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I am 20 years old, and Ive come to relized that the older i get the more i think about the "meaning of life." i know im young, but lately ive been thinking about what happens to me after death?im scared that i wont ever see the ones i love after i die. im scared to know how i will die and what happens after. im scared that since i have no TRUE religion, what will happen? lately, ive been leaning towards believing more in jesus and god, but i fear, what if this is not the "truth"? im stressing over how life has an inevitable end; death. im losing sleep over thinking about this. basically im reaching out to people out there, who have felt the same as me, and what have helped them overcome this. im also asking for people to help guide me.

2006-12-28 12:51:35 · 37 answers · asked by i ♥ 7 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Creatures Must Know That Their Life Is An Organized Death

In all creatures it is seen that the babies are born, sometimes as active as their parents for example, the babies of horses start walking in minutes and chickens of the hens start eating within hours and babies of the ducks can swim after few hours of their birth
And sometimes the babies remain blind and lean for days but the leanest baby is a human baby which remains dependent for months and years and that is the first stage of mankind and at the second stage mankind starts gaining power and knowledge and overcome all the creatures and rejoice power and knowledge as a youthful creature for a maximum time and then after forty years mankind starts gaining leanness and day by day starts becoming weak and ultimately returns to the first stage of leanness and become dependent of others again and then die. The first and the third stage is the time of dependence of mankind and the second stage is the time of independence.
In these three stages there is a message of the Creator of the mankind and through this system it is revealed, one must ponder over these mega facts:

1-No one being mortal is capable to be a GOD, who is not the dependant of anyone being All Able and Almighty and who is not passing age being the Creator of time, life and death.

2-No one can claim the capability to gain time of life and can do what so ever one wants.

3-One must remain obedient of GOD even with knowledge and power bestowed because one is nothing without dependence of GOD.

4-Only GOD must be remembered as a GOD and as a GOD, GOD must be worshipped for all needs because GOD created every creature as a
needful creature and need is commanded with every part of its body and soul. GOD created needs and provisions to satisfy the needs so that the creatures call GOD for God’s mercy and so that GOD show mercy when they ask for things through worship and prayers.

To be blessed, one must follow the commandments of GOD.
Weakness to power and power to weakness, birth to life and life to death is all from GOD, the Creator of life and death and all things. Therefore, all the praise belongs to GOD Alone. It must be remembered that this life is an organized system of death and everything will perish one day to be revived according to the judgement of GOD.


The peace of companionship of GOD as a merciful GOD is thousand times more than the peace felt by a child in a mother’s lap and that is what makes a child cry even in mother’s lap when a child takes birth and it is more clear by the time when a child is taken from the peace of the mother’s lap by any one other than the mother because the child cries again.
It also means the kindness of GOD is specially bestowed on mankind because in all the creatures their babies cry not at their time of birth. Please see around and realize how GOD is loving and kind and is waiting for your return through following the commandments of GOD to be bestowed again with kindness, peace and love.


Generally, faith is what you believe, even if you do not believe in believing it will be called your faith. In the world of faith, no one is a non-believer except those who declare themselves as Non-believers of One Alone GOD, by act or by word.
To understand faith, you must understand love. Love is a feeling, which keeps on changing and shivering. Sometimes it is minimized and sometimes it is maximized. To get balanced feeling, one needs to say “I love you” to express love and all those who are in love, keep on saying ”I love you” to assure their love, time to time and moment to moment as much as the feeling demands and feeling depends upon the potence of ones love.
As you know, just saying “I love you” cannot cause peace of heart but much more is desired to convey love and to gain satisfaction. Then gifts to show love are given to the beloveds and then time and services both are rendered to the beloveds to prove loyalty of love.
If you understand what a real love is, then you can easily understand the real faith in GOD because faith in GOD is same as one’s love and to balance the soul and body everyone needs to perform the same things which are performed in love such as by saying:
“There is no god but One Alone GOD, our Lord.”
“No one is good but One Alone GOD, our Lord.”
“There is no one who is our saviour but One Alone
GOD, the saviour of all.”
And that is not enough, one must keep on thanking GOD, Praising GOD, Serving GOD and Worshipping GOD with all of one’s heart, with all of one’s soul, with all of one’s energy and to prove one’s loyalty, one must follow the commandments of GOD our Lord. If one will do all what is required in love for the faith in GOD, one will be declared as the real servant of GOD our Lord and all acts of one will prove that one honourd one’s GOD our Lord and that is what one requires for salvation.
Please keep in mind:
1- Those who act against the commandments of GOD are sinners.
2- Sinners do not honour their GOD their Lord.
3- Those who do not honour their GOD their Lord are enemies of GOD the Lord of all.
4- Enemies of GOD the Lord of all will be punished here and will be thrown in hell there, after the judgment.
Beware please, the devil calls towards sins and saviours, a way not shown by the GOD through testaments and commandments.

