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I myself am an atheist/agnostic. I've been told that I should "try to accept god" because if I dont, it will be much more difficult to for me to find a date. Apparently, believing in god is a strong prerequisite to finding a date.

Girls, how important is religiosity to you? If you are a Christian, would you date an atheist/agnostic?

I understand that atheists are far and few between, but does that preclude them from obtaining dates?

2006-12-28 14:03:36 · 37 answers · asked by Nietzsche 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

37 answers

To hell with you!


try this link


2006-12-28 14:05:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

This is interesting. I haven't read a question like this before.

I suppose it is more difficult to get a date if you are agnostic/atheist. I myself am agnostic, and I know that it can be really difficult for people to grasp the concept. It's because many religious people have this idea that morals come from God, so if you don't believe in any God, you don't have any morals. There's a survey that a university, I think in Minnesota or Michigan, conducted in which they questioned 2,000 people by phone. Out of a long list of minority religious groups, the majority of people said they would be least approving of their child dating an atheist/agnostic over all other religious minorities. Isn't that somethin'?

Then, you have to think of, what if you don't tell them you are agnostic/atheist at first? Sometimes I think that maybe if the person just KNEW me first, before they knew that part of me, then they'd be more accepting of my religious preferences. However, the downfall is that the person may think you are less trustworthy or that you are not comfortable with your disbelief, which is why you hid it.

It is always hard. Most atheists/agnostics would date/marry a person of religious beliefs, however, the opposite isn't true. Religious folks wouldn't date/marry atheists/agnostics. This just kind of goes to show that usually atheists/agnostics are just more generally accepting of others and their PERSONAL PREFERENCES.

There are atheists/agnostics out there, so keep looking. Try joining a group online or maybe there is a group in or near your community where nonbelievers meet up. That way, you might be able to meet some people who share in your disbelief.

2006-12-28 14:15:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Religious people get dates easier ... now that is one that I haven't heard before. Sounsd like you have had someone try to convience you in something that you don't accept or believe.

I would tend to go the other way and say that the religious are the ones left sitting on the fence when it comes to dating. I know personally myself and all of my friends - both male and female refuse to date someone that is a christian or overly religious; spiritual is not a problem but religion we have all found causes too many problems in the long run.

Why should you or anybody else have to change because someone has read a book that may or may not be true.

2006-12-28 14:08:28 · answer #3 · answered by Ben 2 · 2 0

Im a born again christian and something i found was that more non-christian lads (agnostic/atheist or neither) were more in relationships for sex rather than for the long haul. I'm now with my fiance and he's a born again Christian and i know this is for the long haul not for the quick screw.

Another reason is that in the bible it does say about having relationships with non-believers being wrong. I can honestly say that when i was in a relationship with a non-christian my life when down hill i was finding it hard to concentrate at school and at church i didnt want to go to church, i got into drinking even though i was only 17 i also started smoking (thankfully i gave up).

If I wasn't with my fiance i would be looking for a Born Again Christian who was willing that somewhere in life God might want us to move to the other side of the world, also in the short term that i would want that boyf to come to church with me or that i would attend his church (if he was a christian and went to a different church - i moved completely moved church for my fiance - leaving my friends was really hard even though it was only across town!).

I don't think it should stop you dating someone just because you are or you are not religious.

2006-12-28 14:11:09 · answer #4 · answered by Hannie S 3 · 0 1

I think it's funny that someone would tell you to accept god so that you could get dates. I think there are plenty of other agnostics and atheists out there so that you won't have to compromise your beliefs. And better yet, there are even people out there who will like you and still not expect you to think or believe the same as they do. So keep on seeking your own truths. Everyone grows throughout their lifetime and hopefully doesn't believe everything they believed when they were 5 years old, or 10 or 15 or 21, etc., etc. Our beliefs change constantly, so keep on seeking your own truths without worrying about losing out on dates. I'm sure that if you stay true to your own self, and allow others to be true to themselves, you will attract someone just right to you.

2006-12-28 14:15:06 · answer #5 · answered by miracle_happen 2 · 0 1

Unless you are trying to pick up someone in a church, then your religious beliefs or lack of them shouldn't be a hinderence in finding a date. I am agnostic and the only time I have a problem finding a date is when I can't get out often as I like. If you are with a potential date and they have a problem with your lack of religious beliefs then you just have to move on to the next one. In the end, it is their loss and not yours.

2006-12-28 14:11:26 · answer #6 · answered by davester1970 7 · 1 0

I am also an atheist/agnostic, but getting dates has never been a big issue for me. If someone likes really likes you, then religious issues shouldn't be a big deal right off the bat. Obviously, if things get serious, they might become important, but something small like a date shouldn't cause problems, in my opinion. Don't change your religious views just to get dates, either. It's not worth it.

2006-12-28 14:09:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Erm - I guess that would depend on where you live... some areas of the world (and the US) are less than tolerant of anything but the dominant religion.

That said - I've been Catholic (reformed now), a hardcore atheist (got most of my ladies during that stage), and an agnostic/spiritualist...

Never had religion become an issue with any of the ladies I've been involved with (except the one Scientologist...)...

Do shouldn't be an issue for you...


2006-12-28 14:08:24 · answer #8 · answered by delicateharmony 5 · 1 0

You were stated; you have been told that you should "try to accept god" because if you don’t, it will be much more difficult to for you to find a date. I find this comment to be very untruth. There are many girls out there that are none believers like you. If the statement is true, then everyone would have to turn in to a Christian before the person can have a date. Then the world would fill with Christians because everyone is like to date someone. Is that comment making any sense to you? Sound odd to me, don’t you think?

However, if you talk about accept the one and only God, that is Jehovah God then you always have to honor Him with a capital letter of what you will say about Him. Is He a God you talking about accepting?

Anyway, if you are accepting God because you want to date with someone then you will be do something for the wrong reason. To accepting God is to believe in Him with all your heart. That would be the right reason to do it. Don’t go to God for someone else. You only can go for yourself. God knows your heart, you can’t lie to God. How could you believe in God if you didn’t witness or know Him. He have to speak to you in your heart first and you saw His miracle in the light before you can believe. The other word is, I can talk to you right now until I brow my brain out about God, until that day will come when you experience God, then you will understand what I am talking about.

My advise to you today is, don’t turn in to a Christian until you ready to believe in Him. Please don’t do it for a wrong reason or for someone else. Your life is worth the eternity for yourself, not for just a date.

2006-12-28 14:56:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who told you that, or what makes you think that? I'm an AGNOSTIC/ATHEIST and funny my Husband and i just had this conversion. His a Christian he has his strong belives in God in all things WRONG and RIGHT,where i see things from my point of view he see's things from Gods point of view. His American and i'm British and just about every one i know from back home is an
AGNOSTIC/ATHEIST. Its never stopped me from dating in the past nore any of my Brothers or Sister.Any one for that fact that i know from back home in England that is AGNOSTIC/ATHEIST.
I dont buy in to that who ever said you will have a hard time finding a date is wrong.Maybe one day i'll find God i dont know,but when and if i do it will be on my own time.Not because people keep trying to push him down my throat,my marriage is great and strong with or with out god.Theres is just as many of us out there, as there is Belivers.

2006-12-28 14:23:15 · answer #10 · answered by Porcelain Doll 6 · 0 1

Women practice dismissal, fear, and preoccupation.

You need an opening line, small talk, and to close with getting their number or a date.

The number one dating advice for women is "play hard to get".

Also, no one has ever seen the start of a relationship, and obese blobs, (that are 50% of the population), have immature hysteria that causes delirium in good looking women.

2006-12-29 07:44:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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