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the last time i had this was during a year period when i was about 10-11 years old, and even at that age instead of living like a regular kid, i was going through ssevere panic attacks at night always thinking about serious conditions like heart disease, heart problems, cancers, etc. and it'd always be on my mind no matter what/anyway this is occuring to me again, and it all started all of a sudden, the worrying, and sleepless nights of thinking about these conditions...it also lead me to do extensiv research on all sorts of organs, and it even made me recently develop OCD about bodily functions..at first i focused around my heart and felt chest pains and all, then started feeling frequent urination and all thatnow after reading about colon cancer and its symptoms i keep feeling like i have them and sometimes even see streaks of blood in my stool...Right now my body is in pain, and my muscles feel very achy...been to the doctor, and i have nothing, yet i still worry..idk

2006-12-28 15:13:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

16 answers

It sounds as if you have GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). There is a medication that is excellent for this (I myself take it) called Lexapro. For me...no more chest pains, panic attacks, night sweats, biting my lip, etc.

You can speak with your family physician, who can prescribe it, or you can go to a psychiatrist. I myself get my prescription from my family physician.

Best of everything!

2006-12-28 15:18:21 · answer #1 · answered by ☺ . CIEL . ☺ 5 · 1 1

Just know that you are not alone... There are so many people that feel the same... I used to not even be able to get myself to go outside... I was so sure that everyone was looking at me, laughing, judging, etc... I understand and can relate to all of the symptoms that you wrote about... I can tell you though, that going to a doctor (Mental Health Department), will help you... they will give you counseling, and medication... and, believe me, the medication really does help. Once you start with the medication and are able to go into public,,,, you will notice that there are so many people out there with problems.... and that no one really is looking at you... or if they are, it really doesn't matter... For me anyhow,,, it was like once the medication started to work, I realized that no one really cares what I am doing.... and, if someone looks at me,,,, i can now just turn around, or ask them what the hell they are looking at,,, or whatever..... The whole panick attack, anxiety thing,,,, is really only a matter of our own self confidence..... So, go out into the world... and just be the best that you can be... and try to feel good about yourself - - and , at the same time,,, also know that what others are doing (talking, looking, laughing) really should have no affect on you..... Everyone has problems.... Lastly,, ,,, stop hurting yourself.... it will never help you.... It just causes pain... and makes things worse..... instead, maybe go for a run... or take a bath... We should never take things out on ourselves.....

2016-03-28 23:09:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow I am almost exactly like you! And I'm 19. Except not the OCD stuff. I am a hyperchondriac too..sounds like you're becoming one. You make yourself believe you are getting all the symptoms of an illness..even though you aren't The only thing that made me feel %100 better was seeing a dr to confirm that it was just my anxiety causing all the symptoms. Try not to think about what could happen to you either. I know it's hard though. Good luck.

2006-12-28 15:17:59 · answer #3 · answered by Taylor 4 · 0 1

I think every person has periods in their life where they suffer from anxiety. Mine isn't as bad as it use to be. You're not alone on this. My anxiety use to focus on diseases as well, and basically anything out of my control. Which is a heck of a lot. After countless panic attacks throughout the day, at nights and in the mornings. I was fed up. I thought this isn't any way to live my life. After all I was just 15. I began to control my anxiety. The most difficult thing do is get it off your mind once you've began to worry about it. I use to turn music up really high, or watch t.v, anything to get it off my mind. There is so many negative things in life, and it always seems like it stands out more than the positive. But, there is good in life. Sure there are constant worries about disease and accidents, many things out of our control. But, that's a huge part of life. Life is short, and full of surprises the good and bad. You just have to try to find the good. Accept the bad as just another obstacle in life to overcome. It's difficult but it's possible. I did it without any medication. It's okay to worry, but not the point where it controls your life. You're so young, theres so much out there to experience. So much to see, and so much to learn. I'm 19 now, and yes there are random days and moments where my anxiety returns, but I don't let it control my life anymore. I want to live it, and be incharge not the fears. Best of luck in life, and remember take charge and control.

If you ever need someone to vent to, I'm all ears.


2006-12-28 15:45:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Are you eating a regular diet of foods. Stay away from the caffeine, go to bed same time each night, wake up same time each morning and get out of bed!

Do you only feel better when you feel your worse? Start exercising more and less fretting!

Find an enjoyable hobby. Kite flying, paper airplane crafting, jogging (drink powerade) keep hydrated, gardening, doodling.

Maybe get into a therapy group that costs you nothing.

2006-12-28 15:27:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have read some litterature about panic attacks. But they allways seem to have a more scientific approach and that is nothing I need in my struggle to survive those horrible panic attacks. This is a "hand on" and very practical book. I felt it was written to me. I am sure that you are going to feel the same.

Joe Barry writes exactly how I think. The examples are perfectly described. And the method is genius. I recommend this book and thanks Joe Barry for writing it. It changes your life

2016-05-17 08:32:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think this is just a form of stress,the mind is very powerful and can make you think you have a problem,and you'll start to imitate the symptoms just because you are focusing on them.sometimes when your under stress it become like 2 people your mind and the real you,an it seems like your mind is playing little tricks on you,and i do think you can convince yourself that your a perfect specimen of health,because you have been checked out.now it time to release the stress and start doing the fun things that you enjoy doing and living the good life

2006-12-28 15:27:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've had similiar probelms.

You should seek help for your anxiety with a therapist.

Know that your anxiety is the cause of all your symptoms. Once you learn to control your anxious thoughts, your symptoms will disappear.

You are fine. Seek help, tell your parents you are having probelms, it can get better, but you need to seek help. I didn't know that when my anxiety was out of control. I thought I was insane.

2006-12-28 15:22:05 · answer #8 · answered by Lisa B 5 · 0 1

you first need to overcome your fear because that just makes it worst it also makes it unhealthy and that can cause some thing like you feel sick but doctor says nothing wrong with you!! what you think your body thinks!!!!!! you are suppose to go to healthy website that can prevent you or help you find a cure or look for food pyramid and find out which type of food can cure for the type you have!!!!!

2006-12-28 15:21:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

OCD is not so hard to cope with as long as you try to realize the insanity of some of your ideas through communicating with other people

2006-12-28 15:16:57 · answer #10 · answered by James Q 2 · 0 1

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