Faith is same for all religions and religions are the ways to follow the commandments of our GOD our Lord and the religions are the teachings to perform the acts according to the revealed books by the GOD our Lord through norms as taught by the messengers of GOD and there is no religion which teaches to perform bad deeds, commit sins and crimes except those which are Satan led.
Difference between faith and religion is simple. Faith, according to the teachings is:
1- Believe in GOD as One Alone and Only GOD.
2- Acceptance of the commandments of GOD for acts.
3- Keeping in view the Day of Judgment before and after the performance of acts.
The real religion is, in which performance of the faith is not a problem at all.
Every faith other than the faith taught by God is blind and every religion which leads to saviours and gods other than GOD is false. Blind faith and false religions will lead people to the fire of hell.
Whosoever trusts in GOD must believe in faith because faith is a concern of the creatures with GOD. And concern is shown with the obedience of GOD and the most obedient is most concerned with GOD and the most concerned with GOD is a direct slave or a servant of GOD.
Obedience of the servant according to the commandments of GOD cause peace and blessing of the GOD. Because it’s not the servant who is mercy full but GOD who gave the commandments which cause mercy. And a servant can never be equal to the master.
Prayer or worship is essential to strengthen the faith and religions are ways of doing so. Religion is required by the faith because religion teaches how to establish faith through acts according to the commandments of GOD to be a perfect slave of GOD our Lord.
Faith in GOD is a feeling concerning the link with GOD.
And religion is a way to express it by following the commandments of GOD through different norms as demanded in the revealed books which different nations follow as a word of GOD our Lord. A real believer believes in all the teachings of the messengers of GOD and follows what is required through acts for salvation.
Life is blessed as a time of prayer
Earth is blessed as a house of prayer.
And all are equal as you see, every one have two eyes, two hands etc. And GOD is Mercy full to all and is not GOD of a certain nation but belongs to every one equally. And those who seek Mercy of GOD through acts of obedience of the GOD our Lord are the best among all.

2006-12-28 18:09:53 · answer #1 · answered by knghts10 2 · 0 0

Yes it is preventable, but I don't see how it's the federal or state governments fault that these deaths occur. When my very elderly, very alert aunt was alive. She was reasonably wealthy but as with many elderly people she completely refused to even own a fan, let alone turn one on. We all offered to buy her fans but she refused and wouldn't have used it if she was given one. It wasn't as if she couldn't afford the electricty she for some reason of her own had never owned a fan or a heater of any kind. We were always fearful that she would suffer from heat stress and checked on her often. I believe one of the major reasons the elderly suffer in the heat is because they do not feel safe in their own homes and close themselves in with all doors or windows locked up tight day and night. Also many do not have family or friends who will check they're drinking enough etc. I received my quarterly electricty bill this week and when I checked I found my electricty is costing slightly less than it did for the same quarter last year. We still use the same appliances for approx the same amount of time as we did 12 months ago.

2016-03-28 22:59:09 · answer #2 · answered by Jana 4 · 0 0

If it is any consolation nobody knows the answer to these questions. People who embrace a particular faith or religion cling on that belief like a life raft and feel threatened if somebody challenges their belief, because they dont want to face the uncertainty. But as you have probably seen, religion does not offer satisfactory explanations for even the Scientific facts we know to be true, like the age of the universe and the origins of man.
Embrace the unknown it has always been that like this for makind and probably will always be so. If you can be at peace with that, then you can live life to its fullest and not worry about anything. What comes after? who knows, who cares? make the most of the time and opportunities you have.

2006-12-28 13:23:15 · answer #3 · answered by HAROLD B 1 · 0 0

Well, according to the bible, death is part of life due to sin. The bible says that the dead are conscious of nothing. Regarding dead persons, their thought perish. So what this means is a person does not exist. Not worry of fables like hell and burning.
that is truly good news.

