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You know GOD is so powerful. Why would you not want him on your side?

2006-12-28 15:16:22 · 32 answers · asked by 120 IQ 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Oh, great, yet *another* question for Christians to gather together and pat each other on the back. Ugh.

To answer the question, it's not that I don't believe that there's something greater than myself, it's just that I don't think it needs me to worship it. Have you ever asked yourself why an all powerful, all knowing being would need everyone to worship it?

2006-12-28 15:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by alimagmel 5 · 5 1

I do not know why anyone will believe this way cause they did not make or created themselves. God is powerful and good all the time no matter what the people say God is on our side.

2006-12-28 15:20:17 · answer #2 · answered by JoJoBa 6 · 1 3

we don't believe there is an all-powerful god for a number of reasons i won't get into. Suffice to say, i see no proof that god exists - just as I see no evidence that the Easter Bunny exists, so no matter what I might want I can't believe in something that's not there.

2006-12-28 15:23:09 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. Brooke 6 · 2 1

Well, in order to not believe in God, one would have to believe God to in fact, not be powerful, so having him on, or off your side would seem to them to be an irrelevant matter.

To answer this question more fully, we must look at why people do believe in God to begin with. People, for the most part, seem to believe in God because they were taught this at a young age through some holy text, and this explanation and teaching corresponds with and shapes their view of the universe through the rest of their lives.

This opens up to definite possibilities for non-belief, either not receiving the initial doctrine binding themselves to this belief, or not feeling that this doctrine corresponds to reality from their own experience. The first of these is self-explanitory, being raised outside a religious family, the latter can happen in one of two ways. One of these ways is to simply rationally question everything, to which either conclusion, whether to believe of not can be reached. The second, often results from full belief being broken suddenly through some action that disproves their view of the world (i.e. a sudden death of a loved one).

2006-12-28 15:22:57 · answer #4 · answered by ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮yelxeH 5 · 2 2

I know that the god of the Bible is a myth. Indeed, the myth is a very powerful myth, since it still dominates the lives of so many people, but it is just a myth. The god of the Bible is no more real than Zeus.

I think you're also wrong to suggest that we non believers only believe in ourselves. I believe in a lot of things, but the strength of my beliefs is proportional to the amount of objective evidence there is supporting the beliefs.

2006-12-28 15:22:40 · answer #5 · answered by Jim L 5 · 4 2

I never DECIDED to not believe in God. I didn't decide to not believe in unicorns, ghosts, dragons, etc.

I just simply don't, by default, because ALL have no evidence whatsoever.

We are all born with the lack of a belief in the supernatural things. We are all born as agnostic atheists. To turn to theism is a position - a DECISION.

God, any god, does not exist to me. Why have a myth "on my side"?

Your god isn't powerful, but belief in Him is.

(I only capitalize "Him" due to respect.)

2006-12-28 15:21:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Because your gods are not powerful. It's obvious they have no control over what happens, and if they do, they're either incompetent, have a sick sense of humor, are sociopathic mass murderers, or just don't care. And when I look in a mirror, I can see myself. I have never seen a god.

2006-12-28 15:23:27 · answer #7 · answered by weary0918 3 · 3 1

as an Agnostic i don't simply and only believe in myself. i believe in many things but most of these things are verifiable via science. i have a "God" concept (tho i claim no ultimate truth) and in my "God" concept "God" is omnipresent so is not only on "my side" but on everyone's side. "God" is on all sides and not limited to sides at all. limitless, expansive, expanding, micro/macro cosmic undefinable Supreme Whatever.

PS. my "God" concept is not a "him" or a "her". i do not believe in or worship deities/idols

2006-12-28 15:24:09 · answer #8 · answered by nebtet 6 · 2 0

Because I know how to think, and I believe that only I am responsible for my actions, and I will worship nobody, no how, no way. not even a fake god.
Now watch the tumbs down from christians just to prove my point.

2006-12-28 15:23:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Like all other instruments our intellect is also an instrument with certain limits, apart from this fact that it cannot compass the limitless universe it cannot even help to understand ones own self; God first of all created the knowledge (Gods own knowledge) and with knowledge God did everything such as first with knowledge God created birth and with the birth of all things their seeds, process of their growth and decline ultimately God created death and mortality as a future of all things; God is The Creator of the knowledge of creation and its process. God created the conscious and the work of the conscious and made intellect a means of understanding creatures. Since God is The Creator of intellect or understanding, intellect or understanding cannot compass God. That is why some of us do not believe in God due to the intellect or understanding.

Act of the Denial of GOD is always performed against GOD and Existence of GOD. In the world of “GOD”, those who deny GOD, they deny acceptance of their GOD only. It’s a ponder-able fact that whatsoever exists can be denied, only and whatsoever do not exists cannot be denied, even.
Since GOD exists so acceptance of GOD is denied. In the belief of believers, GOD exists as saviour. In the minds, in which GOD is denied, nothing else but the non-belief exists only.
The denial of GOD is due to the personal interest in sins. Sinners reject the belief because GOD permits not their sins. In the world of fact, “belief in GOD” is a blessing of GOD, for those only that avoid sins and honour GOD only.
Belief and Non-Belief of GOD
The One and Alone Holy GOD

Even the attributes of GOD are not GOD, such as knowledge of GOD or power of GOD. GOD created all, about which one can think and which mortal makes with thought even that can never be considered as GOD.
Ideas of a mortal are just like the hands of mortal and with such hands mortal cannot touch the creator of thoughts.
Materials of the thought are all created elements and GOD is not made of elements. The birds of thought can never fly over GOD, but they fly over God’s Kingdom only. GOD is Holier than that because GOD is not man-thought or man made. GOD created the mortal and mortal cannot create even a seed. GOD can never be encircled or compassed even with the belief of infinity, because GOD is absolute in existence, beyond lies and truth. GOD is a fact in reality believed or not. All minds are cosmic and all brains are universal with the power of consciousness.
Eyes see more than the ears that hear and all minds think more than the eyes that see. And man makes not the real but the images only. And images keep on changing being images. And things resembles not with GOD. GOD is untouched, unseen, and unfelt. GOD is just believed or un-believed and un-belief of GOD is another belief that is again directly concerned to GOD. And belief is an answered satisfaction of the believers questions concerned with existence. A non-believer cannot see what a believer can see. Believer can see GOD but not with the eyes and can hear GOD but not with ears, but with the heart who believes. Seeing is realizing and realizing is seeing GOD, not more than belief one can have as a proof of one’s own being. Simply if we exist GOD exist.

2006-12-28 17:31:54 · answer #10 · answered by knghts10 2 · 0 0

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