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i am not looking for one word answers like, christianity, christ, islam, hinduism, etc.

2006-12-28 13:54:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

They key to happiness is quite simple: Appreciate what you have. Appreciate your lot in life. You may think you have it tough, but look around there is always someone that has it tougher. "The old maxim: I complained because I had no shoes, until, I saw a man who had no feet.

The second thing that is needed for happiness is "to have a dream about your future" . It may be you are looking forward to retirement, or it simply may be looking forward to a vacation, whatever .... My sister (age 68) told me she had nothing to look forward to. When we chat we laugh about things. So, I told her she could look forward to laughing again tomorrow. (I realize that example may sound trite, but it worked for my sister.)

Finally, for those of us who believe in Heaven after our stay here on Earth ...... Well, I am sure you get the point.

2006-12-28 13:56:38 · answer #1 · answered by MrsOcultyThomas 6 · 1 4

It starts off as a choice daily. Simply choose to be happy. Say it out loud. Say it to yourself. Say it often. You will convince yourself. It probably won't happen overnight, but if you keep at it; you will wake up one morning and come to the realization that you are truly happy. The only thing we have any control over is our attitude- choose wisely. I have been unhappy, but I'm not anymore. I choose happy. If you were aware of my details you would find it hard to believe. I still do. I am one of the happiest people I know- and people around me will testify to that.
It's not about love, money, careers, location... it's on the inside of you just screaming to get out. Let it. Laugh, smile and do all the things you would imagine "happy" people doing and duplicate it.

2006-12-28 22:14:11 · answer #2 · answered by skayrkroh 3 · 1 0

happiness is the most indescribable of all emotions, or states of being. to some it is in faith that better things will come (i.e. this world is NOT happiness), to others it is in simple pleasures (i.e. sex, drugs, etc.). both can be summed up in a simple phrase: follow YOUR bliss. imagine happiness and then reach for it. maybe it is sitting on a couch watching t.v., maybe it is changing the world. the Nike slogan was not too far off when it suggested that you "just do it." this bliss is not necessarily constant, either. perhaps today you would rather be left alone, happiness in solitude. then tomorrow you need the company of a dear friend, happiness in company.

2006-12-28 22:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by Shawn M 3 · 0 0

The Word of God makes me happy...

Psalm 1:1-3
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

2006-12-28 22:05:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The understanding of Jesus died for you and that there is a God and im sorry but the only way to be happy is to except Jesus as Your Lord and Savior, the mesiah. and you have to FULLY devote your life to God. You know following God does not have to be like some boring thing, a lot of hyms i hate like the really slow old ones, you know any way the point is that is THE ONLY WAY and its not easy its hard.
well anyways God Bless and i will pray 4 u that you will find Him

2006-12-28 22:00:38 · answer #5 · answered by my # is 1-800-you-wish 3 · 1 1

We need a perfect system which will not happen as long as man is the one running things. Gods government will be the only thing that will make us truly happy.No more sickness no pain every thing perfect as he wanted it from the beginning.

2006-12-28 22:00:54 · answer #6 · answered by mrs.mom 4 · 1 0

Nothing, and less. Although it is a religious concept its one I have thought of. I feel that as I buy stuff and etc. I have a desire for something better, and when my bank accounts empty I have a desire for more. I often think, that if I didn't have anything, and served those who needed something that I might be much better off.

2006-12-28 21:58:21 · answer #7 · answered by schr91 3 · 1 1

Accurate knowledge from God's word, and puting that knowledge into action, that is the source of true happiness

2006-12-28 22:23:12 · answer #8 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 1 0

do be happy we need to learn to respect eachother. seriously. there is nothing that puts me in a bad mood faster than reading some of these comments posted here. and theres probably nothing that puts me in a good mood faster than having people respect my beliefs. even if they do not agree.
for me happiness comes with peace and unless there is respect, there will never be peace

2006-12-28 22:00:21 · answer #9 · answered by E.T.01 5 · 1 0

If you need other people to make you happy, even your own kids, you aren't truly happy. You are dependant. True happiness comes from within, radiates out and blesses all who come in contact with it.

2006-12-28 22:00:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We need to let go. The mind binds itself to concepts, and this causes pain and suffering.
To live in the moment free of delusion sounds like bliss to me.

2006-12-28 22:00:51 · answer #11 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

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