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I just read that the complex theological relationship between Christianity and Judaism is the root of the problem. European anti-Semitism first became a major force in medieval times, and culminated centuries later in the Nazi death camps. Why do the Muslim people feel negative toward Jews in Israel?

2006-12-28 13:23:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Anti-Semitism is being against Semitic speaking people. This includes Jews and Arabs.

This is often confused with anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism is being against Jews.

So to say an Arab person is anti-Semitic is to say they are against themselves.

2006-12-28 13:41:30 · answer #1 · answered by Layla 6 · 2 0

Well u have to read a lot more than that.

THe story begins with the arrival of a new prophet, Jesus of Nazareth. At that time, the Jews in Israel didn't accept him as the person of God. But at the same time, the Israel was in the aegis of the Roman Empire. And the Emperor at that time also detest the teaching of Jesus Christ. Because, it is against their religion which believe in god Jupiter.

As the time goes by, the influence of the teaching of Jesus spreaded. Thus, the Roman decided to kill this man. After that, they began to kill his followers and burn their Holy book.

Time after time, the mighty Roman started to stumble because its people have serious lack of morale. Killing, raping, cheating, civil wars, bribery, and so on soon began to eat the empire from inside. So the leader of the Roman empire need something to hold his empire from falling apart. The name was Constantine. And thus he got his idea to manipulate religion, particularly Christianity. So Constantine declared that he had embraced Christianity. He and his priests (appointed by himself) soon began to find the ultimate Bible. They themselves dictated which books are from the God and which are not. The rest that in their opinion didn't suffice to be called as the book of God were burnt. That's is why we see today, there is no original manuscript of the Bible. The Bible todays is the books that the (new convert) emperor and his priests dictated and write.

Later on, his son, Theodosius began to take extreme way to ensure that his father's plan succeed. He made Christian a mandatory for all his people. Those who refused will be executed. That's the story how Christianity spread throughout Europe and some part of Middle East.

As for the Christian Roman empire that was given a new breath, they started to kill the Jews because they refused to believe. So the Jews left their homeland and migrate to other countries such as Europe (like Germany), some part of Middle East (like Iran, Iraq, Egypt) and Arabia.

During the WWW2, the Nazis lead by Hitler committed murder to the Jews. Because to them , the Jews are nothing more than the cockroaches, living in other countries. Furhtermore, Hitler is a Roman Catholic. So he plan to finish what the Roman emperor start.

After the allies forces managed to win the war, they feel that Israel need a country, so that this incident (Holocaust) didn't happen again. So they took a drastic action. They (the US) took half part of the Palestine, and gave it to the Jews so that they can have their own country. The Palestinians of course won't agree with this. So the Gulf war started. Some of the Muslim countries like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, joint the Palestinians to free their country.

But it is a difficult task. Because the US sent their mighty arsenal to help the Israelis win their campaign. The Soviet Union see this as an oppurtunities to win over the US. So they supplied their weapons to the freedom fighters. Then the Europe came. Because they felt terrible for what the Germany(a European country) did, they also lend their hands to the Israel.

That's is why the Muslims feel negative toward Israel. They didn't hate Jews, but they hated the Israelis. They have Jews in their homeland, for example in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and so on. They didn't hate Jews as a whole, but only to the Zionist who occupy the Palestinian land.

2006-12-28 22:24:17 · answer #2 · answered by general 3 · 0 0

A Semite is anyone from the Middle Eastern region that is not Afrikani or Persian. Basically most Egyptians, Iraqis, Syrians, Saudis, etc. They include indiginous Hebrews, Muslims and Bedhouins.

2006-12-28 21:26:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"What is a semite ?"

Someone who speaks a semitic language- In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם, translated as "name", Arabic: سام) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Tigrinya, among others.- thus someone who hates Arabs is also an anti-semite

". Why do the Muslim people feel negative toward Jews in Israel?"

er.. why do Americans feel negative towards Al-Qaida?

er.. because they came and stole their land and expelled them from it - and btw its not just Palestininan Muslims but Palestinians Christians who were expelled and killed by the zionists so they also have a great greivance - If I came and stole your land expelled you from your house and told you God had given me your land - how would you feel about me?


2006-12-28 21:55:46 · answer #4 · answered by jewish n proud 2 · 0 0

Because the Muslims were living in Palestine (now called 'Israel') and the Israelis forced them out and took their land!

2006-12-28 21:31:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All I know is that Muslims feel Jerusalem, where Mohamed fled to heaven on a pretty white winged horse, should be under their jurisdiction. ALso the jews are not muslim, they are Jew. That says it all. SO when Iran builds its 1st nuke and the mossad blows it to bits, they will try and build another one.

2006-12-28 21:26:47 · answer #6 · answered by ConstElation 6 · 0 1

who do they love? it started from story of muhammad, when he first tried to convince chirstian and jews to follow him, most of the jews who were living in their city (Madina, now in saudi arabia, non-muslims entering it will be executed) they have power and money, they rejected him, because he is not the messiah obviously according to their teachings. muhammad got mad over the jews, and once he assasinated a rich jew poet who made a poem about muslim women. then the jews wanted to get rid of him, because he became a trouble, but muhammad already made plan and force them away from madina and took their property. now jews want to place called Khaibar, where muslims also latter attacked it, killed lots of jewish males and arrest many women, one of whom Muhammad enslaved and married her for himself. after all that, muhammad started to say in quran that every non-muslim should be fought. and this is if you read quran chronologically you ll understand that. opposite to what some muslims try to tell us today ( when they bring peaceful verse from the early days of muhammad when he was powerless).

now conflict started from that tmie. muhammad could not do same thing to christians exactly, because christians were alot more than jews, and some accepted islam. and some just killed . in the modern history this faded out and jews and arabs were living together, since islamic arabic countries became more secular. but during world war 2, tension increased between jewish immigrant to palestine and palestinians muslims and christians living there. even muslims attacked jewish civilians and killed alot, and jewish retaliated, and from that time became civil war until the independence of israel, where arabs fought israel, discriminated jews, made anti-jewish laws, forced out many jews from arab countries. denied UN decision to make palestine and israel together. Arabs want it all. now islamic leaders and arab nationalist made a big campaign of anti-jewish and israel. ended in the very much hate nowadays. but no worry, this hate destroyed our arabic countries and I think the solution is to end this hate.

2006-12-28 21:40:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

islamic people don't hate jews, islamic people in politics want the holy land for themselves, and hate the jews for being in their way.

2006-12-28 21:25:48 · answer #8 · answered by Ambiguity 3 · 0 0

Because they are GOD's elect. Nothing more. Nothing less.

2006-12-28 21:25:53 · answer #9 · answered by Bye Bye 6 · 0 1

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