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you see my boyfriend and I had been together for two years now and of course like every relationship we had our share of ups and down. 3 months ago, my boyfriend and his fguy friends had gone out to a local theme park. They met these girls there and later that night exchanged numbers with them. The very next day, my boyfriend revealed to me that he met this girl there and they had such a great connection together. According to him, if he can have a great time with that girl, who knows what he's been missing out in life since he's only 20 years old. That same day he broke it off with me. After a month of crying and trying to move on, we see each other unexpectedly at a local movie theater. We started talking again and now we're trying to work things out. How can I trust him again? Can our relationship survive knowing that he just kicked me to the curb for someone else? Should I be thankful that he told me the truth and actually broke it off before he committed infedility? Did he cheat?

2006-12-28 13:14:50 · 22 answers · asked by College GurL 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

22 answers

You guys are still young. Maybe he learned that the grass really isn't greener on the other side and what a dumb*ss he was to leave. I'd give it a try but with caution...

2006-12-28 13:20:37 · answer #1 · answered by pinniethewooh 6 · 0 0

If he did it once he will do it again. The thing is if you work things out with him, who's to say he don't meet someone else and dump you again. If he seriously cared about you that would have never happened. When you are in a relationship you don't exchange numbers and look to see if you can find something better than what you already have. If you were meant for each he wouldn't have felt the need to walk away with someone else the first time.He wouldn't have felt like he was missing out on anything if he truely cared for you. I think you are setting yourself up for heartbreak all over again. Good Luck

2006-12-28 13:25:19 · answer #2 · answered by tink19812003 3 · 0 0

He didn't cheat on you.

He had the balls to break up with you before dating other girls.

Talk to him. Find out whether he's ready to settle down and commit to you - especially since you've already spent 2 years of your life with him being unsure.

You need to consider whether this guy is really worth fighting for. Would it break your heart if 6 months down the track he changed his mind again ? Or just give him another chance and if he screws up, then move on with your life and be thankful that you haven't gone through with the expense of a wedding or kids.

The two years you've spent together is a long time. Long enough for him to know whether or not he is ready to be with you. I think he just got bored and wanted a bit of excitement. Now he's had enough fun and wants a bit of security.

Personally I wouldn't take him back. He dumps you when he meets someone more interesting. You're going to have that fear hanging over you and won't trust him when he goes out alone or with friends.

2006-12-28 13:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by midnight_lady 2 · 0 0

No he did not cheat!! He showed you some respect and broke it off, before he did anything. You have to understand that he is 20 and guys and girls have to get out there and experience different kinds of girls and guys to figure out what they really want. You should do the same thing. I wouldn't let him back too easily. Make him earn you trust all over again and be careful. If he can leave you in a instant before, he is capable of doing it again. Maybe you should date other guys to make sure you want him back.

2006-12-28 13:24:38 · answer #4 · answered by danny_austin4 4 · 0 0

You will never know for sure if he cheated or not. But at least he told you and broke it off before things went to far. If this was me in this situation, i would stay away from him. He sounds too imature for a serious relationship, i think he is mostly looking to have fun, especially since he said 'who knows what he's been missing out on' I wouldn't trust him, and i would move on. That is my advice, and my opinion. Do what you feel is right.

2006-12-28 13:20:18 · answer #5 · answered by Stark 6 · 0 0

the fact that he broke off a two year relationship with you because he met someone that he had a great time with and wanted to find out what he was missing by being with you suggests that he is selfish and immature. yes you should commend him on his honesty then inform him that he made his choice and now has to suffer the consequences there of. move on with your life and do not become his convienant past time.

2006-12-28 13:34:43 · answer #6 · answered by whitelavania 1 · 0 0

Talking to girls and thinking the grass would be greener on the other side is cheating? He did not do anything but reveal to you that he felt he may be missing something. He did this and it seems bad since you were the one to get hurt feelings. Then he relized that he was missing you and things were not as nice as they seemed they would be with out you.

2006-12-28 13:21:02 · answer #7 · answered by ronnny 7 · 0 0

I would be very careful. Once the trust has been damaged things can never really work out. Can you honestly say if you got back together that it wouldnt be in the back of your mind what he did...honestly? What will happen if he were to meet another girl he has a"connection" with?

2006-12-28 13:36:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honeychild...The man dumped you the second someone else showed interest. Most likely he's into you now because there's no one else in his life or he's just plain bored. If you get back with him, it's like telling him hey I'm in love with you and I'm willing to take your sh*t and be treated like a revolving door. Get some self esteem baby and for God's sake f*ck around a bit with other men before thinking of going back to him.

2006-12-28 13:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I wouldn't worry so much about it being cheating or not, I would just tell you to move on to someone who's truly interested in you. If you drop everything and get back together with him he will treat you just as poorly again. You deserve better hun!

2006-12-28 13:29:49 · answer #10 · answered by jamie kat 6 · 0 0

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