More good news is that because of Jesus Scarface, we have an opportunity to live again. Not only did Jesus rise again but there are other examples in the Hebrew scriptures and in the acts of the apostles. So being resurrected is a real fact and not something out of the realm of possibility or a fable.

The purpose of life for us is to serve God. Since he is a happy God, he also wants his intelligent creation to live that way also.
The proof is in the accuracy of the bible, also by the prophecies that have come true over the years. Most persons can predict things, but the bible has been very specific. (stay away from numbers and codes like that). hope that helps some.

2006-12-28 13:03:38 · answer #4 · answered by fire 5 · 1 1

You should believe in Jesus because the Bible is true. God created us and sent us here to earth not knowing anything so we could find him and love him. His son Jesus is the way to get to him. Everyone who has died and came back reported seeing or coming across Jesus. He says he is the only way to God and Heaven. He is the only way to escape hell which is a real place of torment for those who reject him. Just ask Jesus to save you and live your life for him and do what he says in the Bible and you'll find out the meaning of your life and you won't have to fear death anymore.
I'll give you some links to ease your fears about death and everything.

2006-12-28 13:25:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I used to feel the same way since I decided early in my life to be an Atheist, but this is what I figured: If in the end I find out I have been wrong all my life about not believing at least I will have had great memories to remember. Rather then there really not being an after life at all as I believe now, and all my life I lived in fear.

2006-12-28 13:04:35 · answer #6 · answered by Lana 4 · 0 1

I felt this way once, and decided that since I was not complaining about being born, I shouldn't complain about dying. I believe that I wasn't here before, and I won't be after, and that's the way it is. I don't want to die, nobody does, but everyone has to die at some point. So, I just accept it as reality and focus on enjoying this one life that I have and doing as much good for others as I can.

2006-12-28 12:57:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know exactly how you feel I was going through the same fears at your age and even earlier, and I understand that you probably can't help stressing over those things and that it may even come to your mind and bother you constantly, but you can get comfort, I have done so, and you can too, feel free to email me for help and I will do my best to try to help you find peace of mind, as I know how stressful it can really be, I have learnt to accept that I could die at anytime, but knowing what I know now I am not even scared of this anymore, it does not plague me now, even though if I have the sickness that now I know that for me death could be around the corner, any day any hour, I don't think about it at all now, don't loose sleep over these questions, the answers are easy to find!Believe me your questions do have answers and can be resolved! May the true God of the universe bless your efforts to find him!!!!!!!

2006-12-28 13:10:10 · answer #8 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 0 1

You are young, and there is no need to get stressed. The journey to Faith is a journey that you will uncover by yourself. Unless, you take it in you to believe then you will believe. And you won't ask questions any more because they become irrelevant. That is what faith is all about.

About death, it is a gift. To an eternal life with God and those that have passed and gone ahead of us. I don't think you have to fear death, It will come, in any way it will find fit to come. You just have to be ready.

If you do not have a religion, it's not a big deal. I an a Christian but i do not believe that God will persecute those who are not Christians or who wouldn't convert to Christianity. I believe that as long as you live your life well, you have done no harm with intent to others, you are saved.

Admit it. In our lives, we need to have a Being greater (however each named Him) than us to look up to and send our worries to,... It is not bad to believe that God indeed exists and God indeed has a plan.

2006-12-28 13:00:21 · answer #9 · answered by coco_loco 3 · 0 1

If you follow a faith and it is not true and the Atheists are correct. You have gainned a life of caring for others and experiencing their liveds making your and theirs better.

If you follow no faith and God does exist you will be standing wiht egg upon your face answering a whole bunch of questions.

As a Christian I can tell you that though relationship wiht God and Christ I have peace about death. I am not a Damnation Christian but a follower of the one who said "Whosoever believes in me shall have everlasting life" John 3:16. There are no qualifiers in that statement except belief.

Now then you will be transformed in the way you act and think into a caring loving person if you follow Christ's teachings in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) but this is not a requirement. John 3:16 stands on it's own.

2006-12-28 13:03:11 · answer #10 · answered by mike g 4 · 1 1

Cynthia, you are stressing over a condition that God never made. You are focused on a mortal thought that doesn’t come from God, and therefore has no basis, except for a seeming reality in the human mind only. Part from gathering beliefs from lies and seek to get the truth from Truth (God). Your stress will become unknown, and you will be in your natural and normal mental state again, free from false beliefs.

2006-12-28 13:32:50 · answer #11 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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