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Should we eliminate fats from our diets altogether and increase proteins? What are some of the benefits that unsaturated fats and proteins provide when included in a balanced diet?

2006-12-28 14:10:44 · 50 answers · asked by sherri_1221 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

50 answers

There is such a thing as good fats and bad fats.

Good fats are something like Olive Oil.

Bad fats are like Trans fats.

Studies have shown, over and over, that a healthy and CONTROLLED amount of fat in your diet is a good thing. Why? Because good fats have nutrients that our body needs to function correctly. Also, if you try low fat diets, you will find yourself craving more and more.

Craving is the way that your body tells you it wants, or needs, something. There is really no way to desipher if your body WANTS that giant chocolate chip cookie or if it NEEDS that chocolate chip cookie. You need to use common sense.

Example: You drive by a fast food resteraunt and the scent of their delicious burgers hits your nose. Suddenly, you are dying for a hamburger. Why?

Your brain already knows that the burger has tons of fats and sugars. And because you are keeping your body from those fats and sugars, it thinks that this giant, fatty, unhealthy burger is exactly what you need.

Then when you try to resist this urge, you feel awful, thinking that you can't control your urges and you start mentally beating yourself up for it. This can lead to stress and depression. Stress and depression really hurt your chances of losing weight, which causes even MORE STRESS! See how a low fat diet can send you spiraling into gaining even more weight.

So to answer your question: No, you should not eliminate fats from your diet altogether. High protein is always a good idea, but don't overdo it.

If you are looking to lose weight, here are some simple things you can do to lose weight, but don't forget, this won't substitute real exercise.

Do not go for a diet fad, all our bodies are different, so why follow the same diet for all of them? Here are some tips to help you lose weight!

Drink at least 8 glasses of cold water every day. Cold water actually uses up calories because your body can't use the water when it is too cold, so it uses energy to heat it up.

*Stop drinking soda and sugary juices all together, they do nothing but harm your body.

*Eat smaller meals, but more meals throughout the day. Never skip a meal, because you skip a meal, overeat at the next meal, feel bad, skip another meal, overeat again, ect. DOES NOT WORK!

*Veggies and fruits are your friends! Plus, eating pomigranite (the actual fruit) can curb your appetite, plus it will take you a full hour to pick out all that stuff in the actual fruit :)

*When you eat, be sure to sit up straight and have a little pillow on your lower back. This will help your brain realize it is full. It takes the brain 15-20 minutes to realize you are full!

*When you eat, take 3 bites, a sip of cold water, 3 bites, sip of cold water. This will help your brain realize it is full.

*Get smaller plates and smaller knives and forks. Why? Studies show that a group of people with big bowls and giant spoons will eat TONS of ice cream before full. While people who have little bowls and need to eat the ice cream with tiny sample spoons still eat that little bowl of ice cream, and they feel satisfied and full!

2006-12-28 14:24:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-10-13 09:55:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.

The plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything plan said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I'm now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. This plan has changed my life.

Get started today!

2016-05-19 15:57:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your body really needs fat to the shock of most people. It's the kinds of fats that you take in that are key. Fat from bacon...not so good, fat from Almonds, good.
When trying to lose weight, not only do you need cardio exercise, but weight training as well. Your goal with your weight training should be to increase muscle so that you burn more calories in the course of a day. You're not trying to become a body builder here, but building enough to where it is effective. When weight training, eating lots of lean protein is key....chicken, turkey, and hummus is a great dip to use instead of cheese dips.
Eat 6 smaller, portion controlled meals throughout the day. I start the morning with a bowl of Smart Start cereal. 3 hours later I eat a serving of Savory Thin crackers or Honey Wheat Pretzels...for lunch I eat a hunk of honey turkey, sugar free jello, fat free pudding, and 1% cottage cheese. Later I will eat some apple sauce and some non-fat yogurt.....for dinner, I try to eat chicken and peas.....try to avoid as many carbs as you can for dinner.....you don't need to eliminate carbs in your diet, but when you decide to eat them is a key factor.
I have been overweight my entire life, and have finally hired a personal trainer who has taught me a lot of key information.
I have lost 25 lbs in a little over 3 months. Hope this information helps you!

2006-12-28 14:21:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In our society today we are dieted to deadth. Everytime you turn around there is new diet that comes on the market that promises that you will lose weight. But I feel that the only way to lose weight is to cut down on your fat, protein is good as long as it is lean, and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Excerise is also important. Drink lots of water.

2006-12-28 14:21:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing is so easy. Fats are important:
You must get the right kind.
High protein diets are hard on your kidneys and if you have cancer start, cancer cells grow quickly on high protein:
Milk can be bad:
Fiber is very important to health.
Fruits, vegetables, living foods are important to health. Fish oil or flax seed oil is an important
source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Berries are god for you!

2006-12-28 14:31:40 · answer #6 · answered by Susan M 7 · 0 0

close the kitchen for 12 hours

2017-04-08 08:47:36 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Bake a healthy breakfast before hand to ensure you don't grab a sugary scone away from home.

2017-03-11 16:40:31 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

steer clear of food porn

2017-03-06 02:07:59 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Proteins takes more time to digest than carbs so eating protein will make you feel full for longer

2016-03-09 22:10:50 · answer #10 · answered by Kenyatta 3 · 0 0

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