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After reading several questions about the war in Iraq, I had to ask the question. Being Career Military, I already know the answer, and I have seen first hand what price the Iraqis are paying. But if you had to give an honest answer to this question what would you say?

2006-12-28 13:28:04 · 37 answers · asked by SOSFG 2 in Politics & Government Military

37 answers

Being a military wife I give up having my husband home with our children and me sometimes and I thank God he is doing the job he is. I am willing to give up living in our house that we own and move wherever Uncle Sam says to. I would gladly let them tap my phone if they have reason to suspect me or even if they just want to steal my pot roast recipe to feed to the enemy to weaken them. lol. I'm tired of the whaaa attitude of don't tap my phone but don't bring evil dictators who kill people for fun to justice because that's none of our business. Most of us do not have to put our lives out there as a sacrifice because we have our military to do it but there are a lot of privileges that people should be willing to give up in the name of true freedom.

2006-12-28 13:51:38 · answer #1 · answered by womanfromok 2 · 6 0

Sorry, but while I'd very much like to see those involved in 9/11 brought to justice, I have never considered Iraq a threat to my freedom. In all reality the biggest threat to the freedom of Americans has always been Cuba, which is just 90 miles from Florida.

Please don't get me wrong, I support all the men and women in uniform and I don't want to see the US just give up and go home at this point. I pray that the US will find a way to change the mess that Iraq has turned into, so that we have a win win situation.

2006-12-28 13:49:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Great question. I would wonder as to if the people answering actually know the repercussions of their answers.

I personally would do anything to ensure I am free. I do this every day since I too am career military (SSG-15 Yrs Army). I have been to several countries to include Iraq twice. I have seen what the Iraqis are fighting for and am glad to help them in their fight. most people who answer have never been to Iraq nor experienced a different culture. I do not say this to malign any of them but to show that most do not know or understand what is going on in other countries. One of my experiences that I will always remember is seeing hungry children breaking into our camp to get food. This was in Kenya. I will never forget that and do what I can to not waste. This is what freedom is about. Being able to do what you want to but in a responsible way.

Some things that I would also mention is that there are restrictions on freedom. All restrictions are good ones since they temper our desire to do whatever we want. There are other "restrictions" that are not good. These do not pertain to freedom but, in every instance, is about a specific person, group, agency or govt trying to contain the behavior of its citizens. I won't address these restrictions since I do not want to get into a political debate right now but every side (cons, libs, Repubs, Dems, etc) do this although Libs are generally more guilty of this than others.

To conclude, I would say that you are as free as you are willing to fight for it. As soon as you decide that you want "security" over freedom, you become a slave (aka dependent) to whomever is offering you that "security". Fight the good fight. I will always do so and, if it came to it, would trade my life to help ensure freedom for others.

2006-12-28 14:40:23 · answer #3 · answered by TioDice70 3 · 1 0

Well, the first problem with your question is the fact that we are not truly free. We live with a myth of freedom in this country. Freedom is having the ability to perform the functions of your life without interference from a governing body. Our government tells us what we can and can't do, where we can and can't go, and what we can and can't say. And perhaps right now you doubt my words. But think about it, and look around. The freedom that we think exists is nothing but a myth. It is a carrot that the people that run our country (and I'm not talking about our elected officials) feed us in order to get us to obey there edicts.

Let me say this about my life. I will defend all that I believe in with everything I have, including my life. My family and my beliefs. I would willingly sacrifice myself if it meant securing the safety and happiness of my loved ones. But I would only do this for my country unless it meant also doing it for my family. And I have the greatest amount of respect for the soldiers of our nation who are willing to fight for the benefit if others. But I do not believe the government words about securing our freedom. This is nothing more than propaganda spewing forth from the mouths of politicians in order to justify the costs of war, both in money and in lives. Our soldiers deserve our support not because of the government or our country, but because they are our brothers and sisters and sons and daughters. They are allready free, and they do not have to pay that price.

2006-12-28 14:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by Sassy 3 · 0 1

My life. I am a combat vet (Iraq) and so was my father (Vietnam) and my grandfather (Japan). Growing up they convinced me to join the military and defend my country as they did and I supported what they instilled in me but until I actually set my foot into Iraq and saw how other countries are run and how poor and miserable and undeducated and living in fear other people are did I realize how much we Americans have and how fortunate we are. Now I know what me or even worse my family may be living like had veterans before me not fought for our great and envied nation to protect what we have and what we believe in.

2006-12-28 13:54:37 · answer #5 · answered by El Tigre 3 · 4 0

Define freedom, please.

If you mean freedom to live my life as I please, I don't have that. One form of government regulation or another tells me what kind of house I can live in, what kind of car I can drive, how much I must pay to keep living in said house and driving said car. I'm told what kind of clothes washer I can buy and how much fertilizer I can put on my fields. Any criminal can get a gun, but it takes me weeks and months to obtain one legally. I now have to apply for Social Security numbers for my cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and llamas, goats, sheep and any other animal. I have to report to the government if I move any of those animals and what route I take even if I ride my horse to the neighbors house.

If you mean freedom to pursue my dreams, I don't have that.
I'm not a "minority", so I don't get interest free loans, free college education, or extra points on my resume.

If you mean freedom of religion, I don't have that. The word Jesus is the foulest word on the planet. Just say it in a classroom or courthouse.

If you mean freedom of speech, I don't have that. It's only good for certain words and for certain people.

If you mean freedom to own property, I don't have that. My ranch is in the Pinon Canyon Expansion zone. While you're busily protecting the rights of Iraqis, the Department of Defense is forcing me off my private property.

Imagine, living in a "free" country where the Army comes and escorts you out of your house and off your land. Welcome to America.

I wonder if someday some army will come and protect the rights of American citizens?

2006-12-28 13:58:49 · answer #6 · answered by SLA 5 · 1 1

I've paid the price and been all I can be X's 2

Vietnam Veteran
HQ&Hq Batttery
1st BN 11th Artillery(ON TIME!)
9th Infantry Division (The Old Reliables)
Bearcat Base
Dong Tam Base
Mekong River Delta
Vietnam 1967-68

Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm 1990-91

God Bless our men and women in Uniform and on station who protect and defend our priceless freedom!

2006-12-28 13:44:08 · answer #7 · answered by ArfsaidSandy 2 · 9 0

Great question SOSFG, I like you put on the uniform each and everyday to answer the call to duty. I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice upon the alter of freedom like so many before me. If the loss of my life meant my loved ones and my country would have their freedom then let them be free.

PFC U S Army
Ft. Polk, LA

2006-12-28 13:39:39 · answer #8 · answered by ya ya 2 · 4 1

I plan on joining the Navy with a SEAL Challenge contract. I will pay as much as it takes.

2006-12-28 16:03:58 · answer #9 · answered by Curt 4 · 0 0

My son fought in Iraq and was willing to give his life for this country. As a veteran , at one time I offered my very existance to this country - then as a mother, I stood behind my son's decision with pride. That is my honest answer.

2006-12-28 13:35:21 · answer #10 · answered by Akkita 6 · 8 1

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