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53 answers

+ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1st John 1:9 KJV HOLY BIBLE

2006-12-28 13:40:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Wow! that's a hard one.

Obviously you understand that the abortion was not the best possible move you could have made.

That being said, God still loves you. God is all powerful. It is just not possible for someone to screw up so badly that it is beyond God's power to Love and Forgive them.

There isn't a whole lot I can tell you more than that, but I do know of some people that can help.



Silent No More is a group of women who have had abortions, and some of the bravest people I have ever seen.

They say "As people who have personal experience with abortion, we know this can be a difficult issue to deal with. We applaud your courage for recognizing that your feelings associated with an abortion(s) deserve attention and need to be addressed. Our goal here is to connect you with the people and programs that can help you unravel and understand your feelings and behavior related to your experience. "

So give them a try. I'll bet they can help.

2006-12-28 13:43:18 · answer #2 · answered by Larry R 6 · 3 1

Beverly, I highly recommend the free online post-abortion study available at http://www.healinghearts.org It will help you find answers to all of your spiritual questions regarding your abortion. Because the study is based on Scripture, you can be sure that the lessons found in it are not just someone's opinions, but real truth. Healing Hearts is a Christian organization and as far as I know it is not linked to any particular denomination.

Many women who have gone through the study said that it finally helped them come to a place of peace after years and years of heartache and anxiety. You will be paired with an email counselor, most likely a woman who has aborted a child herself. I have researched many post-abortion programs and studies and have never found a better one than this. Please try it, and God bless.

If anyone here is currently thinking about abortion, please visit http://Abort73.com

2006-12-29 02:52:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is only one sin that is unpardonable and thats not trusting Christ as your lord and savior. More commonly reffered to as denouncing the Holy Spirit or the unpardonable sin.
All confesed sins are washed with the blood of the cross and are covered. We somtimes have to pay the consquences for our sin much like your are doing now with the guilt or regret but if you have confessed it and ask forgiviness than trust that God has done just that.

Focus on the family has some resources for you
Its free but they request a 10 dollar donation
Post-Abortion Kit
Resources for Those Suffering From the Aftermath of Abortion

Help For Women Who Have Had An Abortion
Women who have had an abortion often suffer significant physical, emotional and/or psychological consequences. The Post-Abortion Kit: Resources for Those Suffering From the Aftermath of Abortion helps women identify and overcome Post-Abortion Syndrome — while finding healing and forgiveness.

2006-12-28 14:02:53 · answer #4 · answered by singularvision 2 · 1 2

It is difficult to give you a Bible answer on so little detail, but there are three reasons why we may not feel forgven. (Feeling not forgiven, ie having guilt, usually means we are not forgiven)

1. Are you a born again saved person? If you have never given your life to Christ and surrendered under His Lordship then you are not one of His children and you do not have forgiveness for any sin you commit.

2. We are not forgiven if we still have sin in our lives. God will not forgive us if we are continuing to sin. Hebrews 10:26 "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins..." The natural question here is when you got pregnant was it in our out of marriage. If you conceived this child out of marriage, are you still involved in this immorality? If you are God won't forgive you.

3. Is there anyone else involved in the situation that you partially blame for this happening. Did someone talk you into it etc? If so, have you fully forgiven them for what they have done. If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you for your sins.

None of these things may be applicable, but these are the most common reasons why people are not forgiven for their sins. If you are born again, have ceased from immorality, and have forgiven everyone involved, there should be no reason why God will not fully forgive you on the basis of the blood of Jesus Christ.

2006-12-28 13:50:02 · answer #5 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 3 1

why don't you try and seek forgivenss and repent for your mistakes. You'll find God Almighty Merciful and Kind. God is not a tyrant unto Gods slaves. It is our duty to turn to God and ask help and seek guidance from God at all times. when we ourselves won't seek forgiveness then forgiveness won't come on it own. If you truly want to be forgiven, seek forgiveness with a true and sincere heart, God AlMighty has said that God will forgive all sins, except the unpardonable sin of ascribing a partner, son, mate unto God as a sharer in Gods Soverengity.
Here is God’s taught prayer for those who want to secure the blessings of God in true sense.God our Lord is the the Mighty, Merciful and Loving God who does not burdens any one beyond his scope. Do your duty and seek forgiveness from God and then see how God helps and blesses you.


By the leave of God,
the Beneficent,
the Merciful.

Praise be to God,
Lord of the worlds.

The Beneficent, the Merciful.

Owner of the each and the ultimate
Day of Judgement.
O’ Lord!
You alone, we worship;
You alone, we ask for help.

Show us always, the right way,
In each and every matter.

The way of those,
Whom You have blessed;

Not the way of those,
Who earn Your anger,
Nor of those who go astray.


2006-12-28 17:53:03 · answer #6 · answered by knghts10 2 · 0 1

I am afraid the unforgiveness is within yourself.Once you ask God forgivness through Jesus.It is forgotten.We have a merciful Father.A Dad that will never leave,never hurt,bleeds when we bleed,and always wants what is best for us.
Here is the thing.When you had the abortion.You made the decision from what you knew at that time.That is all a person can do.God doesn't deal in garbage.No matter how old you get.You will always be his baby girl.You are worthy to be loved.Pray that God will help you forgive yourself.Peace be with you!!!

2006-12-28 13:46:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

This is basically what is meant by "Blasphemy", in that a person refuses to accept forgivness....or that God is incapable of forgiving a sin because it was even too bad for Him to forgive.
Jesus died on the Cross, for ALL men (and women), for ALL sin, for all time. All you have to do is to be sincere, ask, and receive His forgiveness and grace. As it says in the Gospels after Jesus forgave the woman brought to him by the Temple Priests... then go and sin no more.

2006-12-28 13:46:19 · answer #8 · answered by Augustine 6 · 1 1

God forgives you by Your Faith that He has forgiven you. Quit begging God to forgive you when He says in His Word that your sins have been forgiven already because you have already asked Him to. Start thanking Him Him for His forgiveness. It's done, rejoice in The Lord. Believe His Word that it has already been done as He said it would be. It's faith that pleases God! The devil is a liar and he is the accuser of the brethren. The next time he reminds you of your past, remind him of his future which is Rev. 20:10 and command it so in Jesus' Name. PEACE!!!

2006-12-28 13:45:59 · answer #9 · answered by David H 4 · 2 1

God will forgive you if you honestly ask Him for forgiveness. You may not be forgiving yourself. There were murderers in the Bible and God forgave them. God said David was a man after His own heart, I mean so if He forgave then He will forgive now.

2006-12-28 13:38:25 · answer #10 · answered by cindy j 3 · 5 1

God is a forgiving God and only wants us to acknowledge our sin unto him cause I once believe I could never be forgiven as well and learn different and I thank God for his saving grace and forgiveness.

2006-12-28 13:43:09 · answer #11 · answered by JoJoBa 6 · 3 1

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