesus chose before the foundations of the world that He would one day die in our place because He knew that simply by being good or doing good things wouldn't be able to pay the debt owed by any person; thus Jesus God Incarnate paid the price with His own life; for His blood was unspotted by sin.
Through Jesus only can a person be free from the debt of sin.

I also encourage you to go to a Bible teaching church. For as a coal in a fire is removed; it will become cold. If that same coal is placed back into fellowship with the other coals that remain in the fire will once again become hot and useful for its predestined purpose.

2006-12-28 16:13:41 · answer #5 · answered by J.C.E Jude 1:3 2 · 0 3

There are so many religions with their own forms of heaven and hell, that no one can truly know where they're going after death. Only you can decide what you believe and not believe. If you are Wiccan, then you believe in the Threefold Law: everything you do, good or bad, will come back to you threefold.

When Christians tell you you are going to hell, simply quote the bible, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." They are going against their own religion by judging you.

2006-12-28 15:36:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

As a wiccan (and buddhist) I do not even believe in hell. No one has the right to judge you because of what you believe. Many wiccans do not believe in hell. This is because many believe in reincarnation. By telling you that you are going to hell, they are trying to scare you into becoming Christian. Do you really want to be scared into a religion? Take care of yourself and remember to believe what feels right to you; no one has the right to make you believe something, only you can know what beliefs work for you.

One thing that really helped me get away from my fear of leaving Christianity is learning the history of religion, epecially that of Chritianity. It can be very surprising. Try watching the history channel or reading some nonfictional tories about it. It's rather eye opening.

Blessed Be.

2006-12-28 15:27:27 · answer #7 · answered by HarmNone 3 · 1 2

Sure. If your wiccan religion doesn't believe in hell then you won't go there. There are religions that believe if you aren't baptized you'll go to hell. Does that mean all non-Christians will go to hell? Of course not!

Do what YOU want and don't listen to the naysayers.

2006-12-28 15:24:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A true Christian will not tell you will go to hell for the things you do because all true knowledgeable Christians know that there is no going to hell as it is popularly believed. Just remember that not all who call themselves Christians truly are. Also, whoever tells you just to do what you feel is the right thing has much to learn, since different people have different feelings of what the right thing should be. So, can you be certain that what you feel is the right thing is truly the right thing? Thankfully there is a guide that God gave us that tells us what are the true right things, and that guide is called The Bible. Now, I know that there are different Bibles because of the different interpretations. So, what I recommend is that you look for the Interlinear Bible, which has the original scriptures written in Greek and Hebrew. This combined with the right congregation will show you what is truly the right thing to do. Just be aware that there are false Christians out there that will discourage people with their threats and lies. But God did say that if you seek you shall find, so I encourage you to look for the truth.

Now, to put it simply words, this is what happens according to the Bible: If you accept Jesus sacrifice as payment for your sins, and do the good deeds that God wants you to do, when Jesus returns you will be rewarded with eternal life in the kingdom of God. If you don't, you will be no more.

2006-12-28 17:08:32 · answer #9 · answered by Indolent Seeker 1 · 0 4

Yes, be true to yourself, don't listen to the negative people. I also used to live in a very christian town- i moved- end of problem.
try moving to a larger city, big cities have more diversity and from my experience everybody minds their own business. You could probably find a coven or pagan group.
Don't ever ever ever change yourself to please others. Always be yourself. Those people who are mean, have issues. Stay strong and find a group of fellow wiccans and/or coven.

2006-12-28 15:27:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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